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139 lines (132 loc) · 5.88 KB

File metadata and controls

139 lines (132 loc) · 5.88 KB

nmond Roadmap

0.1 -- betas

  • Initial work-in-progress builds (progress towards v0.2)

0.2 -- MVP

  • ✓ APP: Make [GUI portion of] the program run without /proc files
    • ✓ Remove code for special cases (IFDEFs)
    • ✓ Get data from sysctl and other system calls
    • ✓ Pull out UI elements (refactor)
    • ✓ Streamline main()
  • ✓ APP: Create long output for:
    • ✓ cpu
    • ✗ mem (this is not, or should not be, very interesting)
    • ✓ disk
    • ✓ net
  • ✓ GUI: Update layout, text, and color (see:
    • ✓ Improve spacing
      • ✓ CPU Load
      • ✓ CPU Long-Term
      • ✓ Top [processes]
    • ✓ Improve header line (simplify, remove redundant information)
      • ✓ Remove version number
      • ✓ Remove blinking "H for help" (prehaps replace with alert messages)
      • ✓ Move hostname over and change wording
      • ✓ Change refresh rate wording
    • ✓ Display splash screen when nothing is selected
    • ✗ Only update changed portions of windows rather than recreating entire windows each pass
    • ✓ CPU Load: remove top/bottom graph bars
    • ✓ CPU Load: increase number of divisions on scale
    • ✓ CPU L-T: remove top/bottom graph bars, move legend to top line (begins with "CPU")
    • ✗ Move titles to the left side
    • ☐ Cross refference:
  • ☐ GUI: Allow for window scrolling (up/down arrows and mouse)
    • ✓ Scroll window
    • ☐ update scroll position when above screen pane is hidden
    • ☐ properly update long-term graphs (requires saving hiostrical data)
    • ☐ stop scolling when the bottom is reached
    • ☐ prevent flicker on rapid scroll (e.g. with mouse wheel)
  • ☐ APP: restructure command options (lower-case for horizontal graph, upper-case for vertical graph)
    • ☐ a -- All-in-one display (cpu long + disk + mem + net + top) <= shortcut to my preferences ;-)
    • ☐ A -- All-in-one raw data display
    • ✓ b => b -- black & white mode
    • ✓ c => c -- CPU Load
    • ✓ l => C -- CPU Load, long-term
    • ✓ d => d -- Disk I/O
    • ✓ D -- Disk I/O, long-term
    • ☐ j => f -- Filesystems (JFS)
    • ☐ N => F -- Filesystems (NFS)
    • ☐ g -- (removed: user defined disk groups)
    • ✓ h => h -- help
    • ✓ H => H -- help
    • ✓ r => i -- Info A
    • ☐ I -- Info B
    • ☐ k => k -- Kernel Stats
    • ✓ L -- (removed: large memory)
    • ✓ m => m -- Memory & Swap
    • ✗ M -- Memory & Swap
    • ✓ n => n -- Network
    • ✓ N -- Network, long-term
    • ☐ o => o -- Disk busy map
    • ✓ q => q -- quit
    • ✓ r -- Top (sort by mem)
    • ✓ R -- Top (sort by mem), show command arguments
    • ✓ t => t -- Top (sort by CPU)
    • ✓ u => T -- Top (sort by CPU), show command arguments
    • ☐ V => v -- Virtual Memory
    • ☐ v => w -- warn mode
    • ✓ x -- (removed: exit)
    • ✓ 0 => z -- (removed: zero out peak markers, N/A)
    • ✓ 0 -- (removed: sort by)
    • ✓ 1 -- (removed: sort by)
    • ✓ 2 -- (removed: sort by)
    • ✓ 3 -- (removed: sort by)
    • ✓ 4 -- (removed: sort by)
    • ✓ 5 -- (removed: sort by)
    • ✓ + => + -- double refresh rate
    • ✓ - => - -- half refresh rate
    • ✓ . -- (removed: minimal display)
    • ✓ ? => ? -- help
  • ✓ APP: Static analysis
    • ✗ Valgrind checks (not working properly on El Capitan)
    • ✓ scrutinize all malloc
    • ✓ scrutinize all strcpy -- use strncpy or strlcpy (OpenBSD)
    • ✓ scrutinize all strcat -- use strncat or strlcat (OpenBSD)
    • ✓ scrutinize all printf
    • ✓ scrutinize all scanf -- use fgets
    • ✓ scrutinize all gets -- use fgets
    • ✓ make sure variables are nulled after free to prevent double free (e.g. free(x); x = NULL;)
  • ✓ APP: Read environemnt variables
    • ✓ Read new NMOND environment variable (process as if it contained key presses)
    • ✓ Read old NMON environment variable and translate it
  • ☐ APP: Read command line arguments
  • ✓ APP: Create a manpage
  • ✓ APP: Clean out dead (reference) code
  • ☐ APP: Create dedicated branch for dev



  • ☐ INF: Read/Display CPU frequency (vs min and max)
  • ☐ INF: Read/Display HDD/CPU/GPU temperature


  • ☐ APP: Add 'logging to an external file' capabilities back
  • ☐ APP: Full logging system: automatically roll up data for different intervals (hour/day/week/month)
  • ☐ APP: Pipe logged data in to stdin for replay (and generate averages at different intervals)
  • ☐ APP: Pipe logged data in to stdin to show period averages and/or totals (as appropriate)
  • ☐ APP: Visual/Audio alerts for alarm levels (temperature, sustained utliization, etc.)


  • ☐ INF: Add GPU load stats
  • ☐ GUI: Optional log scale
  • ☐ GUI: add disk I/O below long CPU output
  • ☐ GUI: Use ncurses progress bars for vertical bars
  • ☐ GUI: CPU L-T: follow processes, show their usage in the graph
  • ☐ GUI: CPU L-T: drop top-bar down (show gap) when cpu speed is decreased
  • ☐ GUI: CPU L-T: generalize chart so that it can be used for other data sets
  • ☐ GUI: CPU L-T: show last data (faded, behind) for each bar in the graph (doubles visible data points)
  • ☐ GUI: CPU L-T: show candlestick chart instead of bar graph
  • ☐ APP: Port to other BSDs
