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Access Graph Service

This document provides a high-level overview of the key objects and functionalities within the Access Graph service.

Core Functionality:

Manages user identities and their associated Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs). (if applicable) Defines and enforces fine-grained access control policies for: User access to data stored on the application server. Service-to-service communication within the application ecosystem. Facilitates secure communication between user wallets (DID containers), the application server, and other services.


User (if applicable):

Represents a registered user within the system. (May be replaced with alternative user identification methods if DIDs are not used) Attributes: (Depending on implementation) User ID (unique identifier for the user) Username (optional) Additional user attributes relevant for access control policies (optional)

DID (Optional):

Represents a Decentralized Identifier associated with a user. Attributes: (Depending on DID standard) DID string (unique identifier on the blockchain) Public key(s) associated with the DID


Represents a service within the application ecosystem.


Service ID (unique identifier for the service) Service description (optional) Public key or token for service authentication (optional)


Represents a data resource stored on the application server.


Resource ID (unique identifier for the resource) Resource name (descriptive name for the resource) Access Control Policy (ACP):

Defines access permissions for users or services. Attributes: Subject (user ID, DID, or service ID) Resource (resource ID) Operation (allowed operations on the resource - read, write, etc.) Conditions (optional - additional constraints for access permission) Interactions:

Users (through wallets if applicable) or services present their DID or credentials (tokens) when requesting access to resources or interacting with other services. The Access Graph verifies the user/service identity and checks the relevant access control policies to determine if access is granted. The Access Graph communicates authorization decisions (granted/denied) to users/services. Benefits:

User Control (if applicable): Users have control over their data by managing their DIDs and access permissions. Secure Access Control: The Access Graph enforces access control policies to ensure only authorized users/services can access resources. Decentralized Management (if applicable): DIDs provide a decentralized approach to user identity management. Scalable Communication: The Access Graph facilitates secure communication between different entities within the system. Note: This is a high-level overview. Specific implementation details may vary depending on your chosen technologies and access control strategies.