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Parking Lot API

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To setup on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus, setup scripts are provided, to run these:

. ./

This will install the following:

  • docker
  • nvm, node and npm

You will also need to mysql 5.7, to install all these manually, you may follow:

If you are not using the default configuration in mysql, you will need to update the DB config here and testing config here.

Please create a database in mysql and load the SQL schema file, this will create the necessary tables.

Once these have been installed, please run:

# This may be skipped if you used used to setup node.js
npm install -g pm2

# For development environment, can execute API with nodemon or pm2
npm install


To load fixtures, first add a fixture file to the fixtures directory.

There is already a sample fixture file provided here, to load this into the DB:

# npm run load-fixtures <filename>

npm run load-fixtures cars.xml

To startup redis, which is used for rate-limiting:

# To bring up redis
npm run docker-up

# To take down redis
npm run docker-down

To start up the API:

npm start

You may also startup the API using PM2:

pm2 start scripts/startup/development.json
# or
pm2 start scripts/startup/production.json

This will by default, start up the API on port 3000.

There are several endpoints provided:

  • GET / and GET /whoami
    • Health check endpoints
  • GET /parkinglots/:parkingLotId/cars/:hoursPassed
    • This will calculate the earning made on parked cars given a valid parking lot and number of hours in the future
  • GET /inventory/:hoursPassed
    • This will return the number of cars in all the parking lots and the earning made given the number of hours in the future
  • POST /parkinglots/:parkingLotId/cars
    • This will add a car to the parking lot
    • You only need to provide the following: brand, licencePlate and parkingTime (will take current UTC time if not provided)

To run the linter, tests and generate code coverage:

# To execute the linter separately
npm run lint

# To execute linter, tests and generate code coverage
npm test

Outstanding Issues

There are a number of outstanding issues, that due to time limitation have not been included, to view these, please visit


parkinglot API developed in Koa.js








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