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274 lines (231 loc) · 10.3 KB

File metadata and controls

274 lines (231 loc) · 10.3 KB

Setup Datatable Class

  1. Example
  2. Top actions
  3. Callbacks
  4. Events
  5. Features
  6. Options
  7. Ajax
  8. Name

1. Example

    public function buildDatatable(array $options = array())
            'start_html' => '<div class="row"><div class="col-sm-3">',
            'end_html' => '<hr></div></div>',
            'actions' => array(
                    'route' => $this->router->generate('post_new'),
                    'label' => $this->translator->trans(''),
                    'icon' => 'glyphicon glyphicon-plus',
                    'render_if' => function() {
                        return ($this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN'));
                    'attributes' => array(
                        'rel' => 'tooltip',
                        'title' => $this->translator->trans(''),
                        'class' => 'btn btn-primary',
                        'role' => 'button'
            'row_callback' => array(
                'template' => ':post:row_callback.js.twig',
                'vars' => array('id' => '2')
            'init_complete' => array(
                'template' => ':post:init.js.twig'
            'processing' => ':events:processing.js.twig',
            'order' => ':events:order.js.twig'

            'processing' => true,
            // ...

            'url' => $this->getRouter()->generate('post_results'),
            'type' => 'GET' // default

            'paging_type' => Style::FULL_PAGINATION,
            'class' => Style::BASE_STYLE,
            'individual_filtering' => false,
            'individual_filtering_position' => 'head'
            // ...

        // ...

2. Top actions


Top action Type Default
start_html string ''
end_html string ''
add_if Closure null
actions array required

Action options

Option Type Default
route string required
route_parameters array array() Is currently not used
icon string ''
label string ''
confirm boolean false
confirm_message string 'datatables.bulk.confirmMsg'
attributes array array()
render_if Closure null

3. Callbacks

Callback Type Default
created_row array array()
draw_callback array array()
footer_callback array array()
format_number array array()
header_callback array array()
info_callback array array()
init_complete array array()
pre_draw_callback array array()
row_callback array array()
state_load_callback array array()
state_loaded array array()
state_load_params array array()
state_save_callback array array()
state_save_params array array()


// Datatable class

    'row_callback' => array(
        'template' => ':post:row_callback.js.twig',
        'vars' => array('id' => '2')
    'init_complete' => array(
        'template' => ':post:init.js.twig'
// row_callback.js.twig

function rowCallback(nRow, aData, index) {
    var id = "{{ id }}";
    var $nRow = $(nRow);

    if ( == id) {
        $nRow.css({"background-color": "red"});

    return nRow;
// init.js.twig

function init(settings, json) {
    alert('Init complete.');

4. Events

Event Type Default
column_sizing array array()
column_visibility array array()
destroy array array()
draw array array()
error array array()
init array array()
length array array()
order array array()
page array array()
pre_init array array()
pre_xhr array array()
processing array array()
search array array()
state_loaded array array()
state_load_params array array()
state_save_params array array()
xhr array array()


// Datatable class

    'processing' => array(
        'template' => ':events:processing.js.twig',
        'vars' => array('testStr' => 'processing test')
    'order' => array(
        'template' => ':events:order.js.twig',
        'vars' => array('testStr' => 'order test')
// processing.js.twig

function processing(e, settings, processing) {
    var t = '{{ testStr }}';;;

// order.js.twig

function order() {
    var order = oTable.order();
    var t = '{{ testStr }}';;'Ordering on column '+order[0][0]+' ('+order[0][1]+')');

5. Features

Feature Type Default need 3rd party plugin
auto_width bool true
defer_render bool false
info bool true
jquery_ui bool false
length_change bool true
ordering bool true
paging bool true
processing bool true
scroll_x bool false
scroll_y string ''
searching bool true
state_save bool false
delay int 0
extensions array array()
highlight bool false jQuery Highlight Plugin
highlight_color string 'red'

Caution: For the highlight feature you must set individual_filtering_position option to 'head'.

6. Options

Option Type Default
display_start int 0
defer_loading int -1
dom string 'lfrtip'
length_menu array array(10, 25, 50, 100)
order_classes bool true
order array array(array(0, 'asc'))
order_multi bool true
page_length int 10
paging_type string Style::FULL_NUMBERS_PAGINATION
renderer string ''
scroll_collapse bool false
search_delay int 0
state_duration int 7200
stripe_classes array array()
class string Style::BASE_STYLE
individual_filtering bool false
individual_filtering_position string 'head'
use_integration_options bool false
force_dom bool false
row_id string ''
count_all_results bool true

7. Ajax

Option Type Default
url string required
type string 'GET'
pipeline int 0

8. Name

Since the datatable class should extend the AbstractDatatableView and this one implements DatatableViewInterface, a getName method is required. The returned value must only include letters, numbers, underscores or dashes as it will be a seed for the id of the generated container of the datatable.