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Stray Project Website



before starting, please install the following programs:

for ease of use, also install:

  • vs code
  • tailwind extension inside vscode

to get working for the first time:

  • clone repo
  • open a terminal in the repo folder (in vscode: open folder > > terminal > new terminal)
  • npm install (installs all the nodejs dependencies)
  • bundle install (installs all the ruby gems, jekyll etc.)
  • to start editing, bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload -- a message should print saying server address: or another address. hold ctrl and click on it to open in a browser.
  • every commit refreshes the webpage on github pages using the .yml workflow in the .github/workflows folder. allow for one minute for the refresh to complete, check the actions tab if it fails.

Adding a New Blog Post

  • all blog posts sit in the _posts folder. add a new file using the format <yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>-<title>.md, for example
  • inside every blog post, fill out the front matter (the text in between the dashed lines):
layout: post
title: New Website!
author: brandon pow
  • most times only title and author need to be edited.
  • the text inside every blog post uses markdown formatting, please check the markdown cheat sheet for more info.


  • it is not recommended to fork this into an individual's github repo where the URL has a prefix (/blog-page etc.), because of all the BASEURL changes needed to all links, image links and _config.yml. it's just too much work. rather, please deploy to an individual or organization's base github page ( or similar.
  • postcss v2 is the only version known to work for now, postcss v1 gives an ERRCONNREFUSED. sadly it is slower, about 5-6 seconds per refresh compared to v1's sub-2-second one.

Updating Modules

  • npm update for non-major version updates
  • bundle update

Further Reading

For Linux Users

  • install rbenv, set rbenv local 3.1.2 and rbenv shell 3.1.2 first