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Discord OAuth2 Implementation Tutorial

This is the code repository for my Discord OAuth2 Implementation Tutorial. You can find the tutorial here.


The purpose of this project is to demonstrate how we can implement Passport.js functionalities from scratch. Instead of using Passport, we can learn how OAuth2 really works underneath the hood, and understand the whole process of exchanging an access code for access & refresh tokens from our OAuth2 provider.

Additionally, we also would like to add persistence to our application. Passport itself allows you to register it with sessions so whenever you authenticate, it will take care of serialization and deserialization. Often times, users of these libraries don't quite understand what happens underneath these high-level functions. Thus, we implement our own Serialize & Deserialize functions to get a better understanding of how a Session is saved & restored.

Installation & Instructions

If you wish to use this code, please follow the instructions on how to set everything up.


  • Clone the repository
  • Run npm install or yarn install
  • Use the sample below as a .env boilerplate. Be sure not to share these environment variables with anyone outside of your developer team.
# Discord OAuth2 Client Details


# Express Server Details


# Cookie & Session Options


# MySQL & TypeORM Connection Options

  1. Create a Discord Application on the Discord Developer Portal

  2. Create a .env file to store your environment variables. This is optional, you may choose to store them however you like. There are 4 environment variables that I have created and used in this project.

    • DISCORD_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID - The Client ID of the Discord Application.
    • DISCORD_OAUTH_SECRET - The Client Secret of the Discord Application
    • DISCORD_REDIRECT_URL - The Redirect Url Discord redirects to upon authorization (success, or fail).
    • PORT - The port the express server runs on

    Your variables in the .env file should look like this:


    Be sure to place the .env file in the root directory, not inside the src folder, but outside of it. Additionally, the environment variables stored in the .env file will not replace your Operating System's user or system variables. The environment variables will also return as undefined if you execute the code in a directory that does not have the .env file. So if you have your .env file in discord-oauth2-implementation, but you're executing the index.ts file from discord-oauth2-implementation/src, the environment variables will not be loaded, thus, you should be executing the index file from the root directory.

  3. As of Episode #2, you will need a database since we are saving Users & Sessions. In the video, I use MySQL, however, because we are using TypeORM, you can easily swap out MySQL for another database engine like PostgreSQL or even MongoDB. If you choose to use MongoDB, you will need to refer to TypeORM's documentation on MongoDB to get it to work. Be sure to change the type to the database engine of your choice in the ConnectionOptions object when calling createConnection.

    • There are plenty of videos & resources online that guide you on how to install MySQL Server. I recommend MySQL Server 8+ and avoid using a non-root user.
    • Inside the src/index.ts file you will find the createConnection function call with all of the TypeORM Connection Options. You can pass in your credentials in the object. By default it uses environment variables, which I recommend you configure and set in the .env file or on your OS. Or you can just pass in the values as is.
  4. To start the project in "Developer" mode, aka, using nodemon, you can run yarn start:dev or npm run start:dev. This will be handy for development. As you make changes, the running process will restart without you needing to manually exit & starting it each time.

  5. To start the project in normal "production" mode, you should run the build command first before running the start command. Using the build command will compile all TypeScript files to JavaScript. This is recommended for production.

    • Running the build command will create a dist folder in the root directory with all the compiled JavaScript code.


GET /api/auth/discord/redirect

  • Redirects to this route once the user clicks the "Authorize" button on Discord's platform.

GET /api/auth/user

  • Retrieves the authenticated user. Uses the access_token retrieved upon authorization to retrieve the information from Discord's /api/user/@me route.

GET /api/auth/revoke

  • Revokes the access token. This unauthorizes the access token from further use on behalf of the authenticated user.

Please note that this code is for educational purposes only and not intended to be for immediate usage for production environments. Additionally, the code does NOT persist any user's sessions or save & encrypt access & refresh tokens. If you wish to create persistence, you should install a database and save necessary data for your application.


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