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Jakob Skjerning edited this page Feb 15, 2019 · 3 revisions

A list of experiments we would like to run. They can range from trying out a new coding style, changing some underlying philosophy, a new library or framework, or anything else.


Code style: Leading dots in multiline method calls

The reasons why are pretty well summarized in In short:

Code style: StandardRB

Let's give a shot as our code linter. While our Rubocop config is obviously the Bestest And Most Correctest Way To Format All The Things(tm), it might make sense to support a standard solution for the entire community.

Tool: Annotate

It is not a rare occurrence, that I open schema.rb to see exactly what attributes are defined on a table, or how an individual attributes is typed. Using the Annotate gem we can automatically add relevant schema excerpt to where they might be needed.


  • Documentation, yay!
  • Prevents us from looking into and searching in schema.rb


  • Excessive git churn?

Results of experiments we've run
