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This is a starter Next.js app configured for TypeScript with Docker support for deploying to your own server or containerized cloud environment.

The app is generated using @subfuzion/create-next-app.

Configuration boilerplate includes:

The linting and formatting tools have been configured to work together:

  • .editorconfig has format settings that feed into Prettier
  • .eslintrc.json uses Prettier for formatting


There are a number of package scripts. Most of the time during development, you probably want to run: npm run dev or npm run dev:notify.

Package scripts:

  • prepare
    Configure a git commit hook (using Husky) for linting. You need to run this if you cloned this repo instead of generating the app using @subfuzion/create-next-app.

  • clean
    Remove the .next directory

  • build Compile the app to .next/standalone.

  • test | test:watch Run tests with Jest.

NOTE - not working yet (wip on the jest branch).

  • lint | lint:fix
    Report and fix lint issues.
    When committing staged files, Husky is configured (in ./husky/pre-commit) to run lint-staged, which gets configuration from .lintstagedrc.json.

  • dev Monitor source files and rebuild.


Licensed under MIT.