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docs(site): add new function descriptions
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fhussonnois committed Sep 26, 2021
1 parent 7bdc787 commit be29aae
Showing 1 changed file with 32 additions and 24 deletions.
56 changes: 32 additions & 24 deletions site/content/en/docs/Developer Guide/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
date: 2021-06-10
date: 2021-09-26
title: "Accessing Data and Metadata"
linkTitle: "Accessing Data and Metadata"
weight: 60
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,29 +68,37 @@ Note the use of double-quotes to define a substitution expressions

ScEL supports a number of predefined functions that can be used to apply a single transformation on a field.

| Function | Description | Syntax |
| ----------------|---------------|-----------|
| `concat` | Concatenate two or more string expressions. | `{{ concat(expr1, expr2, ...) }}` |
| `concat_ws` | Concatenate two or more string expressions, using the specified separator between each. | `{{ concat_ws(separator, prefix, suffix, expr1, expr2, ...) }}` |
| `contains` | Returns `true` if an array field's value contains the specified value | `{{ contains(array, 'value') }}` |
| `converts` | Converts a field's value into the specified type | `{{ converts(field_expr, INTEGER) }}` |
| `ends_with` | Returns `true` if a string field's value end with the specified string suffix | `{{ ends_with(field_expr, 'suffix') }}` |
| `equals` | Returns `true` if a string or number fields's value equals the specified value | `{{ equals(field_expr, value) }}` |
| `exists` | Returns `true` if an object has the specified field | `{{ exists(obj_expr, field_expr) }}` |
| `extract_array` | Returns the element at the specified position of the specified array | `{{ extract_array(array, 0) }}` |
| `hash` | Hash a given string expression, using murmur2 algorithm | `{{ hash(field_expr) }}` |
| `is_null` | Returns `true` if a field's value is null | `{{ is_null(field) }}` |
| `length` | Returns the number of elements into an array of the length of an string field | `{{ length(array) }}` |
| `lowercase` | Converts all of the characters in a string field's value to lower case | `{{ lowercase(field) }}` |
| `matches` | Returns `true` if a field's value match the specified regex | `{{ matches(field_expr, 'regex') }}` |
| `md5` | Compute the MD5 hash of string expression | `{{ md5(field_expr) }}` |
| `nlv` | Sets a default value if a field's value is null | `{{ length(array) }}` |
| `replace_all ` | Replaces every subsequence of the field's value that matches the given pattern with the given replacement string. | `{{ replace_all(field_expr, 'regex', 'replacement') }}` |
| `split` | Split a string field's value into an array using the specified regex or character | `{{ split(field_expr, regex) }}` or `{{ split(field_expr, regex, limit) }}` |
| `starts_with` | Returns `true` if an a string field's value start with the specified string prefix | `{{ starts_with(field_expr, 'prefix') }}` |
| `trim` | Trims the spaces from the beginning and end of a string. | `{{ trim(field_expr) }}` |
| `uppercase` | Converts all of the characters in a string field's value to upper case | `{{ uppercase(field_expr) }}` |
| `uuid` | Create a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) | `{{ uuid() }}` |
| Function | Since | Description | Syntax |
| -----------------|---------|---------------|-----------|
| `and` | `2.4.0` | Checks if all of the given conditional expressions are `true`. | `{{ and(booleanExpression1, booleanExpression2, ...) }}` |
| `concat` | | Concatenate two or more string expressions. | `{{ concat(expr1, expr2, ...) }}` |
| `concat_ws` | | Concatenate two or more string expressions, using the specified separator between each. | `{{ concat_ws(separator, prefix, suffix, expr1, expr2, ...) }}` |
| `contains` | | Returns `true` if an array field's value contains the specified value | `{{ contains(array, 'value') }}` |
| `converts` | | Converts a field's value into the specified type | `{{ converts(field_expr, INTEGER) }}` |
| `ends_with` | | Returns `true` if a string field's value end with the specified string suffix | `{{ ends_with(field_expr, 'suffix') }}` |
| `equals` | | Returns `true` if a string or number fields's value equals the specified value | `{{ equals(field_expr, value) }}` |
| `exists` | | Returns `true` if an object has the specified field | `{{ exists(obj_expr, field_expr) }}` |
| `extract_array` | | Returns the element at the specified position of the specified array | `{{ extract_array(array, 0) }}` |
| `gt` | `2.4.0` | Executes "*greater than operation*" on two values and returns `true` if the first value is greater than the second value, `false`, otherwise. | `{{ gt(expressionValue1, expressionValue2) }}` |
| `hash` | | Hash a given string expression, using murmur2 algorithm | `{{ hash(field_expr) }}` |
| `if` | `2.4.0` | Evaluates the given boolean expression and returns one value if `true` and another value if `false`. | `{{ if(booleanExpression, valueIfTrue, valueIfFalse ) }}` |
| `is_null` | | Returns `true` if a field's value is null | `{{ is_null(field) }}` |
| `length` | | Returns the number of elements into an array of the length of an string field | `{{ length(array) }}` |
| `lt` | `2.4.0` | Executes "*less than operation*" on two values and returns `true` if the first value is less than the second value, `false`, otherwise. | `{{ lt(expressionValue1, expressionValue2) }}` |
| `lowercase` | | Converts all of the characters in a string field's value to lower case | `{{ lowercase(field) }}` |
| `matches` | | Returns `true` if a field's value match the specified regex | `{{ matches(field_expr, 'regex') }}` |
| `md5` | | Computes the MD5 hash of string expression | `{{ md5(field_expr) }}` |
| `nlv` | | Sets a default value if a field's value is null | `{{ length(array) }}` |
| `or` | `2.4.0` | Checks if at least one of the given conditional expressions is `true`.. | `{{ or(booleanExpression1, booleanExpression2, ...) }}` |
| `replace_all ` | | Replaces every subsequence of the field's value that matches the given pattern with the given replacement string. | `{{ replace_all(field_expr, 'regex', 'replacement') }}` |
| `split` | | Split a string field's value into an array using the specified regex or character | `{{ split(field_expr, regex) }}` or `{{ split(field_expr, regex, limit) }}` |
| `starts_with` | | Returns `true` if an a string field's value start with the specified string prefix | `{{ starts_with(field_expr, 'prefix') }}` |
| `timestamp_diff` | `2.4.0` | Calculates the amount of time between two epoch times in seconds or milliseconds. For more information on `unit` see [ChronoUnit]( | `{{ timestamp_diff(unit, epoch_time_expression1, epoch_time_expression2) }}` |
| `to_timestamp` | `2.4.0` | Parses a given string value and returns the epoch-time in milliseconds. | `{{ to_timestamp(datetime_expression, pattern [, timezone]) }}` |
| `trim` | | Trims the spaces from the beginning and end of a string. | `{{ trim(field_expr) }}` |
| `unix_timestamp` | `2.4.0` | Returns the current time in milliseconds. | `{{ unix_timestamp() }}` |
| `uppercase` | | Converts all of the characters in a string field's value to upper case | `{{ uppercase(field_expr) }}` |
| `uuid` | | Create a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) | `{{ uuid() }}` |

In addition, ScEL supports nested functions.
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