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fadeup.js work for javascript animation.


fadeup.js demo


download fadeup.js files and import setting to HTML head element. jQuery is set up the same way.

<link rel='stylesheet' href='fadeUp.css'>
<script src='jquery-xxx.min.js'></script>
<script src='fadeUp.js'></script>

Mark HTML elements for animation

Set the class name "fu" to the HTML element to be animated.

<p class="fu">Animation Element</p>

Set Animation Contents

Specify the content of the animation with class name.

animation class name
move fuTsl
scale fuScl
skew fuSkw
rotate fuRot

The animation state is also set by a class name.

animation state class name
animation time(duration) fuTime
delay time before animation starts fuDelay
Set animation time function fuTimeFunc


The set value of the move is written the below described.



<p class="fu fuTsl_0_50_px_0_0_px">Animation Element</p>

The end position can be omitted. If no end position is specified, it moves to the original element position.

<p class="fu fuTsl_0_50_px">Animation Element</p>

setting up animation for tablets

To set up an animation for a tablet, replace "fuTsl" with "fuTabTsl".

<p class="fu fuTsl_0_50_px_0_0_px fuTabTsl_0_50_px_0_0_px">Animation Element</p>

You must have a PC setup for this configuration.

setting up animation for mobile

To set up an animation for a mobile, replace "fuTsl" with "fuMobTsl".

<p class="fu fuTsl_0_50_px_0_0_px fuMobTsl_0_50_px_0_0_px">Animation Element</p>

You must have a PC setup for this configuration.


The set value of the scale is written the below described.



<p class="fu fuScl_0.5_0.5_0.5_1.5_1.5_1.5">Animation Element</p>

The end scale can be omitted. If no end scale is specified, it scale to the original element position.

<p class="fu fuScl_0.5_0.5_0.5">Animation Element</p>

setting up animation for tablets

To set up an animation for a tablet, replace "fuScl" with "fuTabScl".

<p class="fu fuScl_0.5_0.5_0.5_1.5_1.5_1.5 fuTabScl_0.8_0.8_0.8_1.0_1.0_1.0">Animation Element</p>

You must have a PC setup for this configuration.

setting up animation for mobile

To set up an animation for a mobile, replace "fuScl" with "fuMobScl".

<p class="fu fuScl_0.5_0.5_0.5_1.5_1.5_1.5 fuMobScl_0.8_0.8_0.8_1.0_1.0_1.0">Animation Element</p>

You must have a PC setup for this configuration.


The set value of the skew is written the below described.



<p class="fu fuSkw_45_45_20_20">Animation Element</p>

The end skew can be omitted. If no end skew is specified, it skew to the original element position.

<p class="fu fuSkw_45_45">Animation Element</p>

setting up animation for tablets

To set up an animation for a tablet, replace "fuSkw" with "fuTabSkw".

<p class="fu fuSkw_45_45 fuTabSkw_30_30">Animation Element</p>

You must have a PC setup for this configuration.

setting up animation for mobile

To set up an animation for a mobile, replace "fuSkw" with "fuMobSkw".

<p class="fu fuSkw_45_45 fuMobSkw_30_30">Animation Element</p>

You must have a PC setup for this configuration.


The set value of the rotate is written the below described.



<p class="fu fuRot_0_0_45_20_20_0">Animation Element</p>

The end rotate can be omitted. If no end rotate is specified, it rotate to the original element position.

<p class="fu fuRot_0_0_45">Animation Element</p>

setting up animation for tablets

To set up an animation for a tablet, replace "fuRot" with "fuTabRot".

<p class="fu fuRot_0_0_45 fuTabRot_0_0_45">Animation Element</p>

You must have a PC setup for this configuration.

setting up animation for mobile

To set up an animation for a mobile, replace "fuRot" with "fuMobRot".

<p class="fu fuRot_0_0_45 fuMobRot_0_0_45">Animation Element</p>

You must have a PC setup for this configuration.

■how to change breakpoint

Change the settings in fadeUp.js.

const TAB_BREAKPOINT = 1024;

TAB_BREAKPOINT is the tablet animation toggle setting. If the value is less than or equal to this value, the animation will be displayed for tablet.

const MOB_BREAKPOINT = 767;

MOB_BREAKPOINT is the mobile animation toggle setting. If the value is less than or equal to this value, the animation will be displayed for mobile.

■Disable animation for tablet size or smaller

To disable animation below the tablet size, add "fuNoTab" to the class name.

<p class="fu fuSkw_45_45 fuNoTab">Animation Element</p>

■Disable animation for mobile size or smaller

To disable animation below the mobile size, add "fuNoMob" to the class name.

<p class="fu fuSkw_45_45 fuNoMob">Animation Element</p>

■Set "delay" for animation start time

To delay the start of the animation, set "fuDelay_(delayTime milli seconds)" in the class name.

<div class="fu fuTsl_0_-100_px fuDelay_3000">Animation Element</p>

■How to set up multiple consecutive animations

1.Set the class name "fuAninms" to the HTML element to be animated.

2.Set "fuAninms fuName_animationName" on the element you want to animate. For example, if the animation name is "heroAnim" the below described.

<div class="fuAninms fuName_heroAnim">Animation Element</div>

3.Create an "animation group" in Javascript and set the animation settings.

let animGroups = [];

const animGroup = {
    'name' : 'animation group name',
    'loop' : boolean(true:loop on,  false:loop off) ※At least three animation data are required to turn on looping.
    'loopStart': int animation number, (※1 is the lowest value)
    'animations' : array

4.The "animations" in "animation group" should be set the below described.

    'animations' :  [
            animData: string(initial position)        },
        //animation number 1
        {   animData: string
            animDuration: int         
        //animation number 2
            animData: string
            animDuration: int



Set "string" in "animData" the below described.

animation class name
move fuTsl
scale fuSkw
skew fuScl
rotate fuRot

In the case of "continuous animation," the "set value" is the "animation end position" because the "end position of the previous animation" is the "start position of the next animation.

If you want to execute "Continuous Animation" immediately after the web page has finished loading.

Add "fuNoWait" to "Class Name".

<div class="fuNoWait fuAninms fuName_heroAnim">animation element</div>


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