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Forking the Repository

Gary Pollice edited this page Jun 17, 2013 · 1 revision

The main WPISuiteTNG repository is hosted on GitHub at While you can certainly clone this repository, you will not be able to directly push updates without commit access. If you want to work on WPI Suite for your software engineering class, you'll also need a central repository dedicated to your own group's work.

The correct way to work on WPI Suite with your group is to "fork" the main repository under your own account. You do this by visiting the main WPISuiteTNG repository and clicking the Fork button in the top right corner. Once you do this you will have a new repository under your GitHub account called wpi-suite-tng. You can freely modify your repository without affecting the original, and you can give your group members commit access to the fork.

Your work should probably be done under a branch name unique to your group (e.g. dev-requirements-D13-group1) which branches off of the original dev branch. If at some point you have a feature in your repository that you would like merged into the main repository, you can submit a pull request.

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