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Karsten Hahn edited this page Feb 11, 2023 · 10 revisions

PE Structure Image

You can get a quick overview for the structure of a PE file by using the PE Visualizer tool. The tool creates a buffered image that shows your PE file.

visualizer example

The following example writes an image of the PE file's structure to disk:

File peFile = new File("samplefile.exe");
Visualizer visualizer = new VisualizerBuilder().build();
visualizer.writeImage(peFile, new File("image.png"));;

Change the Appearance

Use the visualizer builder to change the look of your image:

visualizer = new VisualizerBuilder()
            .setBytesPerPixel(10, peFile.length())
            .setColor(ColorableItem.SECTION_TABLE, Color.BLUE)

If you want one square pixel to represent an exact number of bytes, you can do this. With the following option one square pixel would represent exactly 10 bytes. The height of the image is changed accordingly.

new VisualizerBuilder().setBytesPerPixel(10, file.length()).build();

Local Entropy Image

You can create an image of the local entropies and append it to the structure image:

BufferedImage leftImage = visualizer.createEntropyImage(peFile);
BufferedImage rightImage = visualizer.createImage(peFile);
BufferedImage appendedImage = ImageUtil.appendImages(leftImage,

visualizer entropy example

Byteplot Image

This code will create a Byteplot with a legend on the right.

BufferedImage bytePlot = visualizer.createBytePlot(peFile);
BufferedImage legendImage = visualizer.createLegendImage(true, false, false);
BufferedImage appendedImage2 = ImageUtil.appendImages(bytePlot, legendImage);
ImageIO.write(appendedImage2, "png", new File("outfile.png"));