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New cross-platform PowerShell update tool.


PSCoreUpdate supports automation update of new cross-platform PowerShell (pwsh).

Currently, PowerShell Team is planning on supporting security updates of PowerShell through Microsoft Update on Windows (#6118), but it will take some time for realization.
Homebrew Cask is now available on macOS, but the installation of Homebrew is a bit heavy.

PowerShell Team began supporting updates to PowerShell via Microsoft Update starting with PowerShell 7.2, but updates cannot be performed at any time, and there is no module that can manage release assets.

This module is a little tool to solve such inconvenience.

How to install

You can install it from PowerShell gallery.

# Using PowerShellGet
Install-Module PSCoreUpdate

# Using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet
Install-PSResource -Name PSCoreUpdate

Upgrade from version 2

If you use PSCoreUpdate version 2 or earlier, please uninstall all version first.

Uninstall-Module PSCoreUpdate -AllVersions
Install-Module PSCoreUpdate

Note : PSCoreUpdate version.3 has many breaking changes.

First-time installation

This module is for updating PowerShell.
So, the first-time installation must be performed manually.

You can use the official installation script.

Invoke-Expression "& { $(Invoke-RestMethod '') } -UseMSI -Quiet"



Check if the current console is the latest version.

PS C:\> Test-LatestVersion
No updates. PowerShell 7.4.3 is the latest version.

If you use preview release PowerShell, you can use -Release Preview parameter.

PS C:\> Test-LatestVersion -Release Preview

if you use LTS version PowerShell, you can can use -Release LTS parameter.

PS C:\> Test-LatestVersion -Release LTS


Update PowerShell if the newer version found.

PS C:\> Update-PowerShellRelease -Latest


If you want to update preview release, you can use -Release Preview parameter.

PS C:\> Update-PowerShellRelease -Latest -Release Preview

if you use LTS version PowerShell, you can can use -Release LTS parameter.

PS C:\> Update-PowerShellRelease -Latest -Release LTS

You can do silent install with -Silent switch parameter.

PS C:\> Update-PowerShellRelease -Latest -Silent
  • This cmdlet supports only Windows and macOS.
    You can use a package management tool like yum, apt etc. on Linux.


Find PowerShell release information from GitHub.


This function uses GitHub REST API Version 2022-11-28.

PS C:\> Find-PowerShellRelease -MaxItems 10

Version Name                          Published           PreRelease
------- ----                          ---------           ----------
7.4.3   v7.4.3 Release of PowerShell  2024/06/18 23:13:56 False
7.4.2   v7.4.2 Release of PowerShell  2024/04/11 23:07:12 False
7.4.1   v7.4.1 Release of PowerShell  2024/01/11 23:08:30 False
7.4.0   v7.4.0 Release of PowerShell  2023/11/16 17:06:48 False
7.3.12  v7.3.12 Release of PowerShell 2024/04/11 22:57:39 False
7.3.11  v7.3.11 Release of PowerShell 2024/01/11 22:01:05 False
7.3.10  v7.3.10 Release of PowerShell 2023/11/16 17:05:59 False
7.3.9   v7.3.9 Release of PowerShell  2023/10/26 17:57:23 False
7.3.8   v7.3.8 Release of PowerShell  2023/10/10 17:15:04 False
7.3.7   v7.3.7 Release of PowerShell  2023/09/19 16:28:10 False

New features from version.3

Find-PowerShellRelease stores local in-memory cache for 10 minutes.
If you don't want use cache, use -NoCache parameter.

Find-PowerShellRelease -MaxItems 10 -NoCache

-VersionRange parameter is added instead of -MinimumVersion, -MaximumVersion.
This parameter follows Nuget version range syntax.

PS C:\> Find-PowerShellRelease -VersionRange "[7.3,7.4]"

Version Name                          Published           PreRelease
------- ----                          ---------           ----------
7.4.0   v7.4.0 Release of PowerShell  2023/11/16 17:06:48 False
7.3.12  v7.3.12 Release of PowerShell 2024/04/11 22:57:39 False
7.3.11  v7.3.11 Release of PowerShell 2024/01/11 22:01:05 False
7.3.10  v7.3.10 Release of PowerShell 2023/11/16 17:05:59 False
7.3.9   v7.3.9 Release of PowerShell  2023/10/26 17:57:23 False
7.3.8   v7.3.8 Release of PowerShell  2023/10/10 17:15:04 False
7.3.7   v7.3.7 Release of PowerShell  2023/09/19 16:28:10 False
7.3.6   v7.3.6 Release of PowerShell  2023/07/13 22:39:48 False
7.3.5   v7.3.5 Release of PowerShell  2023/06/27 23:21:50 False
7.3.4   v7.3.4 Release of PowerShell  2023/04/13 18:37:36 False
7.3.3   v7.3.3 Release of PowerShell  2023/02/24 1:22:55  False
7.3.2   v7.3.2 Release of PowerShell  2023/01/24 19:34:31 False
7.3.1   v7.3.1 Release of PowerShell  2022/12/13 16:17:08 False
7.3.0   v7.3.0 Release of PowerShell  2022/11/09 0:37:40  False


Find PowerShell build status.

PS C:\> Find-PowerShellBuildStatus -All

Version         Release ReleaseDate
-------         ------- -----------
7.4.3           Stable  2024/06/18 23:26:06
7.5.0-preview.3 Preview 2024/05/28 18:13:56
7.4.3           LTS     2024/06/18 23:26:06


Find PowerShell support status.


This function uses raw data on GitHub.

# Find all versions
PS C:\> Find-PowerShellSupportStatus

Version Is EOS  EOS Date
------- ------- --------
7.4     False   2026/11/10
7.3     True    2024/05/08
7.2     False   2024/11/08
7.1     True    2022/05/08
7.0     True    2022/12/03
6.2     True    2020/09/04
6.1     True    2019/09/28
6.0     True    2019/02/13

# Find supported version only
PS C:\> Find-PowerShellSupportStatus -ExcludeEOS

Version Is EOS EOS Date
------- ------ --------
7.4     False  2026/11/10
7.2     False  2024/11/08


Download PowerShell release assets.

PS C:\> Save-PowerShellAsset -Latest -AssetType MSI_WIN64 -OutDirectory .\

The types of assets are as follows.

Value Asset
HASHES_SHA256 hashes.sha256
MSI_WIN32 [PowerShell version]-win-x86.msi
MSI_WIN64 [PowerShell version]-win-x64.msi
MSI_ARM64 [PowerShell version]-win-arm64.msi
MSIXBUNDLE [PowerShell version]-win.msixbundle
PKG_OSX [PowerShell version]-osx-x64.pkg
PKG_OSXARM64 [PowerShell version]-osx-arm64.pkg
RPM_CM [PowerShell version]-cm.x86_64.rpm
RPM_CMARM64 [PowerShell version]-cm.aarch64.rpm
RPM_RH [PowerShell version]-rh.x86_64.rpm
DEB_DEB64 [PowerShell version]-deb_amd64.deb
TAR_LINUXARM32 [PowerShell version]-linux-arm32.tar.gz
TAR_LINUXARM64 [PowerShell version]-linux-arm64.tar.gz
TAR_LINUXALPINE64 [PowerShell version]-linux-(musl|alpine)-x64.tar.gz
TAR_LINUX64FXDEPENDENT [PowerShell version]-linux-x64-fxdependent.tar.gz
TAR_LINUXALPINE64FXDEPENDENT [PowerShell version]-x64-(musl-noopt|alpine)-fxdependent.tar.gz
TAR_LINUX64 [PowerShell version]-linux-x64.tar.gz
TAR_OSX [PowerShell version]-osx-x64.tar.gz
TAR_OSXARM64 [PowerShell version]-osx-arm64.tar.gz
ZIP_WINARM64 [PowerShell version]
ZIP_WIN32 [PowerShell version]
ZIP_WIN64 [PowerShell version]
ZIP_WINFXDEPENDENT [PowerShell version]

Old release assets

  • These assets are not available from the latest version.
Value Asset
MSIX_WIN32 [PowerShell version]-win-x86.msix (Currently unreleased #13284)
MSIX_WIN64 [PowerShell version]-win-x64.msix (Currently unreleased #13284)
MSIX_WINARM32 [PowerShell version]-win-arm32.msix (Currently unreleased #13284)
MSIX_WINARM64 [PowerShell version]-win-arm64.msix (Currently unreleased #13284)
PKG_OSX1011 [PowerShell version]-osx.10.11-x64.pkg
PKG_OSX1012 [PowerShell version]-osx.10.12-x64.pkg
RPM_RHEL8 [PowerShell version]-centos.8.x86_64.rpm
RPM_RHEL7 [PowerShell version]-rhel.7.x86_64.rpm
DEB_DEBIAN8 [PowerShell version]-debian.8_amd64.deb
DEB_DEBIAN9 [PowerShell version]-debian.9_amd64.deb
DEB_DEBIAN10 [PowerShell version]-debian.10_amd64.deb
DEB_DEBIAN11 [PowerShell version]-debian.11_amd64.deb
DEB_UBUNTU14 [PowerShell version]-ubuntu.14.nn_amd64.deb
DEB_UBUNTU16 [PowerShell version]-ubuntu.16.nn_amd64.deb
DEB_UBUNTU17 [PowerShell version]-ubuntu.17.nn_amd64.deb
DEB_UBUNTU18 [PowerShell version]-ubuntu.18.nn_amd64.deb
DEB_UBUNTU20 [PowerShell version]-ubuntu.20.nn_amd64.deb
APPIMAGE [PowerShell version]-x86_64.AppImage
WIXPDB32 [PowerShell version]-win-x86.wixpdb
WIXPDB64 [PowerShell version]-win-x64.wixpdb
ZIP_WINARM32 [PowerShell version] (Removed in PowerShell 7.4 Preview.5 #20102)