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The project is intended to build reliable and extendable platform for automatic code clone detection. While the primary use-cases is considered to be student homework cheating detection, it can be used to automate clone detection of any programs.

Project structure

├── bin                    -- binary utilities
├── detector               -- CCD service
├── docker-compose.yml
├── docs
├── .env.sample            -- primary dotenv template
├── frontier               -- HTTP gateway service
├── LICENSE                -- MIT :)
├── mutator                -- python automatic mutations injections framework
├── nginx                  -- nginx configuration
├── .postgresql.env.sample -- PostgreSQL dotenv template
├──              -- You are here
├── .s3.env.sample         -- S3 dotenv template
├── tokenizer              -- language-dependent tokenization implementations
├── .tool-versions         -- consider using asdf
└── .volumes               -- local docker volumes



The instructions below were tested on Ubuntu 22.04 with the following packages installed:

  • Docker Engine (Community) 26.0.0 with compose plugin (2.25.0)

Make sure you have docker installed, other versions are highly likely to work too.

Prepare docker images

  1. Clone this git repository:

    git clone
  2. Enter the repository and build docker images:

    cd studyfair && docker compose build --pull
  3. Although the system is built with intention of begin language-agnostic, currently each language (ATM only python) requires its own engine. To build the python engine, one should execute

    docker build --tag tokenizer-python:mainline tokenizer/python

Fill in credentials

Now you should configure credentials for each service.

Start with creating VCS-ignored dotenv files:

cp .env.sample .env
cp .postgresql.env.sample .postgresql.env
cp .s3.env.sample .s3.env

Open .env and fill in the following variables:

  1. set S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID via openssl rand -hex 8;
  2. set S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY via openssl rand -hex 8;
  3. set DETECTOR_ACCESS_TOKEN via openssl rand -hex 16;
  4. set DETECTOR_WEBHOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN via openssl rand -hex 16;
  5. set SECRET_KEY_BASE via openssl rand -hex 64;
  6. if your are going to use Telegram Bot integration, set TELEGRAM_BOT_API_TOKEN to the corresponding value.
  1. (optional) Change Minio root user credentials in .s3.env.

  2. (optional) Change PostgreSQL DSN options in .postgresql.env. Make sure it's aligned with .env POSTGRES_* variables.

Prepare SSL certificates

Generate certificates by running

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -x509 -days 365 \
  -keyout ca.key \
  -out ca.crt \
  -subj "/C=RU/ST=Saint-Petersburg/L=Saint-Petersburg/O=Example Inc/CN=<HOSTNAME>" \
  && mv ca.{key,crt} nginx/certificates

don't forget to replace <HOSTNAME> with your domain name, IP address or localhost.

Runtime configuration

  1. Run docker compose up -d. Wait few seconds and make sure all is working as expected via docker compose ps -a.

  2. (hopefully I'l make this step at least semi-automatic)

    To configure Minio buckets, visit http://localhost:9001/login, login via username & password mentioned in .s3.env and create a bucket named production. Change it's visibility (aka "access policy" to public.

    Now open "access keys" -> "created access key" and fill in the form with the values from S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID and S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.

  3. (optional) If your are going to use Telegram Bot integration, you should have public IP address available. If you don't have one, you might use ngrok, CF tunnel or any other similar tool. For example, if you're using ngrok simply run ngrok http https://localhost:443. You should set webhook URL via

    docker compose exec frontier-web bundle exec rake telegram:bot:set_webhook[https://your-public-ip-address]

    NOTE: enlightened zsh users will have to escape [ and ]:

    docker compose exec frontier-web bundle exec rake telegram:bot:set_webhook\[https://your-public-ip-address\]

Make sure everything is working

You'll need to create a user to log in. Run the following command:

docker compose exec frontier-web bundle exec rails db:seed

Visit https://localhost/admin and login via credentials mentioned in frontier/db/seeds.rb.

(bonus) Mistral AI integration

See this README for details.


Instead of relying on WEB UI one might choose to use RESTful HTTP API. Its OpenAPI specification is available at frontier service documentation and is auto-generated on server startup at /api-docs endpoint.