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Zawayix Falconer edited this page Aug 7, 2015 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the gateway3dwest wiki!

How to get involved

  • Check for any upcoming goals below where you think you might be able to contribute or provide feedback, or just fork the project and do your own thing

Current Synopsis

  • "Spelunky-style" random dungeons action adventure
  • Will have same basic design theme as 2D for now
  • First person
  • Will have some sort of couch-based multiplayer

Upcoming Goals

8/19/2015 meetup

  • Add support for n number of local players
  • Add player Stats (Health, etc) (Current version has this, feel free to expand/improve)
  • Add a simple HUD for Stats (Current version has this, feel free to expand/improve)
  • Add something to interact with that can damage you
  • Experiment with TileMaster - Available for free on Unity Asset Store by Randy from the community
  • Possibly: discuss communication tools and feature tracking alternatives

Past Goals

8/3/2015 Meetup

  • Get something moving when you press buttons
  • Determine some possible ways to go that we can decide on next time (Add an "Issue" on the right-hand pannel to suggest ideas to be voted on by the community at the next event)