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Supplemental material for the article "Variable Order Fractional Fokker-Planck Equations derived from Continuous Time Random Walks"

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Supplemental material

Also see:

  • My Blogpost with a one page introduction to fractional diffusion
  • The pdf version of the article, available here and on the arXiv
  • The published paper at Physica A

Simulation of trajectories for variable order fractional diffusion

The paper derives a “Variable Order Fractional Fokker-Planck Equation”, which has the strange property that a global change in the time-scale (e.g. measure time in minutes instead of seconds) induces locally different changes in the dynamics. To check that the equation is consistent, we calculate (an approximation of) the solution at two different time scales, (T_0 = 1) and (T_0 = 10).

Helper functions

The inverse tail function of the waiting times:

invTailPsi <- function(q, beta = 0.7, theta = 0, c=1){
    (gamma(1-beta) * c * q)^(-1/beta)

Waiting times are simulated via inverse transform sampling:

drawT <- function(x) invTailPsi(q = runif(1), beta = beta(x), c = c)

Given drift and diffusivity functions (a(x)) and (b(x)), jumps are simulated via

drawJ <-
    function(x) {
    n = 1,
    mean = b(x) / (timescale ^ beta(x) * c),
    sd = sqrt(a(x) / (timescale ^ beta(x) * c))

Given a vector of times endTimes (e.g. 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8), this function returns the location of one CTRW trajectory at these times (first column) and the number of steps taken in the time interval ((0, \text{endTime})) (second column).

propagateCTRW <- function(startLocation, endTimes){
    steps <- 0
    endTimes <- sort(endTimes)
    endLocations <- numeric(0)
    endSteps <- numeric(0)
    t <- 0
    x <- startLocation
    t <- t + drawT(x)
    for (tEnd in endTimes){
        while(t < tEnd){
            x <- x + drawJ(x)
            t <- t + drawT(x)
            steps <- steps + 1
        endLocations <- c(endLocations, x)
        endSteps <- c(endSteps, steps)
    return(cbind(endLocations, endSteps))

Global parameters

beta <- function(x) 0.525 + 0.45 * atan(x/0.2)/pi
a <- function(x) 2
b <- function(x) dnorm(x, 0, 0.2)
c <- 200
tEnd <- 2^(c(-3, 0, 3, 6))
# initialize the arrays storing the output of propagateCTRW
ensemble1 <- array(dim=c(0,length(tEnd),2))
ensemble2 <- array(dim=c(0,length(tEnd),2))
num_trajectories <- 10000

At scale (T_0 = 1)

This block generates a number of trajectories and appends their values to ensemble1. Run it multiple times if more trajectories are needed.

timescale <- 1
startX <- 0

more <- mclapply(X = rep(startX, num_trajectories), 
         FUN = function(x) propagateCTRW(startLocation = startX, 
                                         endTimes = tEnd * timescale), 
         mc.cores = detectCores())
more <- laply(.data = more, .fun = function(slice) slice)

ensemble1 <- abind::abind(ensemble1, more, along=1)

if (mean(ensemble1[,1,2]) < 30) print("Careful: not enough steps. Increase c.")

At scale (T_0 = 10)

Identical to the above block. Run multiple times if more trajectories needed.

timescale <- 10
startX <- 0

more <- mclapply(X = rep(startX, num_trajectories), 
         FUN = function(x) propagateCTRW(startLocation = startX, 
                                         endTimes = tEnd * timescale), 
         mc.cores = detectCores())
more <- laply(.data = more, .fun = function(slice) slice)

ensemble2 <- abind::abind(ensemble2, more, along=1)
if (mean(ensemble2[, 1, 2]) < 30)
    print("Careful: not enough steps. Increase c."

Comparing the densities

ensemble1 and ensemble2 contain the positions of the walkers at the times 0.125, 1, 8, 64 and 1.25, 10, 80, 640. Apply the kernel density estimator density() from the stats package and plot

  1. the density of ensemble1 and
  2. the difference ensemble2 - ensemble1:

from = -6
to = 8
n = 512

ensemble_to_matrix <- function(ensemble) {
    d <- density(ensemble, from = from, to = to, n = n)
y1 <- apply(ensemble1[ , ,1], 2, ensemble_to_matrix) %>%
names(y1) <- c("t = 1/8", "t = 1", "t = 8", "t = 64")
y2 <- apply(ensemble2[ , ,1], 2, ensemble_to_matrix) %>%
names(y2) <- names(y1)
x <- density(ensemble1[,1,1], from = from, to = to, n = n)$x
density_df <- cbind(x, y1)
density_df$panel <- "density"
diff_df <- cbind(x, y2-y1)
diff_df$panel <- "difference"

p_dens <- rbind(density_df, diff_df) %>%
    reshape2::melt(c("x", "panel")) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = x, y = value, colour = variable)) + 
    geom_line()  + ylab("") + 
    facet_grid(panel ~ ., scales = "free")


And this is what the coefficients look like:

p_coef <- tibble(x = x, b = b(x), a = a(x), beta = beta(x)) %>%
    reshape2::melt("x") %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = x, y = value, colour = variable)) + geom_line()



Supplemental material for the article "Variable Order Fractional Fokker-Planck Equations derived from Continuous Time Random Walks"







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