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How To Configure

suewonjp edited this page Nov 29, 2017 · 3 revisions

✔️ Overriding command names

You can change command names by setting the following environment variables.

Notice that you should set the variables before you run source or . shell commands.

    _LIST_FILE_CMD=listfile ### Use this instead of `lf`

    ### ... some commands ...

    source /path/to/
    • Command name for lf
    • Command name for lfi
    • Command name for lfs
    • Command name for lff
    • Command name for g
    • Command name for gi
    • Since Version 0.8
    • Command name for rmrf

✔️ Specifying folder names to ignore by default

Set _LIST_FILE_DIRS_IGNORE variable like so:


Refer to this for more detail about _LIST_FILE_DIRS_IGNORE variable.

✔️ Using your favorite text search command instead of grep when running g or gi command

Set _LIST_FILE_GREP_TOOL variable like so:

    export _LIST_FILE_GREP_TOOL=egrep

Refer to this for more detail about _LIST_FILE_GREP_TOOL variable.

✔️ Configuring grepping behavior when running g or gi command

Set _LIST_FILE_GREP_OPTIONS variable like so:


Refer to this for more detail about _LIST_FILE_GREP_OPTIONS variable.

✔️ Configuring Names of Behavior Control Variables

Available Since Version 0.8

You can change names of Behavior Control Variables when you would like to do it for some reason.

    $ _LIST_FILE_BCV_NAME_Q=singlequote

    ### Now use 'singlequote' instead of 'q'
    $ singlequote= lf .js


You can use the following variables to specify each of Behavior Control Variable names

    • Name for ignore
    • Name for prepend
    • Name for append
    • Name for pre
    • Name for post
    • Name for q
    • Name for qq
    • Name for nul
    • Name for del
    • Name for SYM