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The Wild Oasis

An Internal Application for a Hotel to Manage Bookings & Guests.

The Wild Oasis Dashboard

The Wild Oasis is a web application built with React JS as the frontend, Supabase as the backend, and Styled Components for styling.

It has been specifically designed to cater to the needs of small hotels and provides a comprehensive management system for bookings and guests.

The Wild Oasis Cabins

The application is highly intuitive and user-friendly, with a sleek and modern interface that makes it easy to navigate and use. Whether you are managing reservations, updating cabin information, or tracking sales, the Wild Oasis has you covered. With its powerful features and reliable performance, the Wild Oasis is the perfect tool for small hotels to streamline operations and improve their guest experience.

NPM Packages Used

  • @supabase/supabase-js for interacting with the Supabase API
  • @tanstack/react-query for data fetching and caching
  • @tanstack/react-query-devtools for query debugging
  • date-fns for date formatting
  • react-error-boundary for error handling
  • react-hook-form for extended form validation
  • react-hot-toast for ready-made custom toast notifications
  • react-icons for ready-made icons
  • recharts for showing charts in the dashboard page
  • styled-components *for styling the application with CSS and SCSS