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npm Code Style: Google Code: TypeScript Made By: StudiMax


# with npm
$ npm install electron-path-ipc
# with yarn
$ yarn add electron-path-ipc


By default, the main process send a request to all renderer process.

// main process
import {ipcMain} from 'electron-path-ipc';
ipcMain.on(':identifier/action', (headers,...args)=>{
    console.log(headers.params); // {identifier: 'my-identifier'}
    console.log(args); // ['hello world']

// renderer process
import {ipcRenderer} from 'electron-path-ipc';
ipcRenderer.send('my-identifier/action', 'hello world');

You can use invoke/handle in both main and renderer process.

// main process
import {ipcMain} from 'electron-path-ipc';

ipcMain.handle(':identifier/action', (headers, arg) => {
    console.log(headers.params); // { identifier: 'my-identifier' }
    return `${arg} world !`

// renderer process
import {ipcRenderer} from 'electron-path-ipc';

ipcRenderer.invoke('my-identifier/action', 'hello')
    .then(console.log) // 'hello world'

You can use prefix to simplify yours requests

// main process
const prefixedIpc = ipcMain.prefix('test/').prefix('test2/');

prefixedIpc.handle(':identifier/action', (headers, arg) => {
    return `${arg} world !`

// is the equivalent of
ipcMain.handle('test/test2/:identifier/action', (headers, arg) => {
    return `${arg} world !`