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  • This whole file is autogenerated
  • This python project fetch solved programs on leetcode website and their related data, and store them into sqlite database
  • We do not need to store any program file manually or give name to it, because all those things will be done automatically
  • Problem names will be grouped by related tag names and sorted by difficulty level in for each those group
  • This project is not for one time run only, it will continue from where it was stopped or when all solved problems were fetched
  • As you will solve new problems, it fetches those and store and update file


  1. Just run from your terminal
  2. You have two choice for login
         a) automated login : you can give username and password to command line user prompts
         b) manual login : you can directly insert username and password into website
  3. then your work will be done



Binary Indexed Tree
Binary Search
Binary Search Tree
Bit Manipulation
Breadth-first Search

Depth-first Search
Divide and Conquer
Dynamic Programming


Hash Table

Line Sweep
Linked List

Meet in the Middle

Ordered Map


Rejection Sampling
Reservoir Sampling
Rolling Hash

Segment Tree
Sliding Window
Suffix Array

Topological Sort
Two Pointers

Union Find



# Title Difficulty Language Run Time Acceptance rate LeetCode Link Notes
1 Two Sum EASY python 6948 ms 46.8% Redirect -
26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array EASY python3 80 ms 46.9% Redirect -
509 Fibonacci Number EASY python3 32 ms 67.9% Redirect -
1295 Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits EASY python3 52 ms 78.6% Redirect -
1313 Decompress Run-Length Encoded List EASY python3 68 ms 85.4% Redirect -
1431 Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies EASY python3 36 ms 88.1% Redirect -
1470 Shuffle the Array EASY python3 56 ms 88.1% Redirect -
1480 Running Sum of 1d Array EASY python3 32 ms 88.9% Redirect -
1512 Number of Good Pairs EASY python3 32 ms 87.6% Redirect -
1672 Richest Customer Wealth EASY python3 48 ms 88.1% Redirect -
11 Container With Most Water MEDIUM python3 136 ms 53.0% Redirect -
15 3Sum MEDIUM python3 724 ms 28.4% Redirect -
16 3Sum Closest MEDIUM python3 52 ms 46.4% Redirect -
18 4Sum MEDIUM python3 72 ms 35.2% Redirect -
75 Sort Colors MEDIUM python3 40 ms 50.1% Redirect -
873 Length of Longest Fibonacci Subsequence MEDIUM python3 652 ms 48.2% Redirect -
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays HARD python3 104 ms 31.6% Redirect -

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# Title Difficulty Language Run Time Acceptance rate LeetCode Link Notes
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number MEDIUM python3 28 ms 50.1% Redirect -
22 Generate Parentheses MEDIUM python3 44 ms 66.0% Redirect -
10 Regular Expression Matching HARD python3 N/A 27.5% Redirect -

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# Title Difficulty Language Run Time Acceptance rate LeetCode Link Notes
292 Nim Game EASY python3 24 ms 55.1% Redirect -

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# Title Difficulty Language Run Time Acceptance rate LeetCode Link Notes
23 Merge k Sorted Lists HARD python3 88 ms 43.2% Redirect -

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# Title Difficulty Language Run Time Acceptance rate LeetCode Link Notes
7 Reverse Integer EASY python3 32 ms 26.0% Redirect -
9 Palindrome Number EASY python3 80 ms 50.2% Redirect -
13 Roman to Integer EASY python3 52 ms 57.1% Redirect -
728 Self Dividing Numbers EASY python3 56 ms 75.8% Redirect -
1281 Subtract the Product and Sum of Digits of an Integer EASY python3 32 ms 85.6% Redirect -
1323 Maximum 69 Number EASY python3 24 ms 78.0% Redirect -
1512 Number of Good Pairs EASY python3 32 ms 87.6% Redirect -
2 Add Two Numbers MEDIUM python3 68 ms 35.9% Redirect -
8 String to Integer (atoi) MEDIUM python3 40 ms 15.8% Redirect -
12 Integer to Roman MEDIUM python3 40 ms 57.2% Redirect -

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# Title Difficulty Language Run Time Acceptance rate LeetCode Link Notes
292 Nim Game EASY python3 24 ms 55.1% Redirect -

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# Title Difficulty Language Run Time Acceptance rate LeetCode Link Notes
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists EASY python3 40 ms 56.6% Redirect -
2 Add Two Numbers MEDIUM python3 68 ms 35.9% Redirect -
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number MEDIUM python3 28 ms 50.1% Redirect -

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# Title Difficulty Language Run Time Acceptance rate LeetCode Link Notes
75 Sort Colors MEDIUM python3 40 ms 50.1% Redirect -

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# Title Difficulty Language Run Time Acceptance rate LeetCode Link Notes
20 Valid Parentheses EASY python3 24 ms 40.1% Redirect -

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# Title Difficulty Language Run Time Acceptance rate LeetCode Link Notes
13 Roman to Integer EASY python3 52 ms 57.1% Redirect -
14 Longest Common Prefix EASY python3 28 ms 36.3% Redirect -
20 Valid Parentheses EASY python3 24 ms 40.1% Redirect -
28 Implement strStr() EASY python3 28 ms 35.4% Redirect -
925 Long Pressed Name EASY python3 48 ms 37.1% Redirect -
1108 Defanging an IP Address EASY python3 32 ms 88.4% Redirect -
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters MEDIUM python3 1888 ms 31.6% Redirect -
5 Longest Palindromic Substring MEDIUM python3 8324 ms 30.7% Redirect -
6 ZigZag Conversion MEDIUM python3 1128 ms 38.4% Redirect -
8 String to Integer (atoi) MEDIUM python3 40 ms 15.8% Redirect -
12 Integer to Roman MEDIUM python3 40 ms 57.2% Redirect -
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number MEDIUM python3 28 ms 50.1% Redirect -
22 Generate Parentheses MEDIUM python3 44 ms 66.0% Redirect -
10 Regular Expression Matching HARD python3 N/A 27.5% Redirect -

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