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File metadata and controls

1032 lines (785 loc) · 31.5 KB
  • Link state means data about each link and state
  • Above is LSDB
  • Dijkstra calcs best routes to subnet

DB Exchange

  • Five different messages
  • LSA exchange same for single or multiple areas

Router IDs

  • Mandatory before messages sent
  • 32-bit ID
  • Order is manual config, highest IP on loopback, highest IP on interface (nonshutdown for both)
  • Multiple processes try unique RIDs
  • No networ command match required
  • Int can be down/down
  • No route required for advertisment of RID
  • No reachability in routing table required
  • Changes on process restart or config
  • Change causes other routers to reprocess SPF (same as new router)
  • If set, never changes

Becoming Neighbours, DB exchange, adj

  • IP proto 89


  • Hello - Neighbor discovery, 2 way state, keepalive

  • DBD - LSA Headers in initial topology exchange, with versions

  • LSR - Request for LSAs

  • LSU - Full LSA details (LSR or TC triggered)

  • LSAck - Ack's LSU

  • LSAs not a message, just a structure

Down to Full process

  • R1 -> R2 - R1 init, Hello (seen null, RID sent, R2 goes init
  • R2 -> R1 - R2 2-way, Hello (seen, RID sent
  • R1 -> R2 - R1 2-way, Hello (Seen,, RID sent
  • DR election if needed, Hello, DR=z.z.z.z
  • R1 -> R2 - R1 Exstart, DD sent
  • R2 -> R1 - R2 exstart, DD sent
  • R1 + R2 exchange with DD
  • R1 + R2 Loading with LSR, LSU and LSAcks exchanged
  • Both go Full

OSPF Neighbour States

  • Only how router sees other side, not adj state
  • Both could be in different state, must arrive at same


  • Initial
  • Neighbour torn down
  • Manual neighbour no replying to hellos
  • Implies router knows about neighbours IP


  • NBMA and P2MP-NB, immediately in attempt state
  • Hellos at normal timers
  • If no response in dead time, back to down
  • Could reduce hello rate


  • Hello seen
  • No own RID in "Seen routers"


  • Hello seen
  • Own RID in seen
  • Stable if not full adj


  • Master/Slave established
  • Empty DBDs compare RIDs
  • Agree on common starting seq for future DBD ACKs


  • DBDs exchanged


  • LSAs downloaded, stays in this until download complete


  • FInished loading
  • Stable state between fully adj

Becoming Neighbours: Hello Process

  • Discovers routers on subnets

  • Check config parameters

  • Bi-di vis

  • Health check

  • on OSPF-enabled ints

  • Hellos from primary IP on int

  • Fully adj if one or both sides unnumbered

After bidi hellos, must check: -

  • Auth

  • Same primary subnet and mask

  • Same area

  • Same area type

  • No duplicate RIDs

  • Equal hello and dead

  • MTU should match so DDs can process, but not part of hello process

  • Variable size of routers seen on segment

  • Default 10s hello on Broadcast/P2P, 30s on NB and P2MP

  • Default 4xhello dead

Transmitting LSA Headers to Neighbours

  • DBD contain seq numbers
  • Ack'd by a DVD from neighbour with identical seq
  • Window size of one packet, waits for ack before next DBD

DB Exchange: Master/Slave

  • Determined at ExStart
  • Master can send DBD of own accord
  • Slave only in response, must use same seq number

Three FLags

  • Master (MS) Flag - Set in DBD by master, clear in slave packets
  • More (M) - Set when router needs to send more DBDs
  • Init (I) - Inital DBD in exchange, subsequent clear flag

Rules for sending DBDs: -

  1. Each DBD sent from master must be replied by slave
  2. Slave only sends DBD in response to DBD
  • Empty DBD sent if no more to send

  • M flag helps for Slave

  • M flag also says when to stop (if not set, no more DBDs)

  • Lowest RID changes to Slave

  • In Exstart, MS, M and I flags set to 1 on both

  • Slave sneds DBD with I and MS cleared, seq to seq of masters DBD

Request, Getting and Acking LSAs

  • Seq number of LSA in DBD determines if new
  • Seq up on every change/reorigination

Seq Numbers

  • -2^31 to 2^31 -1

  • 2^31 used to detect wrap around

  • Negative numbers in Hex go 0x80000001 (-2^31 +1) to 0xFFFFFFFF (-1)

  • 0x00000000 (0)

  • Finish at 0x7FFFFFFF (2^31`-1)

  • When wrap reached, flush LSA and reoriginate back at 0x80000001

  • LSU acknowedged by sending exact LSU back to sender or LSAck listing ack'd LSA headers

Designated Routers on LANs

  • Optimize LSA flooding
  • DR and BDR on LAN/MA
  • Flooding through DR
  • LSA goes to DR then flooded to segment
  • Double floooding isn't an optimization
  • When new router boots up, only sync's with DR and BDR (useful during initial DB sync)
  • Create type 2 LSAs (most important part) on MA segment

DR optimizations on LANs

  • If DR and BDR sends an update, sends LSU with new LSA in
  • Updates towards DR and BDR to
  • DR and BDR store LSA in LSU in LSDB and flood to
  • No acks sent, as flooding indicates receipt
  • Other routers unicast LSAck to DR
  • Without DR< LSUs usually to
  • DROther for no DR and BDR
  • DR Others stop at 2-way

DR Election on LANs

  • DR of means waiting to elect DR (occurs after LAN failure usually)
  • Time period to wait is OSPF wait time, same as dead
  • If hellos already list DR RID, election process
  • Usually router lost connection to LAN, but others up
  • Newly connected routers do not attempt to elect new DR (assume DR listed is current)

DR Election

  • 1-255 priority can take part, 0 cant
  • Done local based on data and algorithm
  • Priority and RIDs collected during wait
  • If during wait, hello with a claimed BDR, or if DR claimed and no BDR, router begins process
  • Only for roles not claimed
  • Highest priority as DR, second as BDR, if same priority, highest RID as tie break
  • No preemption
  • If DR fails, BDR to DR, new election for BDR

If different result achieved, usually means network partitioned (eg STP), reenter election phase

DR on WAN and OSPF Network Types

Network type dicates: -

  • DR or none

  • Static neighbour config

  • More than two neighbours on same subnet

  • DR/BDR - B'cast, NBMA

  • Hello of 10s - B'cast, P2P

  • Hello of 30s - NBMA, p2MP, P2MP NB

  • Static neighbour - NBMA, P2MP NB

  • More than two hosts - All but P2P

Loopback also network type, only on lo ints

  • P2P default for FR p2p subints
  • p2MP default for FR phy and MP subints

Network types over NBMA networks

If OSPF network types don't match over FR: -

  • Make sure hello/dead match

  • If DR for one side, other does't need, no full LSA exchange

  • If DR used, DR and BDR must have PVC to other routers in subnet (can't learn LSUs, and type 2 can't generate)

  • Can set static neighbour config on one side only

  • Best to use P2P subints

  • If not possible, use ip ospf network point-to-multipoint

If different neighbours reachable over different ints, following applies

  • Priority in neighbor command not used in DR and BDR
  • If multiple neighbour statements and one or more with priority, hellos only to those neighbours with nonzero
  • Only after DR and BDR elected will hellos go to others
  • If neighbour priority matches int priority, router engage in DR/BDR with them neighbours first
  • If no priority, all neighbours contacted imediately
  • If set to 0 in ip ospf priority command, neighbour statements removed from config

SPF Calculation

  • LSAs have info for math equivalent of figure of network
  • Routers, links, costs and admin status
  • SPF constructs least cost paths to all possible destination
  • Costs summed, least total cost taken
  • Cost per interface
  • Outgoing int cost used


Following true in steady state: -

  • Hellos send per hello interval
  • Hellos in dead time, or neighbour failed
  • LSAs reflooded (with seq increment), LSRefresh interval (per LSA), default 30m
  • MaxAge for LSA is 60m

OSPF Design and LSAs

OSPF Design Terms


  • Between areas
  • Must connect to area 0
  • Cisco says must connect for it to be be an ABR


  • External routes

  • Separate LSDB for each area

  • Per-area LSDB isolated

  • Only ABR can translate/carry info between

  • SPF ran in each LSDB separately

Benefits of areas: -

  • Smaller per-area LSDB
  • Faster SPF calc
  • Link failure only partial SPF calc in other areas
  • Summarize/filter at ABRs and ASBRs
  • LSDB srhinks as type 3 LSAs (sparser than type 1 and 2s)

Path selection

  • Intra > Inter > External
  • Ignore type 3 LSAs in nonbackbone area during SPF calc
  • Prevents ABR going into nonbackbone and back in to backbone elsewhere

LSA types

  • Only modified by original router
  • Processed and flooded with in flooding scope
  • Never blocked, dropped (unless lifetime expires or changed)
Type Name Description
1 Router One per router per area, lists RID and all int IPs in area, represents stubs, flooded within area
2 Network One per transit network, DR originated, represents subnets/router ints connected to subnet, within area
3 Net Summary By ABR, represents networks present in on area, defines subnets in area and cost, nothing else. Flooded only within its area of origin, reoriginated on ABRs
4 ABSR Summary Like type 3, host routed to each ASBR, within area of origin, reoriginated on ABRs
5 AS External Created by ASBRs for external routes, flooded to all regular areas
6 Group Membership For MOSPF, no IOS support
7 NSSA External By ASBRs inside NSSA, flooded in area, converted to type 5 by ABRSs
8 External Attributes Created by ASBRs, during BGP-to-OSPF redist, preserves BGP attributes, not in IOS
9-11 Opaque Future expansion, Type 10 is MPLS TE, Type 9 link local, type 10 area local, type 11, as flooded
  • Transit network - Two or more router neighbours and elected a DR so traffic can transit from one to another. P2P treated as a combination of P2P and stub on this link
  • Stub - Subnet where no neighbour relationships formed

Type 1 and 2

Type 1

  • From router
  • Describes router, ints in that area
  • List of neighbouring routers in that area
  • Defined by LSID, equal to RID

Type 2

  • Transit subnet which DR elected

  • LSID is DRs int IP on subnet

  • None for networks without DR

  • SPF from 1s and 2s creates topological graph of network

  • Calculates best and chooses best routes

  • Without DR, type 1 has enough info

  • With DR< type 2 models subnet as node in SPF model

  • Type 2 sometimes known as pseudonode

  • Type 2 has RIDs of all neighbours of DR

  • With Type 1s for each router in subnet, accurate network pictrue

show ip ospf database - Link ID should be LSID. LSID is unique ID for LSA, Link ID an entry in type 1s

  • For down networks, type 1s and 2s reoriginated, disconnected ntwork removed from LSA, or entire LSA aged (3600s and flood)

Type 3 and Inter-Area Costs

  • ABRs dont forward Type 1s and 2s between areas

  • Type 3s into one area

  • Type 3 describes interarea dest with subnet, mask and ABRs cost to subnet

  • Cost calc'd from router as ABR cost plus type 3 cost

  • show ip ospf database summary - type 3 cost

  • show ip ospf border-routers - ABR costs

  • If network disappears, ABR removes type 3 for the networks

  • If another type 3 doesn't exist in routers DBs, removed from routing tables

  • Can update metric to 16777215

  • Premature aging preferred (RFC2328)

  • Partial calc not dependent on summary routes

  • Type 3s flooded only within area into which they were originated by ABRs, dont cross area boundaries

  • ABRs compute internal OSPF routing table for backbone area using all types of LSAs

  • New type three for each intra and intra-area route, originated and flooded to nonbackbone areas

  • ABRs use only type 3s received over backbone area in SPF calc

  • Non-backbone stored in LSDB, flooded within nonbackbone area

  • When ABR creates and floods type 3s, only intra-area routes from non-backbones advertised into backbone

  • Inter-and-intra from backbone

LSA Type 4 and 5s, E1s and E2s

  • E1 - External and internal metric

  • E2 - External only (IOS Default)

  • When external route injected, type 5 for subnet by ASBR

  • Lists metric and type

  • Flooded through all regular areas

  • Processed depending on metric

  • If E1, total cost is cost to ABSR plus E1 in LSA

  • If multiple paths to same E1, least cost used

  • E2 only external costs, internval viewed as negligible costs

  • E1 > E2 routes

  • Both need cost to ASBR

  • In same area, least-cost path with type 1s and 2s

  • Type 4 in other areas (contains ABSRs RID and ABR metric to reach it)

  • Type 4 only flooded in other areas

OSPF Design with LSA types

  • Areas cut down SPF calc
  • Link flaps less effect
  • Summary routes reduce type 3s and 5s

Stubby Areas

  • Not all areas need to know about each external
  • Packets must still go through an ABR in many cases, and no ASBR in current area
  • Stubbys inject default route into area, so ABR defualt at all times
  • If area is stubby, stops type 4 and 5s into area
  • Every internal router in stubby area ignores type 5s, no origination itself
  • ABR automatically injects default as type 3
  • Visibility of intra-area and inter-area networks in stubby not affected
  • Types 4s not mentioned, but useless anyway if no type 5s

Four types exist: -

Type Allowed LSAs Ignored LSAs Generated LSAs
Stubby Type 3s 4 and 5 None
Totally Stubby None Type 3, 4 and 5 None
NSSA Type 3s 4 and 5 7s
NSSA-TS None 3, 4 and 5s 7s
  • TSs only allowed type 3 default
  • NSSA for externals
area area-id nssa
area area-id nssa no-summary
area area-id stub
area area-id stub no-summary
  • NSSAs for potential local breakout etc
  • Type 7 changed to type 5 at ABR
  • ABR with highest RID performs translation
  • NSSA does not have default auto gen'd, need to do area area-id nssa default-information-originate
  • NSSA-TS not required
  • N1 and N2

OSPF Path Choices, not cost

Best Type

  1. Intra-area
  2. Inter-area
  3. E1/N1
  4. E2/N2

ABR loop Prevention

  • DV between areas

  • Type 3s only have subnet, metric and ABR

  • Split Horizon applied for many LSA types

  • Makes sure info from LSA not advertised into one nonbackbone area and back into backbone

  • No inter-area routes from nonbackbone can go to backbone, means ABR does not go via non-backbone to reach backbone

OSPF Config

int Fa0/0
 ip address
 ip ospf dead-interval minimal hello-multiplier 4

router ospf 1
 area 3 nssa no-summary
 area 4 stub no-summary
 area 5 stub 
 network area 0
 network area 3
 network area 4
 network area 5


int Fa0/0
 ip address
 ip ospf dead-interval minimal hello-multiplier 4
 ip ospf 2 area 0

router ospf 2
 area 5 stub


router ospf 1
 area 3 nssa no-summary
 network area 3


router ospf 1
 area 4 stub no-summary
 network area 4


int vlan 1 
 ip address
 ip ospf dead-interval minimal hello-multiplier 4

router ospf 1
 network area 0


int vlan 1
 ip address
 ip ospf dead-interval minimal hello-multiplier 4
 ip ospf priority 254

R3 and R4 don't require no summary, but better to have anyway for consistency.

OSPF Costs and Clearing OSPF Process

  • clear ip ospf process - All processes
  • log-adjacency-changes detail - Messages at each state change
  • Default cost is 100,000 kbps / bandwidth
  • ip ospf cost on interface
  • auto-cost reference-bandwidth, mbps units, default 100
  • neighbor X.X.X.X cost value - Per neighbour

Order chosen

  • Neighbor cost (only valid on P2MP-NB
  • IP ospf cost
  • Default based on int bandwidth
  • auto-cost

Int costs in IOS kbps, auto-cost mbps

Network command alternative

  • From 12.3(11)T
  • ip ospf 1 area area-id on interface
  • All secondaries matched rather than explicit with network commands
  • Avoid with secondaries none keyword

OSPF Filtering

  • Filtering routes, not LSAs - distribute list, filters routes from SPF to routing table, doesn't affect LSDB
  • ABR type 3s - Prevent ABR creating a type 3
  • area range no-advertise - Prevents particular type 3 from ABR

Distribute list

Following rules: -

  • Inbound direction - Results of SPF, not prior
  • Outbound - Only on redistribtued and ASBR
  • Inbound does not filter inbound LSAs
  • If incoming interface added, checks as if it were outgoing int of route
router ospf 1
 distribute-list prefix prefix-list-1 in Serial 0.2

router ospf 1
 distribute-list route-map rm-1 in

route-map rm-1 deny 10
 match ip address 48
 match ip route-source 51 # Specify route source, eg permit

Earlier IOS allowed replacing with next best route, 12.4 and beyond don't ad the route to routing table

ABR LSA type 3 filtering

  • Identical LSDBs in each area still met

  • Filters at point type 3s created (ABR)

  • **area 1 filter-list prefix name { in | out }

  • in - Prefixes going into area

  • out - Oposite of above

Area Range

Route summarization at ABR, but with not-advertise keyword, meaning no summary either

Virtual Link

  • Connects areas to backbone that go via none backbone
  • Targetted OSPF session
  • Not a tunnel for data
  • Makes two remote routers within single area fully adjacent, syncs LSDBs
  • VL goes throug regular area only
  • Packets forwarded based on true dest address, meaning transit area must know all networks

router ospf 1
 area 3 virtual-link


router ospf 1
 area 3 virtual-link

show ip ospf virtual-links

Classic OSPF auth

  • None, clear text and MD5
  • SHA-1 exists, but different config

Rules: -

  • Type 0 (none), type 1 (clear text), type 2 (MD5)

  • ip ospf authentication - Enables on int

  • Default type 0

  • Default changed with area authentication router ospf command

  • Keys always under int

  • Multiple MD5 keys with different key IDs allowed per int

  • Sent packets always use key added as last one to interface

  • Rx'd use key ID

  • Key migration phgase if different key number seen than this router

  • Sends all packets as many times as keys config'd, each with different key

  • Phase ends when all neighbours use same key

  • Key rollover procedure, not available for clear text


int Fa0/0
 ip ospf authenticaiton null

Clear text

int fa0/0
 ip ospf authentication
 ip ospf authentication-key key-value


int Fa0/0
 ip ospf authentication message-digest
 ip ospf message-digest-key key-number md5 key-value
  • area authentication required prior to IOS 12.0

  • No area auth means type 0 default

  • area 0 authentication - type 1

  • area 0 authenticaiton message-digest - type 2

  • Keys in clear text unless using service password-encryption

Virtual links: -

area 0 virtual-link x.x.x.x authentication null
area 0 virtual-link x.x.x.x authentication
area 0 virtual-link x.x.x.x authenticaiton message-digest

Extended Crypto Auth

  • IOS 15.4(1)T up
  • SHA-HMAC supported
  • Key chains used
  • Crypto algorithm per key
  • Must use cryptographic-algorithm command, otherwise not used
  • send-lifetime and accept-lifetime possible
  • Highest ID used if multiple
  • Key rollover not used, migration like EIGRP instead
  • Enabled per int with ip ospf authentication key-chain key-chain-name
  • Virtual links - area 0 virtual-link x.x.x.x key-chain key-chain-name
  • MD5 auth supported like this, ignores ip ospf message-digest-key if config'd already
key chain ospf 
 key 1
  cryptographic-algorithm hmac-sha-1/256/384/512/md5
  key-string DAVE

int Gi0/0
 ip ospf authentication key-chain ospf

show ip ospf interface - Shows crypto auth enabled

Protecting routers with TTL security check

  • Avoids unicast OSPF packets across network

  • Besides virtual/sham links, comms should be direct, ttl shouldn't decrement

  • ip ospf ttl-security - per int

  • ttl-scurity all-interface - per process

  • ip ospf ttl-security disable - per int

  • All have hops hop-count for relaxing TTL security check.

  • Stting to 100 would say from 255 to 155

  • 254 means effectively disabling check

  • Above useful for migration to TTL security

  • Value of 1 is default

  • IOS based routers decrement TTL of received OSPF packets before handing to OSPF process

  • Enable on VLs or SLs with area virtual-link ttl-security hops and area sham-link ttl-security hops - Hops mandatory

Tuning OSPF Performance

SPF scheduling with SPF throttling

  • Used if links flapping

  • Cisco default runs SPF 5 seconds after updated LSA

  • If LSA arrives after above run, subsequent delay grows by up to 10 seconds

  • Controlled by SPF throttling

  • Defines variable wait interval between two SPF runs

  • spf-start - Initial wait before SPF

  • spf-hold - Wait between SPF runs

  • spf-max-wait - Max time between two SPF runs, and time network must be stabl for wait interval to be set back to spf start and hold to its preconfig'd value

  • If network stable in last-spf hold, but not spf-max-wait, wait returns to spf start, but subsequent wait twice previous spf-hold

  • timers throttle spf spf-start spf-hold spf-max, all in ms

  • Current values in show ip ospf

  • debug ip ospf spf statistic - verifies current and next wait intervals

Tuning LSA origination with LSA throttling

  • Rate at which an LSA might be reoriginated by its router
  • After LSA not updated for more than max-interval, created and flooded after star-interval
  • Next wait interval set to hold-interval
  • If same LSA updated within wait since last reorigination, origination/flooding postponed until wait expires
  • After above, then creating and flooding, hold doubled
  • If no updated in next wait, wait back to start. Hold still at higher value
  • If same LSA updated after current wait but before max, reorigination and flooding done based on start, but next wait twice hold
  • Hold reset to configured value if LSA not required to be updated for entire max-interval


  • Start - 0 (LSA updates immediately)

  • Hold and max - 5000ms (subsequent origination 5 seconds, no progressive increase)

  • Set with timers throttle lsa all start-interval hold-interval max-interval - ms

  • Show above in show ip ospf

  • Can ignore an LSA upon arrival if too often, timers lsa arrival millisconds

  • Ignored if same LSA in that time

  • Default arival is 1000ms

  • Should be smaller than inital hold in LSA throttling, otherwise neighbour sending sooner than would be accepted

Incremental ISPF

  • Only affected part of SPF tree recalc'd
  • Further away change occurs, bigger effect
  • ispf command
  • Can be enabled per router, not required through entire network

OSPFv2 Prefix Suppression

  • Most hosts located in nontransit networks
  • Most devices have loopbacks for mgmt
  • Maintaing transit link prefixes in this state is pointless
  • RFC 6860 hides/suppresses transit link prefixes
  • Suppresses prefixes, not links themselves
  • Transit links are connections be routers, must be advrtised

Type 1 for router and its adjacencies, four possible link types in type 1

  • P2P to another router - Transit link pointing to other routers RID, no addresing info, not influenced by prefix suppression

  • Link to transit network - Points to transit networks DR IP, no addressing info like network max, only DR IP, not influenced

  • Stub network - All stubs in type 1 corresponding to prefixes used on P2Ps can be supressed

  • Virtual link - Virtual transit p2p, virtual adj, no address info, no suppression

  • Omits stub network entires for p2p ints to other routers

  • For type 2s, IP Prefix computed by bitswise AND of LSID of LSA and netmask in payload.

  • RFC 6860 says settings netmask to

  • Routers supporting it see signal of LSA containing no prefix info

  • Routers not implementing RFC install host route to DR

  • prefix-suppression - works on all ints except loopbacks

  • ip ospf-prefix-suppression [disable] - per int

Stub Router Config

  • RFC 3137, obsoleted by 6987
  • IOS 12.2(4)T and up
  • Router temporarily or permanently not a transit
  • Advertises own type ones with infinite metrics for all trasnit type adj (p2p, transit links, VLs)
  • Stub network adj advertised with real int metrics
  • Can be set to advertise for a time period, or completion of BGP convergence

max-metric router-lsa on-startup announce-time - Seconds

max-metric router-lsa on-start wait-for-bgp - Waits until BGP signals convergence or 10m pass

Graceful Restart

  • RFC 3623
  • For platforms forwarding packets while process stops
  • NSF before GR (NSF Cisco proprietary)
  • Router is in GR mode, its neighbours in heper mode
  • Lack of hellos for grace period ignored
  • Considers fully adjacent, reports as so in type 1/2 LSAs
  • Still seen as DR
  • Every IOS router can be helper if supported
  • Routers with specific hardware required for GR
  • NSF-Aware (helpers), NSF-Capable (helpers and GR)
  • NSF capable are 6500, 7200, 7300, 7600, 10000, 12000, ASR and CRS

Can continue forwarding without loops assuming following: -

  • Routers hardware can go while line cards use last FIB version

  • OSPF processes must let neighbours know with grace LSA (type 9)

  • Contains estimated restart duration (grace period)

  • Restart reason

  • IP of router

  • LSDB stable during restart

  • All neighbours support and config'd as helper

  • Restarts within grace

  • Fully adj neighbours must operate in helper

  • CEF used uring restart

  • OSPF rebuild RIBs

  • Cisco and IET awareness enabled by default in IOS

  • **nsf [ cisco | ietf ] helper disable

Graceful Shutdown

Using shutdown command in process

  • Drops all OSPF adj
  • Flush all LSAs (3600 max age)
  • Hellos sent with DR/BDR to, emtpy neighbour list (adj fall to init)
  • Stop OSPF packets

Per int: -

  • Drop Adj on int
  • Flood LSAs that no longer include that int and adj through other ints (if any) Hellos as above
  • Stop OSPF packets on that int
  • ip ospf shutdown


  • RFC 5340

Diffs between v2 and v3

  • Interface commands, eg ipv6 ospf 1 area 2
  • ipv6 router ospf 1
  • Advertises multiple networks on interface - All advertised if on int
  • RID must be set - Cannot automatically choose RID if no v4 set (if v4 set, same rules as v2)
  • Flooding scope
  • Link-local scope - Link LSA
  • Area scope - Flooed through area (Router, Network, Inter-Area Prefix, Inter-Area Router, Intra-Area Prefix)
  • AS Scope - AS External
  • Multiple instances per link
  • v3 uses links, v2 networks
  • Source packets from link-local, VLs from globally coped v6
  • Auth - v6 covers rather than protocol
  • Networks in LSAs - prefix, prefix length, rather than address, mask

LSA Types

Type Name Description Flooding Scope
1 Router Routers and links to neighbors within area Area
2 Network From DR, represents multiaccess transit network and connections to member routers Area
3 Inter-Area Prefix From ABRs, networks in other areas Area
4 Inter-Area Router From ABRs, shows ASBRs in other areas Area
5 AS External From ASBR, networks from other protocols AS
7 NSSA ASBR in NSSA, as per 5 Area
8 Link Link local address and prefix of router to all other routers on link and option info, sent only if more than one router on link Link
9 Intra-Area-Prefix List of v6 prefixes with transit network (points to Network LSA) or v6 prefixes with a router (points to Router LSA) Area
  • Type 1 and Type 2 have have prefix info placed into Type 8s and 9s instead
  • Type 1 and 2 only carry topology adj
  • Type 9 has prefixes of a router, carried with area scope
  • With link local next hops, each router advertises a type 8 out particular int
  • Only type 1 and 2 updates trigger SPF
  • Type 8 and 9 originated and flooded, no SPF run

v3 in NBMA

  • Per interface ipv6 ospf neighbor
  • Other end must be link-local, other addresses rejected
  • Other v2 rules apply

v3 over FR

  • No InverseARP
  • All v6/DLCI mappings manual
  • Mappings needed for link-local and global
  • Link-local need broadcast keyword (although in NB or P2MP NB)
int Se0/0
 frame-relay map ipv6 FE80::1 708 broadcast
 frame-relay map 2001:207::1 08

Change link local address with ipv6 address ADDRESS link-local

Enabling and Configuring v3

ipv6 unicast-routing
ipv6 cef

int lo0
 ipv6 address 3001:0:3::/64 eui-64
 ipv6 ospf 1 area 704

int lo1
 ip address

int lo2
 ipv6 address 3001:0:3:2::/64 eui-64
 ipv6 ospf network point-to-point
 ipv6 ospf 1 area 0

int Fa0/0
 ipv6 address 2001:0:3::/64 eui-64
 ipv6 ospf 1 area 704

int Se0/0
 bandwidth 128
 encapsulation frame-relay
 ipv6 address 2001::/64 eui-64
 ipv6 ospf neighbor FE80::2
 frame-relay map ipv6 FE80::1 807 broadcast
 frame-relay map ipv6 2001:207::1 807

ipv6 router ospf 1

Verify with show ipv6 interface brief, show ipv6 protocols, show ipv6 ospf interface, show ipv6 router ospf

  • Redistributing same as v2

v3 Auth and Encryption

  • 12.3(4)T - AH supported

  • 12.4(9)T - ESP supporte

  • Enable AH with ipv6 ospf authentication

  • Encryption with ipv6 ospf encryption

  • Cannot have both on one int, ESP does both auth and encryp

  • Supply slected crypto algorithms for has and encryp and keys

  • Defines how packets proected by IPSec

  • SA identified by SPI (Security Parameter Index)

  • Each v3 packet proected by IPSec carries SPI number of SA to protect it

  • RX router uses SPI to identify SA

int Fa0/0
 ipv6 ospf auth ipsec spi 1000 sha1 KEY

int Se1/0
 ipv6 ospf encryption ipsec spi 1001 esp aes-cbc 128 KEY

ipv6 router ospf 1
 area 1 authenticaiton ipsec spi 1002 md5 KEY
 area 2 encryption ipsec spi 1003 esp 3des KEY md5 KEY
  • Can use authentication trailer, configured like v2 extended auth

  • 15.4(2)T support

  • Refer to *ospf v3 authentication key-chain

  • IPSec not compatible with above

  • Does not provide encryption

  • Per link auth and encryp preffered as more layers of security

  • Auth trailer an AH for auth

  • ESP for auth and encrypt

  • Same SPI number, AH/ESP mode, algoritihm and keys required

  • For auth trailer, same crypto algorithms, key IDs and strings

Address Family Support

  • Prefix info in new LSA types

  • AF support possible

  • Instance IDs split into different categories for different AF families

  • 0 - Base v6 unicast

  • 1-31 - v6 unicast with local policy

  • 32 - Base v6 multicast

  • 33-63 - v6 multicast local policy

  • 64 - v4 unicast base

  • 65-95 - v4 unicast local policy

  • 96 - v4 multicast base

  • 97-127 - v4 multicast local policy

  • 128-191 - Unassigned

  • 192-255 - Reserved for private use

  • Use base instance ID if not config'd

  • Packet exchange, LSA flood/originate, SPF computation and routing tables independent of one another

  • Options v3 bitfield in v3 Hellos, DBDs and LSAs AF-bit efined

  • Set if sending router supports AF extension and this instance isn't v6 unicast

  • If packet seen in AF instance with no AF bit, implies other side doesnt support AFs

  • Router drops packets, never establishes adj

  • Encap of v3 packets stays same (v6)

  • Interface must have v6 addressing on to allow AF operation

  • v3 packets for v4 still in v6

  • VLs only for v6 unicast AFs

Config as such: -

int lo0
 ipv6 address 2001:DB8:0:FFFF::1/128
 ip address
 ospfv3 1 ipv6 area 0 
 ospfv3 1 ipv4 area 0

int Fa0/0
 ipv6 address 2001:DB8:1:1::1/64
 ip address
 ospfv3 network point-to-point
 ospfv3 1 ipv6 area 1
 ospfv3 1 ipv4 area 1

int Se0/0/0
 ipv6 address 2001:DB8:0:1::1/64
 ip address
 ospfv3 hello-interval 1
 ospfv3 1 ipv6 area 0
 ospfv3 1 ipv4 area 0

router ospfv3 1
 address-family ipv4
  area 1 range
 address-family ipv6
  area 1 range 2001:DB8:1::/48

Prefix Suppression

  • Omits suppressed transit link prefixes from type 8s and 9s
  • Per process with prefix suppression
  • Per int with ipv6 ospf prefix-suppression or ospfv3 prefix-suppression
  • Can be done per AF, or outside (global process)

Graceful Shutdown

Modified process

  • Hellos with router priority of 0 (drops DR/BDR if applicable)
  • Stops accepting hellos
  • Flushs all originated LSAs except type 1s
  • Flood type 1s with links in that LSA with cost 65535
  • After dead interval expires and neighbours dead, flush own type 1
  • STop ospfv3 packets

More gradual, over declared dead interval