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Zoom-in simulations mask creator

A script to compute the Lagrangian positions (i.e., positions in the initial conditions) of a set of particles at z=0 from a Virgo Consortium-like cosmological simulation. The continuous region those particles occupy in the ICs is then masked, and stored, which can then go on to be used as input to generate a particle load for a "zoom-in" resimulation of the desired target region at z=0.

The code is compatible with simulation outputs that can be read by pyread_eagle or read_swift. Crucially, the ParticleIDs in the parent simulation must have used Peano Hilbert indexing, which we use to find the Lagrangian positions of the particles.

This script partners with zoom_particle_load_creator, which creates particle loads using masks generated from these scripts.



  • OpenMPI or other MPI library
  • python>=3.8,<3.11

Recommended modules when working on COSMA7:

  • module load gnu_comp/11.1.0 openmpi/4.1.4 parallel_hdf5/1.12.0 python/3.9.1-C7

Installation from source

It is recommended you install the package within a virtual/conda environment. Or alternatively, if you are installing on a shared access machine, to your local profile by including the --user flag during the pip installation. You can ofcourse also install directly into your base Python environment if you prefer.

First make sure your pip is up-to-date:

  • python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

Then you can install the zoom_mask_creator package by typing the following in the git directory:

  • python3 -m pip install -e .

which will install zoom_mask_creator and any dependencies (as an editable install).

MPI installation for read_swift

If you are using read_swift and want to load large snapshots over MPI collectively (i.e., multiple cores read in parallel from the same file), a bit of additional setup is required.

Make sure you have MPI libraries installed on your machine (OpenMPI for example), and you have hdf5 installed with parallel compatibility (see here for details).

First, uninstall any installed versions of mpi4py and h5py:

  • python3 -m pip uninstall mpi4py h5py

Then reinstall mpi4py and h5py from source with MPI flags:

  • MPICC=mpicc CC=mpicc HDF5_MPI="ON" python3 -m pip install --no-binary=mpi4py,h5py mpi4py h5py

If pip can't find your HDF5 libraries automatically, e.g., error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. You will have to specify the path to the HDF5 installation, i.e., HDF5_DIR=/path/to/hdf5/lib (see here for more details).

For our COSMA7 setup, that will be:



Once installed the zoom-mask-creator command will be available, which expects one argument, a parameter file, e.g.,

  • zoom-mask-creator ./examples/Eagle100_Group100.yml

or in MPI:

  • mpirun -np XX zoom-mask-creator ./examples/Eagle100_Group100.yml

When you run the zoom-mask-creator code, both a mask (in the form of a HDF5 file) and a plot of the mask get deposited into the output_dir directory.

Parameter file

All the parameters of the run are stored in a single YAML file, see ./examples/Eagle100_Group100.yml as an example.

Required parameters Description Allowed values
shape The shape of the region to extract from the target snapshot sphere
snap_file Full path to target snapshot (or snapshot part) file
bits Number of bits used in the Peano Hilbert indexing
fname Output filename for generated mask
data_type Type of snapshot swift or eagle
divide_ids_by_two When particles IDs have been multiplied for 2 (as was done for EAGLE gas simulations)
output_dir Output directory to store mask
input_centre 3D coordinates of the center of the region we are extracting from the target snapshot
Optional parameters Description Allowed values Default
radius Used with shape=sphere. Radius of region to extract. >0
mask_cell_size Mask cell size in simulation units (i.e., resolution of mask) >0 3.0
min_num_per_cell Minimum number of dark matter particles in cell to be considered in mask >= 0 3
select_from_vr Not yet implemented True/False False
topology_fill_holes Attempt to automatically fill in holes in the generated mask (see scipy.ndimage.binary_fill_holes) True/False True
topology_dilation_niter Uses scipy.ndimage.binary_dilation to "buffer" the mask. I.e., topology_dilation_niter=1 would generate a skin approximately one layer thick around the raw mask. Experiment with this if you want a bit of safety padding around your masked region. >= 0 0
topology_closing_niter Basically the opposite of topology_dialation_niter, erodes away layers around the raw mask (see scipy.ndimage.binary_closing) >= 0 0

An example: Group 100 from the Eagle 100 Mpc cosmological simulation


The Eagle100_Group100.yml parameter file in the ./examples/ directory generates a mask of the Lagrangian region created by the dark matter particles within a radius of R <= 2xR200_crit of the 100th most massive halo in the Eagle 100 Mpc cosmological simulation. Note you will need access to the EAGLE data on COSMA to run this example.

When generating masks it is always a bit of trial and error, you may have to try a few different configurations and check the output mask looks reasonable (shown for this example above). The plot shows, in blue, (a subset of) the Lagrangian positions of the selected dark matter particles, the red squares are the cell positions of the generated mask, the white circle is the original target selection region at z=0 (remember everything shown is co-moving), and the red lines outline the minimum (and minimum symmetric) bounding boxes of the Lagrangian region.

What we considered generating this mask:

  • mask_cell_size=0.5 so we have a reasonable resolution for a mask covering this volume (a value too large and the mask is inefficient, too small and the mask is expensive and could be full of holes).

  • radius=0.7305606 is two times R200_crit of the desired halo (can find these details in the EAGLE database).

  • bits=14 was the choice of PH indexing when running EAGLE.

  • divide_ids_by_two=True is needed because we are using the EAGLE hydro simulation (you would not need this if it is running from the DMO simulation).

  • topology_dilation_niter=0 as we wished a tight mask that only just selects the desired Lagrangian region and no more.

  • min_num_per_cell=100 to avoid including the spurious straggler particles separated from the main continuous region.


Create masked regions for Virgo zoom resimulations






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