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Parse and Format Date and Time in Erlang

This library implements basic functionality to parse and format date and time in Erlang.



The datestring module exposes three functions for parsing:

  • parse_date/2
  • parse_time/2
  • parse_datetime/2

All three functions take a format string as the first argument. The second argument should be a string containing the date to be parsed.

Note that time is not returned as a standard time-tuple ({H, M, S}), but a tuple containing a time-tuple and microseconds as an integer.


{ok,{2012,12,24}} = datestring:parse_date("Y-m-d", "2012-12-24").

{ok,{{23,12,0},0}} = datestring:parse_time("I:M P", "11:12 p.m.").

{ok,{{2012,12,24},{{23,12,0},0}}} =
    datestring:parse_datetime("Y-m-d H:M", "2012-12-24 23:12").

{error,invalid_date} = datestring:parse_date("Y-m-d", "2012-13-24").

{error,no_match} = datestring:parse_date("d-m-Y", "2012-12-24").

Formatting Dates

  • format/2

Format tuple containing date and/or time (with or without microseconds) according to a format string. format/2 takes a format string as it's first argument. The second argument can be either one of:

  • A tuple containing a date ({2012, 12, 24}).
  • A tuple of two tuples (time and microseconds) ({{23, 12, 0}, 0}).
  • A tuple of two tuples (date and time) {{2012, 12, 24}, {23, 12, 0}})
  • A tuple of two tuples (date and time+ms) {{2012, 12, 24}, {{23, 12, 0}, 0}})


{ok,"2012-12-24"} = datestring:format("Y-m-d", {2012, 12, 24}).

{ok,"11:59 p.m."} = datestring:format("I:M P", {{23, 59, 30}, 0}).

{ok,"Monday, 24th December 2012"} =
    datestring:format("A, eo B Y", {2012, 12, 24}).

{ok,"2012-12-24 at 13:12"} =
    datestring:format("Y-m-d \\a\\t H:M", {{2012, 12, 24}, {13, 12, 32}}). 

Conversion Specification

The format used to parse and format dates closely resembles the one used in strftime()1. The most notable exception is that meaningful characters are not prefixed with a percentage sign (%) in datestring.

Characters not matching a conversion specification will be copied to the output verbatim when formatting and matched against input when parsing. Meaningful characters can be escaped with a backslash (\).

Character Sequence Parsing Formatting Description
a Yes* Yes Abbreviated weekday name ("Mon", "Tue")
A Yes Yes Weekday name ("Monday", "Tuesday")
b Yes* Yes Abbreviated month name ("Jan", "Feb")
B Yes* Yes Month name ("January", "February")
d Yes Yes Day of month with leading zero ("01", "31")
e Yes Yes Day of month without leading zero ("1", "31")
F No Yes ISO 8601 date format (shortcut for "Y-m-d")
H Yes Yes Hour (24 hours) with leading zero ("01", "23")
I Yes Yes Hour (12 hours) with leading zero ("01", "11")
k Yes Yes Hour (24 hours) without leading zero ("1", "23")
l Yes Yes Hour (12 hours) without leading zero ("1", "11")
m Yes Yes Month with leading zero ("1", "12")
M Yes Yes Minute with leading zero ("00", "59")
n Yes Yes Month without leading zero ("1", "12")
o Yes Yes Ordinal number suffix abbreviation (st, nd, rd, th)
p Yes* Yes AM/PM
P Yes* Yes a.m./p.m.
R No Yes The time as H:M (24 hour format) ("23:59")
S Yes Yes Seconds with leading zero ("00", "59")
T No Yes The time as H:M:S (24 hour format) ("23:49:49")
u Yes Yes Microseconds, 6 digits with leading zero ("000034")
y Yes** Yes Year without century ("02", "12")
Y Yes Yes Year including century ("2002", "2012")
z Yes No UTC offset (+0100, +01:00, +01, -0100, -01:00, -01)
Z Yes No Abbreviated timezone (UTC, GMT, CET etc)

* Case-insensitive when parsing

** Falls back on current century of system when parsing years without century.

Current Status

I wrote this library a ages ago. It was left forgotten in the darkest corners of my hdd until recently, when I needed to parse dates in a new project.

Everything has been working fine for the formats I've thrown at it, but the library needs more extensive testing. I'm also not sure about the API design.

Anyway, a little todo-list:

  • More testcases.
  • Convert TZ -> offset (probably just a translation table).
  • Format offset (three notations "+HH", "+HHMM" and "+HH:MM") and TZs.
  • Maybe add locale to the mix.
  • Add specs, refactor a little, re-order patterns etc.


Parse and format date and time in Erlang






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