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Robblog -- A robot blogging tool

Robblog is a tool which converts entries from the mongodb_store into blog posts for Jekyll. It runs as a ros node and provides its own web server, binding to a host and port of your choice.


Robblog currently uses Jekyll (version 2) to generate pages. To install the dependencies under Ubuntu 14.04 do:

sudo apt-get ruby1-dev nodejs
sudo -E gem install jekyll -v 2.5.3

On OS X do:

brew install ruby nodejs
gem install jekyll -v 2.5.3


Robblog has two parts: clients which add robblog/RobblogEntry entries to mongodb_store, and the blog engine which creates blog posts from these entries.

Running the Robblog engine

The configuration information that you need to run Robblog is as follows: mongodb_store collection to monitor for new entries; the path on the system where Jekyll will create your blog; and the hostname and port to server the webblog at. The code snippet below shows how to create and configure your blog. In this example mongodb_store collection is provided as an argument EntryConverter ('robblog'), the system path is the blog_path variable which is defined relative to the y1_interfaces package (roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir('y1_interfaces') + '/content'), and the host details are obtained from local parameters if provided.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import rospy
import roslib
import robblog
import robblog.utils

from datetime import *

if __name__ == '__main__':

    server_host = rospy.get_param("~host_ip", "")
    server_port = rospy.get_param("~port", "4000")

    # where are the blog files going to be put
    blog_path = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir('y1_interfaces') + '/content'
    # initialise blog

    # and start serving content at this place
    proc = robblog.utils.serve(blog_path, server_host, server_port)

        converter = robblog.utils.EntryConverter(blog_path=blog_path, collection='robblog')
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():

    except Exception, e:

Adding entries

To add entries to robblog, clients should add instances of the robblog/RobblogEntry message type to mongodb_store (usually via the message store proxy). The message type is simply:

string title
string body

The title is translated into the title of the blog post and the name of the markdown file containing the post in the Jekyll install. The body should be Markdown.

Rules for creating entries

Title choice

To march Jekyll's structuring rules, each entry is converted into a file which is named using the date (YYYY-MM-DD) plus the title (with spaces converted to hyphens). If you create two entries on the same day with the same title this will only create one blog entry in Jekyll, despite their being two different entries in mongodb_store. Until Robblog is updated to fix this, if you do plan to create muliple entries with the same title on the same day, it might be worth adding a counter or some other unique characters to the title.

Illegal characters

As titles are turned into filenames, you need to avoid illegal characters. Currently no sanitisation is done. As far as seen, characters within the body of the entry are fine.


Images can be included in entries. To include one, you must add the image to mongodb_store, retaining the object ID you receive in response. You can then use standard Markdown image inclusion, but replace the image URL with the object ID wrapped in ObjectID(), e.g.

[My helpful screenshot](ObjectID(5367e93d54a6f7f69297335e))

This ID is used to automatically create a jpeg image to include in the blog post.


The following example (also available in full here) adds a few entries to mongodb_store then serves them. Once you've run this go to http://localhost:4040 and you should see the blog entries.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import rospy
import roslib
from mongodb_store.message_store import MessageStoreProxy
from mongodb_store_msgs.msg import StringPair
from robblog.msg import RobblogEntry
import robblog.utils
import cv2
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image
from cv_bridge import CvBridge, CvBridgeError
import os
from datetime import *

if __name__ == '__main__':

    blog_collection = 'example_blog'

    # Create some blog entries
    msg_store = MessageStoreProxy(collection=blog_collection)

    create_entries = True

    robblog_path =  roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir('robblog') 

    if create_entries:
        e1 = RobblogEntry(title='Test Title 1', body='blah blah')
        e2 = RobblogEntry(title='Test Title 2', body='blah blah')
        e3 = RobblogEntry(title='Test Title 3', body='blah blah')

        # add a complex markdown example
        with open(robblog_path + '/data/' , 'r') as f:
            e4 = RobblogEntry(title='Markdown Example',
            # print e4

        # add an example with an image
        cv_image = cv2.imread(robblog_path + '/data/rur.jpg')
        bridge = CvBridge()
        img_msg = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(cv_image)
        img_id = msg_store.insert(img_msg)
        e5 = RobblogEntry(title='Image Test', body='This is what a robot looks like.\n\n![My helpful screenshot](ObjectID(%s))' % img_id)
        e5.front_matter = [StringPair('category', 'test')]

    serve = True

    if serve:
        # where are the blog files going to be put
        blog_path = os.path.join(robblog_path, 'content')
        # initialise blog
        proc = robblog.utils.serve(blog_path, 'localhost', '4040')

            converter = robblog.utils.EntryConverter(blog_path=blog_path, collection=blog_collection)

            while not rospy.is_shutdown():
                # supply True convert to force all pages to be regenerated

        except Exception, e: