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Release WASM files Pull Request

This repository contains all of the Wasm funcs used by various Streamdal components.

To build: make build

Build artifacts are placed in ./build/*.

To test: make test

Releases are automatically tagged on merge to main.

Wasm Artifact Size

Close to 50% size reduction is achieved by using lto = true in Cargo.toml.

As per this doc, this tells LLVM to inline and prune functions which improves both speed and size.

We get another 15-20% reduction by using wasm-opt (with Os flag).

Result is as follows:

~/Code/streamdal/wasm/build main* ⇡                                                                          2h41m ✖ ⚑ ◒
❯ du -sh *
1.9M	detective.lto+wasm-opt.wasm
2.4M	detective.lto-only.wasm

Without any of the size optimizations, the initial binary size is ~4.2MB.

Compile + optimization time is ~45s on an M2.


To update protobuf definitions across all modules, run bash 1.2.3. This will replace the version of streamdal-protos across all Cargo.toml files and run a cargo update to pull in the new version.


Releasing is semi-automatic - you have to manually create and push a new v0.0.0 tag and Github Actions will pick up the commit and create a new release.

git tag v0.0.4
git push --tags