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This project is about Developing Learning Analytics Dashboard for Academic Advisors

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  • Learning Analytics Dashboard (LAD) for Advisors offers data insights to aid decision-making on student progress and success.
  • Uses Analytics & Visualization to improve the quality of advising through interpretable data.
  • Essential Features of this Advisor focused LAD include :
    • Comprehensive Cumulative Analytics to deliver a full spectrum view of student academic trajectories.
    • Early Intervention for Risk Identification and Performance Feedback Analysis.
    • Historical Grade Trend & Categorical Impact Analysis.


System Architecture & API Integration

  • Established the core structure using the Django framework, ensuring robustness and scalability for the Learning Analytics Dashboard.
  • Developed custom API endpoints within the Django framework to trigger data retrieval from the Canvas LMS.

Security & Authorization Protocols

  • Implemented an authorization flow using keys and headers specified in Canvas LMS for secure data access.

Data Retrieval & Storage

  • Configured Django views to act as intermediaries for JSON data requests, utilizing authorization keys for data extraction from Canvas LMS.
  • Incorporated a MySQL database into the architecture for persistent storage of historical data, facilitating longitudinal data analysis.
  • Utilized Django models to query the MySQL database and present historical data on the dashboard.

Interface Design & Data Presentation

  • Developed intuitive and responsive webpages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to display educational analytics in an engaging and understandable format.

Key Canvas LMS API End-Points

  • url:GET|/api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignments
  • url:GET|/api/v1/courses/:course_id/enrollments
  • url:GET|/api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignment_groups/:assignment_group_id
  • url:GET|/api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignments/:assignment_id/submissions


Blank diagram (2)

Setup Instructions


  • Django: Make sure to have Django installed. If not, install it using pip: pip install Django==4.1.1.
  • Canvas LMS Account: We'll need access to a Canvas Instructure LMS instance where we can configure and use the Dashboard. So, we need to create an instructor account.
  • Database Server: We will also require Database to store Histrorical Data. We are using MySQL Server here.

1.Clone the repository

git clone https://project.git
cd project

2.Set up a virtual environment (Optional but recommended)

python -m venv venv

On Windows


On Unix or MacOS

source venv/bin/activate

3. Canvas LMS Configuration

In your Canvas Instructure account, navigate to App Settings of the course and add an external tool/app definition for your LTI application. This step will involve providing essential information such as the launch URL (usually a localhost URL with a port number and the endpoint which we give in the, as well as configuring security settings by putting the consumer and secret keys. Retrieve the consumer_key and secret_key generated by Canvas, which you'll need to use in the Django project to verify incoming requests.


  • Configure the Django project settings, particularly the MIDDLEWARE settings in the file where we must disable the csrf to get the application working.
  • Additionally, update the INSTALLED_APPS list to include AppName and sslserver.
  • Implement LTI authentication by verifying the incoming LTI launch request's parameters, such as Consumer Key and Secret Key.
  • Configure the Keys as below in the
'consumers': {'<random number string>': { 'secret': '<random number string>' }}}

5. Authorization Header Setup.

To create a API Header Authorization Token , In your Canvas Instructure Account Go to Account Settings --> Approved Integrations --> New Access Token

Copy that access token , Set it's expiry date and put that token in the

6.Set up the database (Adjust instructions based on your database choice - Here I've used MySQL)

This project uses MySQL as its database backend. Follow these steps to configure your MySQL database with Django.


  • MySQL Server installed on your machine.
  • MySQL Client for connecting to the server (usually included with the server installation).
  • Install MySQL Python dependencies
  • Django requires mysqlclient to interface with MySQL databases.

Install it using pip: pip install mysqlclient

Then create database and other basic settings in MySQL.

Configure Django to Use MySQL

  • Modify
  • Open your Django project's file.
  • Find the DATABASES setting and update it to match your MySQL database configuration:
    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
        'NAME': 'yourdbname',
        'USER': 'yourusername',
        'PASSWORD': 'yourpassword',
        'HOST': 'localhost',  # Or an IP Address that your DB is hosted on
        'PORT': '3306',

Apply migrations

To create the necessary database tables, run:

python makemigrations

python migrate

7.Run the development server

python runserver

Here we are using SSL Server

Use the following commands to install and run the SSL server:

  • Installation - sudo pip install django-sslserver
  • Execution - python ./ runsslserver localhost:portNumber

Note: Navigate to to see the project running locally.


This project is about Developing Learning Analytics Dashboard for Academic Advisors






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