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Login command

Kenneth Auchenberg edited this page Oct 30, 2019 · 1 revision

The Stripe CLI runs commands using a global configuration or project-specific configuration. To configure the CLI globally, run:

$ stripe login

You'll be redirected to the Stripe dashboard to confirm that you want to give access to your account to the CLI. After confirming, a new API key will be created and returned to the CLI.

You can create project-specific configurations with the --project-name flag, which can be used in any context. To create an initial configuration:

$ stripe login --project-name=rocket-rides

If you do not provide the --project-name flag for a command, it will default to the global configuration.

All configurations are stored in ~/.config/stripe/config.toml but you can use the XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable to override this location.

You can also provide an API key manually by passing the --interactive flag:

$ stripe login --interactive
Enter your API key: sk_test_foobar
Your API key is: sk_test_**obar
How would you like to identify this device in the Stripe Dashboard? [default: st-tomer1]
You're configured and all set to get started