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Enhancements for LaTeX on top of tufte-handout, optimised for note taking and everyday use.

aka how to create non-shitty looking LaTeX documents, fast.


Other than the needed packages listed with \RequirePackage, this will also probably not work unless you're using the tufte-handout document class.


Put lessmoist.sty into ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex... or wherever you're supposed to put your custom LaTeX packages into on your system.

Vaguely related: hot-reloading instructions

As requested, here are instructions on how to have LaTeX wrapped around your little finger, all day every day.

lessmoist.sty is not required in order to have hot-reloading enabled.

Warning: these instructions are in beta; I might have completely forgotten to mention some vital step. Create an issue or shoot me a note if that happens.

Make sure you have latexmk installed. latexmk auto-builds your LaTeX for you whenever you touch any of your source documents.

Install also Skim. Skim auto-reloads whenever it sees that your pdf has been updated. (I'm looking at you, Apple Preview)

Recommended but not essential: Sublime Text

Put this in your ~/.bashrc file

function texset()
  open $1
  latexmk -pdf -pvc -quiet $1

Now, to start the auto-build process, simply type

texset filename.tex

Feel free to change texset to an alias of your choosing.

Assuming you're using Skim, your view of the pdf will now auto-update every time you press save in your text editor.

While working with LaTeX, I like to use Split View so that I have the raw on the left, and the pdf on the right.

Happy LaTeXing!


Enhancements for LaTeX on top of tufte-handout






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