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1: Modify the source code

There are some constant varaibles that are heavily bound to the specific platform, such IDT
In the kern_idt.h, we should modify the following variables

Note that, if your Linux image chooses the version of **3.2.0-29-generic-pae**, you do not need to do anything.
Do double check, the version is **PAE** enabled

sudo apt-get install linux-headers-3.2.0-29-generic-pae linux-source-3.2.0 linux-image-3.2.0-29-generic-pae

// the following three are heavily dependent on the system,
// we should modify them according to the infor in /proc/kallsyms
const static ulong orig_idt_table = (0xc1804000);			// the address of the IDT  
const static ulong orig_system_call = (0xc15a5748);		// the entry address of the int80 
const static ulong orig_sys_call_table = (0xc15b0000);		// the system call table
const static ulong orig_do_page_fault = 0xc15a8a80;		// the original page fault handler address
const static ulong orig_ret_from_exception = 0xc15a5710;// the original ret_from_exception address

in the /proc/kallsyms, you search:
	1: idt_table
	2: system_call
	3: sys_call_table
	4: do_page_fault
	5: ret_from_exception
replace the corresponding variable using the result

2: compile and install

Go to the source directory (containing the Makefile)

1: make
2: sudo insmod ropguard.ko
3: sudo rmmod ropguard
4: dmesg |less

3: Execute the HT editer

go the ROPProject/code/ROP_example/hteditor/DB$ directory
./ht <filename> 

Then you can see the log messages through the dmesg

dmesg | less

Shutdown the HT editer through CTRL + C

Useful Information:
1: execution sequence of applications
vdso -> LD -> App -> ...

2: OVC files

All tables are now under directory: ROPProject/code/ndss_DB_gen/db_gen/OVC
update the directory variable in branchdb.c file

const static char *directory = "~/program/module/ROPProject/code/ndss_DB_gen/db_gen/";

3: intercepted application list

update the function init_monitor_app_list in data_struct.c file

Make sure the index is **continous**

 * currently, the monitor list is fixed
void init_monitor_app_list(void){
	monitor_app_list[0] = "ht";
	monitor_app_list[1] = "a.out";
	monitor_app_list[2] = "vuln";

	monitor_app_list[3] = "astar_base.ia64-gcc42";
	monitor_app_list[4] = "bzip2_base.ia64-gcc42";
	monitor_app_list[5] = "gcc_base.ia64-gcc42";
	monitor_app_list[6] = "gobmk_base.ia64-gcc42";
	monitor_app_list[7] = "h264ref_base.ia64-gcc42";
	monitor_app_list[8] = "hmmer_base.ia64-gcc42";
	monitor_app_list[9] = "libquantum_base.ia64-gcc42";
	monitor_app_list[10] = "mcf_base.ia64-gcc42";
	monitor_app_list[11] = "omnetpp_base.ia64-gcc42";
	monitor_app_list[12] = "perlbench_base.ia64-gcc42";
	monitor_app_list[13] = "sjeng_base.ia64-gcc42";
	monitor_app_list[14] = "specrand_base.ia64-gcc42";
	monitor_app_list[15] = "Xalan_base.ia64-gcc42";
	monitor_app_list[16] = "httpd";
	monitor_app_list[17] = "bonnie++";
	monitor_app_list[18] = "netperf";

4: window size

in monwin.h, we can change the macro WINDOW_NUM to update the window size

#define WINDOW_NUM			(2)



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