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npm i -D @such-code/html-resource-loader

Webpack loader to parse html markup and load all configured resources. Should be configured with rules. Loaded resource result will be executed to get content (commonjs module required for this operation).


Loader options consists of array of rules that specify which resources should be loaded and how to treat the result.

Rule structure
import { Element, Node } from 'domhandler/lib';

 * Object layout to represent loader rule.
export declare type Rule = {
    /** All selectors must match to add element for processing. */
    selector: Array<TagRuleSelector | AttrRuleSelector>;
    /** Determines what should be taken as a resource paths source. */
    source: AttrRuleSource;
    /** How Element will mutate after successful rule application. */
    target: TagRuleTarget | AttrRuleTarget | ContentRuleTarget;

// --- SELECTORS --- //
 * Configuration object for loose tag selection by type (ex. { type: 'tag' } will select all element tags).
export declare type TypeRuleSelector = {
    type: 'tag' | 'script' | 'style';
    exclude?: boolean;
 * Represents configuration object for selecting tag.
export declare type TagRuleSelector = {
    /** Tag name or RegExp to match multiple similar tags. */
    tag: string | RegExp;
    /** Optional param to invert result of selection. */
    exclude?: boolean;
 * Configuration object to represent attribute selector.
export declare type AttrRuleSelector = {
    /** Attribute name or RegExp to math multiple attribute names. */
    attr: string | RegExp;
    /** Optional param to invert result of selection. */
    exclude?: boolean;
    /** Filter result by attribute content. */
    filter?: ($: string) => boolean;

// --- SOURCE --- //

 * Represent object to extract resource path.
export declare type AttrRuleSource = {
    /** Attribute name or RegExp (only first match will be used, so make sure you know what are you doing). */
    attr: string | RegExp;
    /** Optional flag to remove specified attribute in processed Node. Default `false`. */
    remove?: boolean;
    /** Optional function if specific source extraction is required. */
    deserialize?: ($: string) => string;
     * By default resolution is made by webpack and it is correct approach, but if it is really required to do
     * something special custom resolver could be used.
    resolve?: ($context: string, $path: string) => string | Promise<string>;

// --- TARGET --- //

 * Represent target as an attribute to contain processed resource result.
export declare type AttrRuleTarget = {
    /** Attribute name where result will be placed. */
    attr: string;
    /** Optional serialization function if specific handling is required. */
    serialize?: ($: string, $prev?: string) => string;
 * Represents source element tag as a target for processed content. Only option is ot replace original tag.
export declare type TagRuleTarget = {
    /** Only option for the moment. Tag can only be replaced. */
    tag: 'replace';
    /** Optional serialization function for specific treatment. */
    serialize?: ($: Node | Array<Node>, $prev: Element) => Node | Array<Node>;
    /** Removes newlines and spaces from an end and beginning of received data. Default value is `true`. */
    trimContent?: boolean;
 * Target for initial element child content manipulation.
export declare type ContentRuleTarget = {
     * Specifies content handling strategy. To replace possible Element content use 'replace'. To insert result in the
     * beginning of Element child nodes use 'prepend'. 'append' will insert result in the end of child nodes.
    content: 'replace' | 'append' | 'prepend';

How to use

Configure all rules to process html resources and pass them to loader using options.

Configuration example

Check webpack.config.js for more.

Imagine you need to load images from style attribute.

<div class="border border-info p-2" style="background-image: url(src/test/assets/mobile.gif); --md-background-image: url(src/test/assets/desktop.gif)">

Load could be configured like that to process those resources.

 * Parses html style content into object `{ [styleName: string]: string }`.
function extractStyleAsObject($style) {
    return $style
        .filter($ => $.length > 1)
        .reduce(($acc, $expr) => {
            let [style, value] = $expr.split(':', 2);
            return {
                [style.trim()]: value.trim(),
        }, {});
 * Converts result of extractStyleAsObject back to string.
function renderStyleObject($style) {
    return Object
        .map($ => {
            return `${$}:${$style[$]}`;
 * RegExp for `url(link/to/resource.ext)` extraction.
const URL_REGEX = /^url\(("|'|)((?:.(?!\1\)))*.)\1\)$/;
 * Extracts resource path from `url(path/to/resource.ext)` | `url('res.ext')` | `url("name.ext")` 
function extractFromUrl($) {
    if (URL_REGEX.test($)) {
        return $.replace(URL_REGEX, '$2');
    return $;
 * Rule factory for html element style processing.
function buildStyleUrlRule($styleName) {
    return {
        selector: [
                // Select element with style attribute.
                attr: 'style',
                // Filter out element where style has `$styleName`.
                filter: $ => {
                    const style = extractStyleAsObject($);
                    return $styleName in style;
        source: {
            // Use style attribute content as a source.
            attr: 'style',
            // Return only resource path for only specified style parameter.
            deserialize: $ => {
                const style = extractStyleAsObject($);
                return extractFromUrl(style[$styleName]);
        target: {
            // Loaded result must be inserted back to style attribute.
            attr: 'style',
            // Specific serialization is required to update only one parameter.
            serialize: ($url, $attrValue) => {
                const style = extractStyleAsObject($attrValue);
                style[$styleName] = `url(${$url})`;
                return renderStyleObject(style);

const resourceLoaderRules = [

module.exports = {
    module: {
        rules: [
                test: /\.html?$/i,
                use: [
                        loader: 'file-loader',
                        options: {
                            name: '[path][name].[ext]',
                        loader: '@such-code/html-resource-loader',
                        options: {
                            rules: resourceLoaderRules
                test: /\.gif$/i,
                use: [
                        loader: 'file-loader',
                        options: {
                            name: 'images/[path][name].[ext]',
                            limit: 1000


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