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StreamingFast Key/Value Store

reference License

This library contains different implementations for storing blocks and transactions in a key/value database. It is used by StreamingFast.


db, err := store.New(dsn)
if err != nil {
    return fmt.Errorf("failed setting up db: %w", err)


The following DSNs are provided by this package:

  • Google Cloud BigTable: bigkv://project.instance/namespace-prefix?createTables=true This works very well, is fully managed, and scales horizontally with minimal effort.

  • TiKV: tikv://pd0,pd1,pd2:2379?prefix=namespace_prefix This is useful for bare metal deployments, is self managed, and scales very well (with the hardware you throw at it)

  • Badger: badger:///home/user/dfuse-data/component/my-badger.db This is useful for local development. It is a library (similar to RocksDB and LevelDB), and thus creates a database that cannot be shared.

  • NetKV: netkv://localhost:6789?insecure=true This connects to a netkv server (which you can install with go install -v ./store/netkv/server/netkvserver from this repo), which in turn can serve a badger:// database. It allows for simple badger-based backend (single database, no replication, no scaling), but allow decoupling of StreamingFast processes

Beware that the TiKV backend does not support 0-length values. If your application uses 0-length values, use the WithEmptyValue option.


Issues and PR in this repo related strictly to the kvdb library.

Report any protocol-specific issues in their respective repositories

Please first refer to the general StreamingFast contribution guide, if you wish to contribute to this code base.


Apache 2.0