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File metadata and controls

1615 lines (1264 loc) · 84.2 KB


Elassandra Enterprise is an Elasticsearch plugin installed on top of Elassandra community edition. Elassandra Enterprise plugin provides advanced features:

  • Elasticsearch JMX management and monitoring.
  • SSL encryption for Elasticsearch connections.
  • Authentication, Authorization and Accounting for Elasticsearch.
  • Elasticsearch Content-Based security (document-level security and field-level security).

If you are currently running a Cassandra cluster, you can progressively switch to Elassandra Enterprise by upgrading and activating Elasticsearch features:

  • First switch to strapdata-cassandra, a fork of cassandra modified to support Elasticsearch.
  • Second, restart nodes with Elasticsearch enabled (change the java main class).
  • Third, create Elasticsearch indicies with a per table Elasticsearch mapping.
  • And finally, deploy the Elassandra Enterprise plugin on your nodes to enable enterprise grade features.



The Elassandra Enterprise plugin must be installed on all Elassandra nodes:

  • Unzip the strapdata-enterprise-<version>.zip in a temporary directory.
  • If you have installed the elassandra tarball, set CASSANDRA_HOME to your install directory.
  • Run the script.
  • Enable some enterprise features in your conf/elasticsearch.yaml (For example add jmx.enabled: true)
  • Start (or restart) your node.

To check that your Strapdata Enterprise plugin is active:

GET _nodes/plugins?pretty
"plugins" : [
       "name" : "org.apache.cassandra.service.ElassandraDaemon$ElassandraPlugin",
       "version" : "NA",
       "description" : "classpath plugin",
       "classname" : "org.apache.cassandra.service.ElassandraDaemon$ElassandraPlugin",
       "extended_plugins" : [ ],
       "has_native_controller" : false,
       "requires_keystore" : false
       "name" : "strapdata-plugin",
       "version" : "",
       "description" : "Strapdata Enterprise plugin version",
       "classname" : "com.strapdata.elasticsearch.plugin.EnterprisePlugin",
       "extended_plugins" : [ ],
       "has_native_controller" : false,
       "requires_keystore" : false


If is recommended to always run the same Elassandra Enterprise plugin as your Elassandra version. So after an Elassandra upgrade, reinstall the Elassandra Enterprise plugin in the same version.

If you run in a container, the strapdata/elassandra-enterprise docker image has the Enterprise plugin installed.

License management

Enterprise plugin requires a valid license. When you start your first node with the Enterprise plugin enabled, a 30 days license is generated with all features enabled. If you need more time to evaluate the product, you can request another 30 day license free of charge or purchase a souscription including technical support for Elassandra. If your license has expired, the enterprise plugin will operate in a restricted mode until a valid license is installed.

.. cssclass:: table-bordered

Feature Description Restricted mode
JMX JMX monotoring of Elasticsearch indices Node restart required to see new index metrics, JMX attributes become read-only
SSL SSL encryption of Elasticsearch connections  
AAA User Authentication, Authorization and Audit Node restart required to reload users'privileges, no more audit trails.
CBS Content-Based Security rules Node restart required to reload users'privileges.


If the number of nodes of licensed datacenters becomes greater than your license maximum number of nodes, then the license becomes invalid on all your nodes.

License installation

Licenses are stored in a Cassandra table elastic_admin.licenses. You can also put a conf/license.json file, this file is automatically loaded at boot time if elastic_admin.licenses is empty.

cassandra@cqlsh> select * from elastic_admin.licenses;

 id                                   | clustername | company | datacenters | email           | expire                          | features                     | generated                       | issuer    | maxnodes | production | signature                                                                                      | start                           | type
 bbbef903-bbea-401d-838d-faf696e53547 | TestCluster | thecorp |     ['DC1'] | contact@thecorp | 2018-10-01 22:00:00.000000+0000 | ['JMX', 'SSL', 'AAA', 'CBS'] | 2017-10-02 13:23:09.227000+0000 | Strapdata |        3 |      False | 0x302c02141404c757c3d0e387a8f6194669d5b0a677fbb82102145b88c2785ffabc26b3aa9df72ba03b65f4a829fe | 2017-10-01 22:00:00.000000+0000 | TRIAL

Checking your license

You can use the REST license API to check the currently active license. If your current configuration requires SSL encryption and user authentication, you must provide a valid login, password and root CA certificate.

$ curl --user <username>:<password> --cacert conf/cacert.pem -XGET "https://localhost:9200/_license?pretty"
  "id" : "bbbef903-bbea-401d-838d-faf696e53547",
  "issuer" : "Strapdata",
  "company" : "thecorp",
  "email" : "contact@thecorp",
  "generated" : "2017-10-02T13:23:09.227Z",
  "start" : "2017-10-01T22:00:00.000Z",
  "expire" : "2018-10-01T22:00:00.000Z",
  "production" : false,
  "max_nodes" : 3,
  "cluster_name" : "TestCluster",
  "datacenters" : [
  "type" : "TRIAL",
  "features" : [
  "status" : "valid",
  "signature" : "0x302c02141404c757c3d0e387a8f6194669d5b0a677fbb82102145b88c2785ffabc26b3aa9df72ba03b65f4a829fe"

Upgrading your license

You can update your licence by inserting additional license row in the Cassandra elastic_admin.licenses table.

cassandra@cqlsh> INSERT INTO elastic_admin.licenses JSON '{"id":"bb0a181c-dbc6-4255-8d69-67b6e1d276ce","issuer":"Strapdata","company":"thecorp","email":"contact@thecorp","type":"TRIAL","features":["JMX","SSL","AAA"],"production":false,"generated":"2017-09-26 09:10:15.604Z","start":"2017-09-25 22:00:00.000Z","expire":"2018-09-25 22:00:00.000Z","clustername":"TestCluster","datacenters":["DC1"],"maxnodes":1,"signature":"0x302d02140b49e8c00b3606c66fe22378acb1ab781410460d02150092b666041dd97887b7d624fd6a12bbd434a955ed"}';

Then reload the license with a POST REST request as shown below, each node returns to its active license If you have several licenses in elastic_admin.licenses, the most recenlty generated valid license will be used.

$ curl --user <username>:<password> --cacert <path/to/cacert.pem> -XPOST "https://localhost:9200/_license?pretty"
  "_nodes" : {
    "total" : 2,
    "successful" : 2,
    "failed" : 0
  "cluster_name" : "TestCluster",
  "nodes" : {
    "d607917d-8c68-4cc5-8dc2-2aa21f5ea986" : {
      "name" : "",
      "license_id" : "bbbef903-bbea-401d-838d-faf696e53547"
    "a1c5307c-5f5a-4676-a6f0-50f221dd655b" : {
      "name" : "",
      "license_id" : "bbbef903-bbea-401d-838d-faf696e53547"


If you have several Elasticsearch clusters in your Cassandra cluster, reload the license for each datacenter where Elasticsearch has been enabled.

Index Join on Partition Key

Elassandra Enterprise supports query time join accross Elasticsearch indices under these two conditions:

  • Elasticsearch indexes must have the same Cassandra keyspace and same partition key (same columns in the same order with same key validators).
  • When partition key is composite, doc_values must be enabled on the _routing metafield.

Join query syntax

The join query requires an inner FROM index and a query. The following query returns the documents from index1 having the partition key of documents in index2 returned by the inner query. Of course, this is meaningfull when index1 has no clustering key.

GET /index1/_search
   "query": {
      "join" : {
         "index" : "index2",
         "score_mode" : "avg",
         "query" : {

The join query allows recusive join accross many indices sharing the same partition key by combining the join and bool queries:

GET /index1/_search
            "must": [
               { ... },
               { "join":{
                  "query":{ ... }


A join query is not a relational join where the fields from the inner join queries are returned in the results. It's more like an SQL query SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ... IN (SELECT ... FROM ...).

Join query example

In this example, we create three tables with the following CQL orders:

  • The books table, where the UUID of a book is the partition and primary key.
  • The citations and edition tables with compound primary key.

Those three tables share the same single partition key, the book UUID, in the same keyspace example. Because data distribution is driven by the same partition key, joining many Elasticsearch shards on each node is consistent.

CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS example WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'DC1' : 1 };

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS example.books (books uuid PRIMARY KEY, title text, author text);
INSERT INTO example.books (books, title, author) VALUES (278078aa-095f-4aec-a048-a138f5071431, 'A Brief History of Time', 'Stephen Hawking');
INSERT INTO example.books (books, title, author) VALUES (7c592b75-475c-420d-980b-f035e1252787, 'The Universe in a Nutshell', 'Stephen Hawking');
INSERT INTO example.books (books, title, author) VALUES (f1662d47-afe7-4273-8544-d7663dcb7498, 'Relativity', 'Albert Einstein');
INSERT INTO example.books (books, title, author) VALUES (72cc85db-4ec1-455a-b893-e884607b3f9f, 'The World as I See It', 'Albert Einstein');

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS example.citations (books uuid, id uuid, words text, PRIMARY KEY (books, id));
INSERT INTO example.citations (books, id, words) VALUES (278078aa-095f-4aec-a048-a138f5071431, 0c46578e-4dcf-46d3-9136-8a2da187b8eb, 'Quiet people have the loudest minds.');
INSERT INTO example.citations (books, id, words) VALUES (278078aa-095f-4aec-a048-a138f5071431, f14942d8-281f-4835-813d-09254a0d70d8, 'Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.');
INSERT INTO example.citations (books, id, words) VALUES (278078aa-095f-4aec-a048-a138f5071431, f9e3b0ba-2c52-484e-911e-d2e633baf41c, 'I don''t think the human race will survive the next thousand years, unless we spread into space.');
INSERT INTO example.citations (books, id, words) VALUES (f1662d47-afe7-4273-8544-d7663dcb7498, 72cc85db-4ec1-455a-b893-e884607b3f9f, 'Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.');
INSERT INTO example.citations (books, id, words) VALUES (f1662d47-afe7-4273-8544-d7663dcb7498, 70986be4-e586-4560-9405-12c290e9e0ab, 'If you can''t explain it to a six year old, you don''t understand it yourself.');

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS example.editions (books uuid, editor text, isbn text, available boolean, PRIMARY KEY ((books), editor));
INSERT INTO example.editions (books, editor, isbn, available) VALUES (278078aa-095f-4aec-a048-a138f5071431, 'Bantam Press', '0857501003', true);
INSERT INTO example.editions (books, editor, isbn, available) VALUES (7c592b75-475c-420d-980b-f035e1252787, 'Bantam Press', '9780593048153', false);
INSERT INTO example.editions (books, editor, isbn, available) VALUES (f1662d47-afe7-4273-8544-d7663dcb7498, 'Penguin Classics', '0143039822', false);
INSERT INTO example.editions (books, editor, isbn, available) VALUES (f1662d47-afe7-4273-8544-d7663dcb7498, 'GENERAL PRESS', 'B00R86QABW', false);
INSERT INTO example.editions (books, editor, isbn, available) VALUES (72cc85db-4ec1-455a-b893-e884607b3f9f, 'Filiquarian Publishing', '1599869659', false);

We create three Elasticsearch indices backed by theses 3 tables in the example keyspace:

PUT /books
  "settings":{ "index.keyspace":"example" },
        "title":{"type":"text", "cql_collection":"singleton"},
        "author":{"type":"text", "cql_collection":"singleton"},
        "books":{"type":"keyword", "cql_collection":"singleton","cql_partition_key":"true", "cql_primary_key_order":"0"}
PUT /citations
  "settings":{ "index.keyspace":"example" },
        "books":{"type":"keyword", "cql_collection":"singleton","cql_partition_key":"true", "cql_primary_key_order":"0"},
        "id":{"type":"keyword", "cql_collection":"singleton","cql_partition_key":"false", "cql_primary_key_order":"1"},
        "words":{"type":"text", "cql_collection":"singleton"}
PUT /editions
  "settings":{ "index.keyspace":"example" },
        "books":{"type":"keyword", "cql_collection":"singleton","cql_partition_key":"true", "cql_primary_key_order":"0"},
        "editor":{"type":"text", "cql_collection":"singleton","cql_partition_key":"false", "cql_primary_key_order":"1"},
        "isbn":{"type":"text", "cql_collection":"singleton"},
        "available":{"type":"boolean", "cql_collection":"singleton"}

We can search for books that have a citation containing the word minds:

GET /books/_search?pretty
        "match":{ "words":"minds" }
  "took" : 8,
  "timed_out" : false,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 3,
    "successful" : 3,
    "skipped" : 0,
    "failed" : 0
  "hits" : {
    "total" : 2,
    "max_score" : 1.0,
    "hits" : [
        "_index" : "books",
        "_type" : "books",
        "_id" : "f1662d47-afe7-4273-8544-d7663dcb7498",
        "_score" : 1.0,
        "_source" : {
          "books" : "f1662d47-afe7-4273-8544-d7663dcb7498",
          "author" : "Albert Einstein",
          "title" : "Relativity"
        "_index" : "books",
        "_type" : "books",
        "_id" : "278078aa-095f-4aec-a048-a138f5071431",
        "_score" : 1.0,
        "_source" : {
          "books" : "278078aa-095f-4aec-a048-a138f5071431",
          "author" : "Stephen Hawking",
          "title" : "A Brief History of Time"

Through a recusive join query, we can search for books that have a citation containing the word mind and available from table editions:

GET /books/_search?pretty
            "must": [
               { "match":{ "words":"minds"}},
               { "join":{
                  "query":{ "term": { "available":"true" }}
  "took" : 7,
  "timed_out" : false,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 3,
    "successful" : 3,
    "skipped" : 0,
    "failed" : 0
  "hits" : {
    "total" : 1,
    "max_score" : 1.0,
    "hits" : [
        "_index" : "books",
        "_type" : "books",
        "_id" : "278078aa-095f-4aec-a048-a138f5071431",
        "_score" : 1.0,
        "_source" : {
          "books" : "278078aa-095f-4aec-a048-a138f5071431",
          "author" : "Stephen Hawking",
          "title" : "A Brief History of Time"

JMX Managment & Monitoring

The JMX technology provides a standard solution for managing and monitoring java applications. With the JMX feature, you can manage and monitor both Cassandra and Elasticsearch.

JMX Monitoring

The JMX feature of Elassandra Enterprise exposes Elasticsearch stats over JMX, allowing monitoring the Elasticsearch cluster, index shards, threadpool and networks activities. You can browse these metrics with various JMX clients lsuch as VisualVM or jmxterm.

JMXTerm example :

java -jar jmxterm-1.0.0-uber.jar -l localhost:7199
$>domain org.elasticsearch.index
#domain is set to org.elasticsearch.index
$>bean org.elasticsearch.index:name=sales_2017,scope=search,type=IndexShard
#bean is set to org.elasticsearch.index:name=sales_2017,scope=search,type=IndexShard
$>get *
#mbean = org.elasticsearch.index:name=sales_2017,scope=search,type=IndexShard:
QueryTotal = 21;
FetchTotal = 0;
ScrollTotal = 0;
QueryTimeInMillis = 56038;
QueryCurrent = 0;
FetchTimeInMillis = 0;
FetchCurrent = 0;
ScrollTimeInMillis = 0;
ScrollCurrent = 0;
SuggestCount = 0;
SuggestTimeInMillis = 0;
SuggestCurrent = 0;

These metrcis can be pulled, or pushed to various tools (graphite, ganglia or influxdb) using the popular Metrics Library embedded in Apache Cassandra.

Monitoring Elassandra with InfluxDB

Below is a sample configuration located in conf/influxdb-reporting.yaml sending JMX metrics to an InfluxDB database named elassandra.

  dbName: 'elassandra'
  protocol: 'http'
    environment: 'test'
    cluster: 'test_cluster'
    host: 'vm1'
    - host: 'vm1'
      port: 8086
  timeunit: 'SECONDS'
  period: 60
  prefix: ''
  groupGauges: true

To enable this configuration, add JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Dcassandra.metricsReporterConfigFile=influxdb-reporting.yaml" in your conf/


When installing the Elassandra Enterprise plugin, the following jar files are added to the cassandra classpath :

Then configure Grafana with an influxDB datasource and build your Elassandra dashboard.


Monitoring Elassandra with Prometheus

Prometheus can scrape both Elasticsearch and Cassandra JMX metrics through the standrard Prometheus JMX Exporter running as a java agent. To expose these metrics on TCP port 7500, add the following in your environnment or in the conf/

JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -javaagent:agents/jmx_prometheus_javaagent-0.3.1.jar=7500:conf/jmx_prometheus_exporter.yml"

Here is the default JMX exporter configuration file conf/jmx_prometheus_exporter.yml for Elassandra.

lowercaseOutputName: true
lowercaseOutputLabelNames: true
whitelistObjectNames: [
#blacklistObjectNames: ["org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=ColumnFamily,*"]
  - pattern: org.apache.cassandra.metrics<type=(Connection|Streaming), scope=(\S*), name=(\S*)><>(Count|Value)
    name: cassandra_$1_$3
      address: "$2"
  - pattern: org.apache.cassandra.metrics<type=(ColumnFamily), name=(RangeLatency)><>(Mean)
    name: cassandra_$1_$2_$3
  - pattern:<type=(FailureDetector)><>(DownEndpointCount)
    name: cassandra_$1_$2
  - pattern: org.apache.cassandra.metrics<type=(Keyspace), keyspace=(\S*), name=(\S*)><>(Count|Mean|95thPercentile)
    name: cassandra_$1_$3_$4
      "$1": "$2"
  - pattern: org.apache.cassandra.metrics<type=(Table), keyspace=(\S*), scope=(\S*), name=(\S*)><>(Count|Mean|95thPercentile)
    name: cassandra_$1_$4_$5
      "keyspace": "$2"
      "table": "$3"
  - pattern: org.apache.cassandra.metrics<type=(ClientRequest), scope=(\S*), name=(\S*)><>(Count|Mean|95thPercentile)
    name: cassandra_$1_$3_$4
      "type": "$2"
  - pattern: org.apache.cassandra.metrics<type=(\S*)(?:, ((?!scope)\S*)=(\S*))?(?:, scope=(\S*))?, name=(\S*)><>(Count|Value)
    name: cassandra_$1_$5
      "$1": "$4"
      "$2": "$3"
  - pattern: org.elasticsearch.cluster<name=([a-zA-Z_ 0-9]+)><>(MetadataVersion|ClusterStateVersion|NumberOfPendingTasks|MaxTaskWaitTimeMillis|AliveNodeCount|DeadNodeCount)
    type: GAUGE
    name: elasticsearch_cluster_$2
  - pattern: org.elasticsearch.node<type=(transport)><>(\w*)
    name: elasticsearch_node_$1_$2
  - pattern: org.elasticsearch.node<type=(threadPool), name=(\S*)><>(\w*)
    name: elasticsearch_node_$1_$3
    type: GAUGE
      "name": $2
  - pattern: org.elasticsearch.node<type=(httpServer)><>(\w*)
    type: COUNTER
    name: elasticsearch_node_$1_$2
    type: GAUGE
  - pattern: org.elasticsearch.index<type=(Index), name=(\S*)><>(IndexStatusCode)
    type: GAUGE
    name: elasticsearch_$1_$3
      "name": $2
  - pattern: org.elasticsearch.index<type=(IndexShard), scope=(\S*)><>(\w*InBytes)
    type: GAUGE
    name: elasticsearch_$1_$3
      "scope": $2
  - pattern: org.elasticsearch.index<type=(IndexShard), scope=(\S*)><>(\w*)
    type: COUNTER
    name: elasticsearch_$1_$3
      "scope": $2
  - pattern: org.elasticsearch.index<type=(IndexShard), name=(\S*), scope=(\S*)><>(\w*InBytes)
    type: GAUGE
    name: elasticsearch_$1_$4
      "index": $2
      "scope": $3
  - pattern: org.elasticsearch.index<type=(IndexShard), name=(\S*), scope=(\S*)><>(\w*)
    type: COUNTER
    name: elasticsearch_$1_$4
      "index": $2
      "scope": $3

Then configure Grafana with a Prometheus datasource and build your Elassandra dashboard.


Monitoring Elassandra through the Prometheus Operator

When running Elassandra Enterprise under Kubernetes, you can use the Prometheus-Operator <>`_ to monitor your Elassandra PODs.

Add the following annotations to automatically scrap Elassandra pods:

Add the following kubernetes labels to your Elassandra PODs:

release: "my-release"
cluster: "my-cluster"
datacenter: "DC1"

If you deploy Elassandra through the Elassandra HELM chart <>`_, the release label is automatically added to your Elassandra PODs.

In your Prometheus Operator (in HELM values.yaml, prometheusSpec.additionalScrapeConfigs), add the following scrap config to properly map Kubernetes pod's labels to Grafana dashboard variables:

    - job_name: 'kubernetes-pods'
      - role: pod
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
        action: keep
        regex: true
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
        action: replace
        target_label: __metrics_path__
        regex: (.+)
      - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
        action: replace
        regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
        replacement: $1:$2
        target_label: __address__
      - action: labelmap
        regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
        action: replace
        target_label: kubernetes_namespace
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
        action: replace
        target_label: kubernetes_pod_name
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
        action: replace
        target_label: instance

As the result, check that your Elassandra PODs have the expected tags in your Prometheus targets (release, cluster, datacenter and instance).

Finally, upload the elassandra-kubernetes-dashborad.json through the Grafana import wizard.

Enable/Disable search on a node

The JMX feature allows excluding/including a node from distributed search while still receiving CQL write, repairing or rebuilding its elasticsearch indices, by setting the following attributes on the JMX Bean org.elasticsearch.node:type=node

.. cssclass:: table-bordered

JMX Attribute Default value Description
SearchEnabled true Set wether or not the node is invloved in distributed search queries from other nodes. When SearchEnabled is false on a node, all its shards are seen UNASSIGNED from other nodes.
AutoEnableSearch true If true, the node automatically set SearchEnabled to true when it becomes available, participating to distributed search queries. In order to restart a node in a maintenance mode for search requests, you can set AutoEnableSearch to false with the system property es.auto_enable_search.

To set SearchEnabled on command line, just use jmxterm as in the following exemple.

echo "set -b org.elasticsearch.node:type=node SearchEnabled false" | java -jar jmxterm-1.0.0-uber.jar -l localhost:7199

SSL Network Encryption

The SSL Feature provides trafic encryption for both HTTP and Elasticsearch transport connections.


Elasticsearch transport protocol is the native binary protocol used for Elasticsearch node-to-node communication. You can also use the transport protocol from a client application written in java, as described in the elasticsearch documentation.

SSL configuration is defined in your conf/cassandra.yaml for both Cassandra and Elasticsearch :

  • Server options define node-to-node encryption for both Cassandra and Elasticsearch. Obviously, Elasticsearch transport connections are encrypted when internode_encryption is set to all or rack (there is no elasticsearch cross-datacenter traffic).
  • Client options define client-to-node encryption to request both Cassandra and Elasticsearch. If optional is true, Elasticsearch will accept the clear connections for HTTP and transport request.

To ensure support for all encryption algorithms, it is highly recommended to install the JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction policy files on all nodes.

Here an illustrattion of a SSL configuration in your conf/cassandra.yaml file :

# Enable or disable inter-node encryption
# Default settings are TLS v1, RSA 1024-bit keys (it is imperative that
# users generate their own keys) TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA as the cipher
# suite for authentication, key exchange and encryption of the actual data transfers.
# Use the DHE/ECDHE ciphers if running in FIPS 140 compliant mode.
# NOTE: No custom encryption options are enabled at the moment
# The available internode options are : all, none, dc, rack
# If set to dc cassandra will encrypt the traffic between the DCs
# If set to rack cassandra will encrypt the traffic between the racks
# The passwords used in these options must match the passwords used when generating
# the keystore and truststore.  For instructions on generating these files, see:
    internode_encryption: all
    keystore: /etc/cassandra/.keystore.jks
    keystore_password: changeit
    truststore: /etc/cassandra/.truststore.jks
    truststore_password: changeit
    # More advanced defaults below:
    protocol: TLSv1.2
    # algorithm: SunX509
    # store_type: JKS
    # require_client_auth: true

# enable or disable client/server encryption.
    enabled: true
    # If enabled and optional is set to true encrypted and unencrypted connections are handled.
    optional: true
    keystore: /etc/cassandra/.keystore.jks
    keystore_password: changeit
    require_client_auth: true
    # Set trustore and truststore_password if require_client_auth is true
    truststore: /etc/cassandra/.truststore.jks
    truststore_password: changeit
    # More advanced defaults below:
    protocol: TLSv1.2
    # algorithm: SunX509
    # store_type: JKS


If paths to keystores are relative, you could faced an issue when starting Elassandra from another directory than the installed directory. You should use the absolute keystore paths to avoid such an issue.

Elassandra nodes certificates should have the following X509 v3 extensions to work properly with HTTPS clients:

ObjectId: Criticality=false
ExtendedKeyUsages [

ObjectId: Criticality=true
KeyUsage [

Moreover, SSL/TLS hostname verification requires that the requested hostname matches the certificate subject common name, or at least one of the Subject Alternative Names`<>`_ (SANs). In order to use the same certificate for all elassandra nodes, add a wildcard SAN to your certificate and use a matching DNS name to connect to the elassandra nodes. Usually, localhost and are also included in the SANs to allow local connections.

Elasticsearch SSL configuration

SSL for Elasticsearch is actived according to the following settings in your conf/elasticsearch.yml :

.. cssclass:: table-bordered

Setting Default Description
https.enabled false Enable HTTPS on client-to-node Elasticsearch connections
ssl.transport.enabled false Enable SSL on Elastisearch transport connections (node-to-node connections)

Once HTTPS is enabled, accessing your Elasticsearch cluster requires the HTTPS protocol and a trusted certificate to validate the server side certificate :

curl -XGET --cacert conf/cacert.pem "https://localhost:9200/my_index/_search"

You can also check your SSL configuration with a GET /_sslinfo request.

curl -XGET --cacert conf/cacert.pem "https://localhost:9200/_sslinfo"
   "https_protocol" : "TLSv1.2",
   "https_cipher" : "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384"

If client encryption is enabled in your conf/cassandra.yaml, and require_client_auth=true, a client certificate is required to connect to elasticsearch nodes.

curl -XGET --cacert conf/cacert.pem --key client.key.pem --pass <private_key_pass> --cert client.crt.pem "https://localhost:9200/_sslinfo"
   "https_protocol" : "TLSv1.2",
   "https_cipher" : "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384"

When using curl, if NSS database <>`_ is installed on your system, make sure your private key file is PKCS1 (or RSA). If it's not the case, convert your PKCS8 private key file to a PKCS1 with the following command:

openssl rsa -in client.key.pem -out client.rsakey.pem


In order to enable SSL/TLS encryption without any downtime, you'll need first to deploy keystores and enable TLS/SSL for cassandra only on all nodes in a rolling restart, then enable SSL for elasticsearch in your conf/elasticsearch.yml in a second rolling restart. Finally, enable internode SSL/TLS client authentication in a third rolling restart by configuring server_encryption_options.require_client_auth: true (If this is configured before SSL/TLS for Elasticsearch is enabled, Elasticsearch sub queries won't be able to reach some nodes).

JMX traffic Encryption

Enable SSL for JMX by setting the following parameters.



Once SSL is enabled on JMX, nodetool utility will require the --ssl option.

Authentication and Authorization

Elasticsearch authentifcation and autorization are based on the Cassandra internal Authentication and Role-Based Access Control, allowing getting an homogeneous security policy.

Authenticated search request through CQL

In order to propagate Cassandra authentication to Elasticsearch when searching through the CQL driver, use the EnterpriseElasticQueryHandler by adding the following system property to your and restart your nodes :

JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Dcassandra.custom_query_handler_class=org.elassandra.index.EnterpriseElasticQueryHandler"

Cassandra internal authentication

To enable Cassandra authentication, set the following settings in your conf/cassandra.yaml, and restart your node :

authenticator: PasswordAuthenticator
authorizer: CassandraAuthorizer

Once the authentication is enabled, create a new Cassandra superuser to avoid issue with the default "Cassandra" superuser (Authentication with the Cassandra superuser requires QUORUM nodes to be available in your cluster), and change the default Cassandra password.

ALTER ROLE cassandra WITH PASSWORD='******';

Then configure the replication factor for the system_auth keyspace according to your cluster configuration (see Configure Native Authentication). Finally, adjust roles and credential cache settings and disable JMX configuration of authentifcation and authorization cache.

Cassandra LDAP authentication

The Cassandra LDAPAuthenticator provides external LDAP authentication for both Cassandra and Elasticsearch access.

For performance reasons, the LDAPAuthenticator tries first to authenticate users through the Cassandra PasswordAuthenticator. If local authentication failed, the Cassandra LDAPAuthenticator search for the username in the LDAP directory and tries to bind with the provided password.

To enable Cassandra LDAP user authentication, set the following settings in your conf/cassandra.yaml :

authorizer: CassandraAuthorizer
authenticator: com.strapdata.cassandra.ldap.LDAPAuthenticator
role_manager: com.strapdata.cassandra.ldap.LDAPRoleManager

Update the $CASSANDRA_CONF/ file according to your LDAP configuration:

# For extra settings, see
# Ldap server URI including the base search DN.
# Specify ldaps when using a secure LDAP port (strongly recommended)
# see
ldap_uri: ldaps://localhost:636/

# Service user distinguished name. This user will be a SUPERUSER and be used for looking up
# user details on authentication.
service_dn: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org
service_password: password

# User search base distinguished name and filter pattern
user_base_dn: dc=example,dc=org
user_filter: (cn={0})

# When storing password in cache, store a hashed copy. Note this will have a performance impact as the password will need to be hashed on each authentication.
# If false, password will be stored in memory on the Cassandra server as plain text and you should ensure appropriate security controls to mitigate risk of compromise of LDAP passwords.
cache_hashed_password: true

Add the following system property in your JVM options:


Restart Elassandra nodes.

When LDAP user authentication succeed, the associated Cassandra role is automatically created with the user distinguished name:

$ cqlsh -u alice -p *****
[cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra | CQL spec 3.4.4 | Native protocol v4]
Use HELP for help.
cassandra@cqlsh> list roles;

 role                       | super | login | options
                  cassandra |  True |  True |        {}
 cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org |  True |  True |        {}
 cn=alice,dc=example,dc=org | False |  True |        {}

Cassandra permissions or elasticsearch privileges (in table elastic_admin.privileges) can be granted to these LDAP roles, but usually, it's preferable to assign permissions and privileges to a base role, and grant LDAP users to this role. In the following example, the role logstash is autorized to manage elasticsearch indicies matching the regex 'logstash-.*' and LDAP user alice inherits this role:

CREATE ROLE logstash WITH LOGIN = false;
INSERT INTO elastic_admin.privileges (role, actions, indices) VALUES ( 'logstash', 'indices:.*','logstash-.*');
GRANT logstash TO 'cn=alice,dc=example,dc=org';


By default, the LDAPAuthenticator relies on the JSSE (Java Socket Secure Extension) SSL implementation supporting some customization. You can specify the LDAP trusted root certificated by setting the system property

You can also specify your own SSLSocketFactory through the JNDI property java.naming.ldap.factory.socketjava.naming.ldap.factory.socket. Strapdata provides a com.strapdata.cassandra.ldap.TrustAllSSLSocketFactory for tests purposes allowing to accept any root certificates.

For tests, hostname verification can also be disabled by setting the system property com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.disableEndpointIdentification to true.

Elasticsearch Authentication, Authorization and Content-Based Security

Elasticsearch authentication settings are defined in conf/elasticsearch.yml. To be effective, these settings must be the same on all the nodes of a Cassandra datacenter.

.. cssclass:: table-bordered

Setting Default Description
aaa.enabled false Enable Elasticsearch authentication and authorization. true By default, a rejected HTTP request returns with a 403 code, meaning access is forbidden. When prompt is configured, rejected anonymous HTTP requests return a code 401 this prompt in the authorization header. ${cluster_name} authentication required Prompted realm when HTTP authentifcation is required.
aaa.user_header   When user is already authenticated by an HTTP proxy, you can define the HTTP header name used to carry the cassandra user's name used to execute an elasticsearch request. To avoid security breach, you should properly restrict unauthenticated access to Elassandra when using such mechanism.
aaa.anonymous_user   Defines the cassandra user's name used to execute unauthenticated request. If undefined, unauthenticated requests are rejected.
aaa.shared_secret Base64 encoded cluster name Shared secret used to tag authorized requests on the coordinator node. This should be a confidential per datacenter secret.
cbs.enabled false Enable or disable Content-Based Security.


Elasticsearch user authentication requires HTTPS. (User authentication without HTTPS is not supported).

In order to grant an Elasticsearch request, Elassandra will check two levels of access rights :

  1. First, Elassandra will look for a privilege matching your Elasticsearch request in the Cassandra table elastic_admin.privileges.
  2. If no privilege matches and request is related to indices, Elassandra will look for a Cassandra permission associated with the user's roles.


Privileges are defined in the Cassandra table elastic_admin.privileges.

CREATE TABLE elastic_admin.privileges (
   role text,
   actions text,
   indices text,
   fields set<text>,
   query text,
   PRIMARY KEY (role, actions, indices)
  • role: The user's role.
  • actions: Regular expression defining the authorized actions.
  • indices: Regular expression defining the authorized target indices. If null, all indices backed by keyspaces associated to the role.
  • fields: List of visible fields of documents when the Content-Base Security is enabled. The support wilcards, for example foo* will match all fields starting by foo. If your request matches multiple privileges, returned document will contain all associated fields.
  • query: Filter query when Content-Base Security is enabled. If your request matches multiple privileges, returned document are filtered with all queries.


  • Cassandra roles with superuser = true have full access to Elasticsearch.
  • All cluster-level access should be granted the user privileges.
  • Content-Based Security should be used with read-only accounts.


To authorize Elasticsearch template and pipeline management and allow creation of indices with for example name kubernetes_cluster.* for user fluentbit, add the following privileges:

  • INSERT INTO elastic_admin.privileges (role,actions,indices) VALUES ('fluentbit','cluster:monitor/nodes/info','.*');
  • INSERT INTO elastic_admin.privileges (role,actions,indices) VALUES ('fluentbit','cluster:admin/ingest/pipeline/put','.*');
  • INSERT INTO elastic_admin.privileges (role,actions,indices) VALUES ('fluentbit','indices:.*','kubernetes_cluster.*');


Cassandra permission associated to a role are granted or revoked as shown below :


 role      | username  | resource         | permission
 cassandra | cassandra |     <role sales> |      ALTER
 cassandra | cassandra |     <role sales> |       DROP
 cassandra | cassandra |     <role sales> |  AUTHORIZE
    sales |      sales | <keyspace sales> |     MODIFY

(4 rows)

cassandra@cqlsh> REVOKE SELECT ON KEYSPACE sales FROM sales;

Cassandra permissions associated to a role are mapped into Elasticserach Document and Indices APIs as follows.

.. cssclass:: table-bordered

Cassandra privilege Cassandra Permissions Elasticsearch Action Elasticsearch API
CREATE CREATE KEYSPACE and CREATE TABLE in any keyspace. indices:admin/create Create Index
ALTER ALTER KEYSPACE and ALTER TABLE in any keyspace. indices:admin/mapping indices:admin/alias indices:admin/template indices:admin/settings/update Put Mapping Index Alias Index Templates Update Indices Settings
DROP DROP KEYSPACE and DROP TABLE in any keyspace. indices:admin/delete Delete Index
EXECUTE Execute operations on any Elasticsearch indices associated to the granted keyspaces. indices:admin/refresh indices:admin/flush indices:admin/optimize indices:admin/open indices:admin/close indices:admin/cache/clear indices:admin/analyze Refresh Flush Force Merge Open Index Close Index Clear Cache Analyze
DESCRIBE Retrieve stats about Elasticsearch indices associated with the granted mbeans. indices:monitor/stats indices:monitor/segments Indices Stats Indices Segments
SELECT SELECT on any table. indices:data/read/.* indices:admin/get indices:admin/exists indices:admin/types/exists indices:admin/mapping indices:admin/mappings/fields/get All document reading API Get Index Indices Exists Type Exists Get Mapping Get Field Mapping
MODIFY INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE on any table. indices:data/write/.* All document writing API

Privilege caching

For performance reasons, the Elasticsearch privilege table is cached into the memory, according the following settings in conf/elasticsearch.yml :

.. cssclass:: table-bordered

Setting Default Description
aaa.privilege_cache_expire 1h Privlege cache entry TTL
aaa.privilege_cache_size 1024 Privilege cache max entries.

When changing a privilege in elastic_admin.privileges, you should clear the cache with the follwing REST request to put the change into effect on available nodes :

curl -XPOST --user admin:admin --cacert conf/cacert.pem "https://localhost:9200/_aaa_clear_privilege_cache?pretty"
  "_nodes" : {
    "total" : 2,
    "successful" : 2,
    "failed" : 0
  "cluster_name" : "TestCluster",
  "nodes" : {
    "d607917d-8c68-4cc5-8dc2-2aa21f5ea986" : {
      "name" : ""
    "a1c5307c-5f5a-4676-a6f0-50f221dd655b" : {
      "name" : ""

If you just want to invalidate the privilege cache for some roles, you can just specify the roles :

POST _aaa_clear_privilege_cache?pretty&roles=sales,kibana"


If you are running multiple Elasticsearch clusters in your Cassandra cluster, you should clear the privilege cache on each datacenter where Elasticsearch has been enabled.


Application UNIT Tests

Elassandra Unit helps you writing isolated JUnit tests in a Test Driven Development style with an embedded Elassandra instance.


In order to execute authenticated Elasticsearch queries through CQL with Elassandra unit:

  • Set the system property cassandra.custom_query_handler_class to org.elassandra.index.EnterpriseElasticQueryHandler.
  • Add the following test dependencies to your project.

Maven configuration:



Gradle configuration:

dependencies {
   test 'com.strapdata.elasticsearch.plugin:strapdata-plugin:${elassandra.version}'
   test 'com.strapdata.elasticsearch.plugin:strapdata-core:${elassandra.version}'

Secured Transport Client

The elasticsearch transport protocol used for the inter-node communication can be used directly from your java application (deprecated). It is very efficient as it does not have to deal with the JSON serialzation. Strapdata provides a SSL transport client to work with a secured Elassandra cluster :

  1. If your Elassandra cluster requires user authentification, check that your user have access to the cluster topology with the Nodes Info API (action cluster:monitor/nodes/info).
  2. Add the ssl-transport-client.jar and its dependencies in your CLASSPATH.
  3. Add the desired configuration to your client settings, including SSL settings as shown in the following example.
  4. Add an ssl.transport_client_credential containing username:password to monitor the cluster state. This account must be authorized to do cluster:monitor/state and cluster:monitor/nodes/liveness in the elastic_admin.privileges table.
CREATE ROLE monitor WITH PASSWORD = 'monitor' AND LOGIN = true;
INSERT INTO elastic_admin.privileges (role, actions,indices) VALUES('monitor','cluster:monitor/state','.*');
INSERT INTO elastic_admin.privileges (role, actions,indices) VALUES('monitor','cluster:monitor/nodes/liveness','.*');

#. Add an Authorization header to your client containing your based-64 encoded login and password. This account must have the appropriate Cassandra permissions or privileges in the elastic_admin.privileges table.

import com.strapdata.elasticsearch.plugins.ssl.PreBuiltSslTransportClient;

TransportClient client = new PreBuiltSslTransportClient(Settings.builder()
     .put("", "myClusterName")
     .put("ssl.transport.enabled", true)
     .put("ssl.truststore.path", "/path/to/truststore.jks")
     .put("ssl.truststore.password", "******")
     .put("ssl.transport_client_credential", "monitor:password")   // Add credential to monitor Elasticsearch
 .addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(InetAddress.getByName("localhost"), 9300))

 // Add user credential to request Elasticsearch
 client.filterWithHeader(Collections.singletonMap("Authorization", PreBuiltSslTransportClient.encodeBasicHeader("bob","password")));

Available security settings for the secured transport client for Elassandra :

.. cssclass:: table-bordered

Setting Default Description
ssl.transport.enabled false Enable SSL on transport connections.
ssl.algorithm SunX509 Algorithm used to manage keys and certificates.
ssl.storetype JKS Crytptographic stores file format.
ssl.trust_all_cert false Trust all certificates
ssl.truststore.path conf/.truststore Path to your truststore.
ssl.truststore.password cassandra Truststore password.
ssl.protocol TLSv1.2 Secure protocol.
ssl.ciphers JCE default SSL Cipher suite
ssl.require_client_auth false Enable SSL client authentication.
ssl.keystore.path conf/.truststore Path to your keystore when using SSL client authentication.
ssl.keystore.password cassandra Truststore password when using SSL client authentication.
ssl.require_endpoint_verification false Enable server hostname verification.
ssl.transport_client_credential   login:password used to monitor the Elasticsearch cluster state.

Multi-user Kibana configuration

Kibana needs a dedicated kibana account to manage the kibana configuration, with the CREATE, ALTER, MODIFY, SELECT cassandra permissions.

CREATE ROLE kibana WITH PASSWORD = '*****' AND LOGIN = true;
CREATE KEYSPACE "_kibana" WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'DC1':'1'};
GRANT ALTER ON KEYSPACE "_kibana" TO kibana;

 role   | username | resource           | permission
 kibana |   kibana | <keyspace _kibana> |     CREATE
 kibana |   kibana | <keyspace _kibana> |      ALTER
 kibana |   kibana | <keyspace _kibana> |     SELECT
 kibana |   kibana | <keyspace _kibana> |     MODIFY

Add cluster monitoring the access rights to the kibana user, and refresh the privileges cache.

INSERT INTO elastic_admin.privileges (role,actions,indices) VALUES ('kibana','cluster:monitor/.*','.*');
SELECT * FROM elastic_admin.privileges;

 role   | actions            | indices | fields | query
 kibana | cluster:monitor/.* |      .* |   null |  null

Finally, Kibana user accounts must have :

  • the SELECT permission on vizualized indices, especially on your default kibana index.
  • the SELECT permission on the Kibana keyspace to read kibana configuration.
  • the MODIFY permission on the Kibana keyspace to store kibana configuration if authorized to create/update Kibana objects.


Once a user has been authenticated by Kibana, Kibana will keep this information. In order to logout from your browser, clear the cookies and data associated with your Kibana server.

Kibana and Content-Based Security

As explained in the cassandra documentation, you can grant a role to another role and create a hierarchy of roles. Next, you can give some elasticsearch privileges to a base role inherited by some user roles allowed to login, and specify a query filter or field-level filter to this base role.

In the following example, the base role group_a has a read access to index my_index with a document-level filter defined by a term query. Thereafter, the user role bob (allowed to log in) will inherit of the privileges from the base role group_a to read the kibana configuration and the index my_index only for documents where category is A.

CREATE ROLE group_a WITH LOGIN = false;
GRANT SELECT ON KEYSPACE "_kibana" to group_a;
INSERT INTO elastic_admin.privileges (role, actions, indices, query) VALUES('group_a','indices:data/read/.*','my_index', '{ "term" : { "category" : "A" }}');
GRANT group_a TO bob;

Don't forget to refresh the privileges cache by issuing the following command :

POST /_aaa_clear_privilege_cache

Elasticsearch Spark connector

The elasticsearch-hadoop connector can access a secured Elassandra cluster by providing the same SSL/TLS and Username/Pasword authentication parameters as the orginal elasticsearch-hadoop connector. Below is an example of a spark-shell.

ES_OPTS="$ES_OPTS --conf"
ES_OPTS="$ES_OPTS --conf"
ES_OPTS="$ES_OPTS --conf"
ES_OPTS="$ES_OPTS --conf*******"
ES_OPTS="$ES_OPTS --conf"
ES_OPTS="$ES_OPTS --conf*******"

bin/spark-shell --driver-class-path path/to/elasticsearch-hadoop-5.5.0.jar $ES_OPTS

In order to work, the Elasticsearch spark connector will require some privileges to monitor your cluster and request for availables shards for search. You can associate these privileges to a dedicated Cassandra role spark, and grant this role to the account used in your spark application. The spark role has no Cassandra permission, but user john inherits its privileges from the elastic_admin.privileges table.

INSERT INTO elastic_admin.privileges (role,actions,indices) VALUES ('spark','cluster:monitor/.*','.*');
INSERT INTO elastic_admin.privileges (role,actions,indices) VALUES ('spark','indices:admin/shards/search_shards','.*');
SELECT * FROM elastic_admin.privileges WHERE role='spark';

 role   | actions                            | indices | fields | query
  spark |                 cluster:monitor/.* |      .* |   null |  null
  spark | indices:admin/shards/search_shards |      .* |   null |  null

(2 rows)
GRANT spark TO john;
LIST ROLES of john;

 role  | super | login | options
 spark | False | False |        {}
  john | False |  True |        {}

(2 rows)

Cassandra Spark Connector

The cassandra-spark-connector can request both Cassandra and Elasticsearch through the CQL driver.

Elasticsearch Auditing

Elasticsearch auditing tracks security events using the following fields :

.. cssclass:: table-bordered

Field Description
login User login
role Cassandra role
source Source IP of the elasticsearch request, or the value of the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header if present.
action Elasticsearch action
indices Requested indices

Audits events are recorded in a Cassandra table or in a log file configured as an appender in your conf/logback.xml file.

.. cssclass:: table-bordered

Setting Default Description
aaa.audit.enabled false Enable or disable Elasticsearch auditing.
aaa.audit.appender none Audit events are recorded in a Cassandra table (cql) or in a logback appender (log).
aaa.audit.include_login   Comma separated list of logins to audit
aaa.audit.exclude_login   Comma separated list of logins not audited

Logback Audit

When using the log appender for audit, you should configure a dedicated logback appender in your conf/logback.xml file :

<appender name="AUDIT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
   <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">
   <triggeringPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
      <pattern>%date{ISO8601} %msg%n</pattern>

And add a logger named LogbackAuditor with additiviy set to false :

<logger name="LogbackAuditor" level="DEBUG" additivity="false" >
     <appender-ref ref="AUDIT" />

Below is an exemple of audit logs in the logs/audit.log file :

2017-10-20 14:11:49,854 200,PERMISSION,sales,roles/sales,/,indices:data/read/search,[sales_*]
2017-10-20 14:11:51,607 200,PERMISSION,sales,roles/sales,/,indices:data/read/search,[.kibana]
2017-10-20 14:11:52,377 200,PRIVILEGE,kibana,roles/kibana,/,cluster:monitor/main,null
2017-10-20 14:11:52,501 200,PRIVILEGE,kibana,roles/kibana,/,cluster:monitor/nodes/info,null
2017-10-20 14:11:52,627 200,PRIVILEGE,kibana,roles/kibana,/,cluster:monitor/nodes/info,null
2017-10-20 14:11:52,679 200,PERMISSION,sales,roles/sales,/,indices:data/read/mget[shard],[.kibana]
2017-10-20 14:11:52,751 200,PERMISSION,kibana,roles/kibana,/,indices:data/read/mget[shard],[.kibana]
2017-10-20 14:11:52,868 200,PRIVILEGE,kibana,roles/kibana,/,cluster:monitor/health,[.kibana]
2017-10-20 14:11:52,990 200,PERMISSION,kibana,roles/kibana,/,indices:data/read/search,[.kibana]

CQL Audit

When using the cql appender for audit, audit events are recorded in the cassandra table

cassandra@cqlsh> select * from ;

 node     | event                                | action                        | indices     | level      | login  | role         | source   | status
----------+--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------+------------+--------+--------------+----------+-------- | cf74fed0-b5a2-11e7-9508-157b11ac2561 |          cluster:monitor/main |        null |  PRIVILEGE | kibana | roles/kibana | |    200 | d2026070-b5a2-11e7-9508-157b11ac2561 |         cluster:monitor/state |        null |  PRIVILEGE | kibana | roles/kibana | |    200 | da709470-b5a2-11e7-9508-157b11ac2561 |      indices:data/read/search | ['sales_*'] | PERMISSION |  sales |  roles/sales | |    200 | d8025390-b5a2-11e7-9508-157b11ac2561 |        cluster:monitor/health | ['.kibana'] |  PRIVILEGE | kibana | roles/kibana | |    200 | cf9de390-b5a2-11e7-9508-157b11ac2561 |    cluster:monitor/nodes/info |        null |  PRIVILEGE | kibana | roles/kibana | |    200

If you want to have multiple copies of audit events in your cluster, you can alter the following default settings :

.. cssclass:: table-bordered

Setting Default Description
aaa.audit.cql.rf 1 Cassandra Replication Factor used when creating the elastic_audit keyspace. LOCAL_ONE Write Consistency Level for audit events.

You can index with Elasticsearch the table using the following mapping, where the event timeuuid column is explicitly mapped to a date :

curl -XPUT --user admin:admin --cacert conf/cacert.pem "https://localhost:9200/elastic_audit/" -d'

Next, you can build your audit trail Kibana report.



Keep in mind that CQL audit trail involves a network overhead because each node sends some events to all other nodes. For better performance, you should use the Logback audit and collect the events with Beat+Logstash into a dedicated Elassandra cluster.


Content-Based Security Limitations

  • The request cache is disabled for search requests.

  • The following queries are not supported for document-level filtering :

    • Has Parent, Has Child queries.
    • Terms queries with lookups.
    • Geo Shape queries without inline shape definition.
    • Percolate queries.

If you try to insert an unsupported query in elastic_admin.privileges.query, you will get a syntax error as shown below :

cassandra@cqlsh> insert into elastic_admin."privileges" (role,actions,indices,query) VALUES ('blogger','indices:data/read/.*','blog','{"query":{ "has_parent":{"parent_type":"blog","query":{"term":{"tag":"something"}}}}}');
SyntaxException: Unsupported query for content-based filtering