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HOWTO Create an app

Chris edited this page Oct 6, 2020 · 3 revisions


Before you start to implement anything make sure that ACLIB works properly. Start AC and check the console by hitting the HOME key (Pos1 for german keyboards). Check that there are no warnings on ACLIB. Close AC again and make sure that ACLIB did create a log.txt file in the directory C:/Users/<yourname>/Documents/Assetto Corsa/ACLIB/. If there are no warnings or errors you are good to go.


By default, ACLIB will only look for certain files in certain directories so make sure you get it correct. Any new app must be implemented in a separate file with the name ACLIB_<app_name>.py. This file must be placed in the apps directory in the ACLIB installation folder C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/assettocorsa/apps/python/ACLIB/apps/

The file structure should look like this:


ACLIB_Time Implementation

In the following, we implement an example app that shows the local time. Please note that it shows only the most basic structure of an app.

from time import time

from memory.ac_data import ACData                                           # Only import the first two modules if you care
from memory.ac_meta import ACMeta                                           # about proper typing signatures.
from ui.gui.ac_widget import ACApp, ACLabel
from ui.gui.layout import ACGrid
from util.format import Format

class Time(ACApp):                                                          # Any new app must inherit from ACApp.
    def __init__(self, data: ACData = None, meta: ACMeta = None):           # Any app takes an ACData and ACMeta object.
        super().__init__('My local Time', 200, 200, 160, 80)                # Here you can specify the name of the app
                                                                            # that is displayed in the in-game taskbar
                                                                            # and the initial position and size (x, y, w, h).
        self._start = time()                                                # We memorize the timestamp when the app was started.

        self._grid = ACGrid(2, 2, self)                                     # A grid manages the positioning of labels/buttons/...
                                                                            # This grid has 4 cells (2x2) and fills the size 
                                                                            # of the app (160px width 80px height).
        self._local_time = ACLabel(self, '')                                # An ACLabel takes a string as the initial text.
        self._session_time = ACLabel(self, '')                              # To work properly any AC widget needs to have
                                                                            # parent argument which allows to find the app id.
                                                                            # In this case app and parent are the same.
        self._grid.add(ACLabel(self, 'Local time:'), 0, 0)                  # In order to add a widget to a grid you have
        self._grid.add(self._local_time, 1, 0)                              # to use the 'add' function and give it a widget
                                                                            # of type ACWidget and the x and y coordinates
        self._grid.add(ACLabel(self, 'Expired time:' ), 0, 1)               # within the grid (starting from top left 0, 0).
        self._grid.add(self._session_time, 1, 1)

        self.hide_decoration()                                              # This function hides the AC symbol and
                                                                            # the title of the app.
    def update(self, delta: int):                                           # In the update function we set the values that
        self._local_time.text = Format.time()                               # have changed since the last iteration.
        self._session_time.text = Format.duration(time() - self._start)     # In our case we keep the current time and the
                                                                            # time that has expired up to date.

It is important that the name of the class must match the suffix after the underscore (ACLIB_) of the filename <app_name>. That is all! You can now start AC and activate the Time app in the app taskbar.

ACLIB_Stats Implementation

In the following, we implement a more complex app that uses events and ACData/ACMeta.

from memory.ac_data import ACData
from memory.ac_meta import ACMeta
from ui.gui.ac_widget import ACApp, ACLabel
from ui.gui.layout import ACGrid
from util.format import Format

class Stats(ACApp):
    def __init__(self, data: ACData = None, meta: ACMeta = None):
        super().__init__('My Stats App', 200, 200, 200, 100)
        # We store the ACData and ACMeta module for later.
        self._data = data
        self._meta = meta
        # Again we use a grid as layout and bind it to the size of the app (200x100).
        # We get 16 cells, each cell will have a size of 50x25. 
        self._grid = ACGrid(4, 4, self)

        # We attach the labels of the values to the grid.
        # Since we do not modify the labels we can simply call the constructors of ACLabel inline.
        self._grid.add(ACLabel(self._grid, 'Lap'), 0, 0)
        self._grid.add(ACLabel(self._grid, 'Compound'), 0, 1)

        # We create the values and attach it to the grid.
        self._lap = ACLabel(self._grid)
        self._compound = ACLabel(self._grid)

        self._grid.add(self._lap, 1, 0)
        self._grid.add(self._compound, 1, 1)
        # We add an a callback function that is called when the ACData module is ready.
        # Some values from the shared memory might not be set when the App is initialized.
        self._data.on(ACData.EVENT.READY, self.on_ready)

    def on_ready(self):
        # When the ACData module is ready we can be sure that the values exists and safely request them.
        # For a list of available categories take a look at the wiki:

        # The current lap starting from 0.
        self._lap.text = self._data.timing.lap
        # Full name of the tire compound. 
        self._compound.text = self._data.tyres.compound 
        # Since the value of the lap and the compound do not change that often we can simply get 
        # notified when they do and react to it.
        self._data.on(ACData.EVENT.LAP_CHANGED, self.on_lap_changed)
        self._data.on(ACData.EVENT.COMPOUND_CHANGED, self.on_compound_changed)

    def on_lap_changed(self, lap: int):
        self._lap.text = lap

    def on_compound_changed(self, compound: str):
        self._compound.text = compound


  • configuration file
  • style