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Misc attributes

Intermediate Artist Programmer

Misc properties


Under the Occlusion properties, you can set an occlusion map. This is the default occlusion attribute. The occlusion map use geometry occlusion information baked into a texture to modulate the ambient and direct lighting.


The screenshots below demonstrate the use of occlusion maps and cavity maps:

Occlusion Map Cavity Map Final Composition
media/material-attributes-40.png media/material-attributes-41.png media/material-attributes-42.png
Coarse occlusion of the ambient light Fine-grained occlusion of direct light Result
Property Description
Occlusion Map The occlusion map scalar provider that determines how much ambient light is accessible on the material. A value of 1.0 means that the material is fully lit by ambient lighting. A value of 0.0 means that the material is not lighted by the ambient lighting
Direct Lighting Influence Applies to Occlusion Map and influences direct lighting
Cavity Map The cavity map scalar provider is multiplied with direct lighting. It lets you define very fine grained cavity where direct light can't enter. The cavity map is usually defined for thin concave cavity
Diffuse Cavity A factor for diffuse lighting influence of the cavity map. A value of 1.0 means the cavity map fully influences the diffuse lighting
Specular Cavity A factor for specular lighting influence of the cavity map. A value of 1.0 means the cavity map fully influences the specular lighting


Under the Transparency properties, you can specify values that change the transparency of the material. You can coose Blend, Additive, or Cutoff.


The additive transparency takes into account the diffuse and diffuse/emissive alpha.


  • If the Alpha property is less than 0.5, only the specular highlights are visible. The material itself is completely invisible.

    Alpha = 0.25 Alpha = 0.5
    media/material-attributes-48.png media/material-attributes-49.png
    We only see the specular highlight in additive mode Transparency is fully additive. Specular highlights at maximum
  • If the Alpha <= 1.0, the material is semi-opaque with the diffuse/emissive component. If the diffuse component has an alpha, it's transparent.

    Alpha = 0.75 Alpha = 1.0
    media/material-attributes-50.png media/material-attributes-51.png
    Specular highlights, diffuse with alpha and semi-opaque diffuse Specular highlights, diffuse with alpha and opaque diffuse
Property Description
Alpha The alpha value is interpreted like this:

Alpha <= 0.5, the material is rendered in additive mode without the diffuse component (only specular highlights)

Alpha <= 1.0, the material is rendered in semi-opaque mode with the diffuse/emissive component. If the diffuse component has an alpha, it's displayed as transparent

Tint Apply a color tint to the transparency layer


Renders a material when the current alpha color is above the threshold you specify with the Alpha slider.


The following screenshots show the influence of the cutoff Alpha value.

Alpha = 0.01 Alpha = 0.5 Alpha = 1.0
media/material-attributes-44.png media/material-attributes-45.png media/material-attributes-46.png

Clear coat

Clear-coat shading uses physically-based rendering to simulate vehicle paint.

Clear coat

For details, see clear-coat shading.

See also