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The simple diary, but now with a separated server and client side approach, making cross-device functionality possible.

What is this?

Logger-Diary is a small diary program that I made because truly, I had no better options available. I'm glad to have changed that now. This, however, is Logger-Diary Online, which means a faster cross-device and safer experience!

Who are you?


OH- I'm sorry, I forgot to announce myself, how impolite! I am Mar, you can find more of my brain on this page, or see more of my code on GitHub!

The history of this project

This was actually one of the first things I put together!

When I was 11 years old and wanted a diary software program, but couldn't find one, I began working on an idea of what it should be like.

I was also a bit of a FreeDOS fan, and I'd collect old laptops that couldn't handle modern OS's anymore and turn them into DOS devices.

At some point I made a CLI-ish program that'd list entries and at the bottom of that list would allow you to add one, along with an emotion (no emoji in DOS) and it would select the right time itself.

The beginning Logger Diary Legacy

A few years later, that small 2kb DOS program turned into this website, and I turned 19 a while back. (written December 12th 2022, I was born 2003-10-08)

It's been a real travel, and I am happy to be here. I hope you are too.

Future goals:

Added on 2022-12-07: All completed on 17-1-2023

  • Add accounts: The biggest challenge yet.
    • Way to store and read log entries
    • Way to store, update and use user settings and preferences.
    • A way to log in and sign up

Added on 2023-01-18:

  • Release desktop and mobile apps (other than the PWA's already available)

Added on 2023-01-19:

  • Release custom theme
    • Option to pick font
      • Emoji type (coloured, uncoloured)
    • Option to pick four colours (primary-main, primary-second, secondairy-main, secondairy-second)

Added on 2023-1-23:

  • Re-do index.php to use switch statement
  • Add contributors page