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Microservices Steebot

An exercise in creating small lightweight microservices.


Run docker-compose up --build and the project will spin up the required services.

Currently, the build only creates a persistent store and redis server. If you want to create the full stack application use the profile flag

docker-compose --profile dev up

You can check the docker-compose.yml file to see all the profile tags, you can chain the profile flag calls to selectively call up certain containers.

Keep in mind that mongodb and redis are spun up no matter what, those are core services that need to be running for any container to successfully run.

A sample .env file is shown in the root of the project called .env.sample. It holds all the keys we expect to see in the or files that the individual services will require to run.

For example, each toxic_ticket/ and discord_wrapper/ should each have their own respective files.

Project Layout

client/ contains the frontend built in React.

toxic_ticket/ contains the toxicticket compose service profile. This is the endpoint that allows admins to assign tickets and ticket counts to users.

discord_wrapper/ contains the discordwrapper compose service profile. This is the main wrapper that translates commands from Discord and creates events/jobs in the relevant redis queues to be picked up by the various microservices.

Round Trip

  1. Discord server registers a command with prefix !.
  2. discord_wrapper server triggers a workflow that pushes a notification to the toxicticketchannel.
  3. toxic_ticket server triggers a workflow when an event is detected that performs some action (adding tickets, mini TT's, or PMA stickers) and records that to Mongo.
  4. toxic_ticket server pushes a notification to the discordwrapperchannel that contains a message to return to the originating server.
  5. discord_wrapper server triggers a workflow when an event is detected that takes the message from redis and pushes it to the Discord server the message originated from.


Running the tests for each individual service is simple.

The tests are contained in the {root}/tests folder, which means toxic ticket and discord wrapper will have their tests located in toxic_ticket/tests and discord_wrapper/tests respectively.

Once the container is running (either as a daemon, on the dashboard or in the terminal) run the following command:

docker-compose exec {container_name} python3 -m pytest tests

This will execute pytest for the specified container.

Compose aliases and full project testing TBA.


Keep in mind that currently we're using a single MongoDB instance and using discrete collections from it. While I've made sure that there is no overlap, or crossover between our microservices and their respective collections they access, for production you would want to split separate MongoDB instances for each service.

In other words toxic_ticket would have its own Mongo instance called tt_mongodb and discord_wrapper should have its own instance called dw_mongodb.

This ensures that if for whatever reason toxic_ticket's tt_mongodb instance is down discord_wrapper isn't directly affected. Obviously, if you attempted to create, remove or edit toxic tickets that wouldn't work until the server is back up and running, but because we decoupled both these services from each other discord_wrapper is in no way dependent on toxic_ticket being up and running to work normally.