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74 lines (73 loc) · 12.5 KB

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74 lines (73 loc) · 12.5 KB
🌟 Name Description 🌍
283 @int128/gradle-ssh-plugin Gradle SSH Plugin ↗️
275 @konifar/gradle-unused-resources-remover-plugin Gradle Plugin that removes unused resources in Android projects. ↗️
247 @kt3k/coveralls-gradle-plugin 👨‍🔧 gradle plugin for coveralls ↗️
174 @int128/gradle-swagger-generator-plugin Gradle plugin for OpenAPI YAML validation, code generation and API document publishing
128 @ksoichiro/gradle-eclipse-aar-plugin Gradle plugin to use Android AAR libraries on Eclipse.
106 @aurae/android-junit5 Unit Testing with JUnit 5 for Android.
100 @tmiyamon/gradle-config Gradle plugin to add multi-variants yaml settings to Android.
98 @int128/groovy-ssh SSH automation tool based on Groovy DSL ↗️
87 @hotchemi/gradle-proguard-plugin The gradle plugin to add proguard snippets to your proguard setting file quickly. ↗️
74 @tmiyamon/gradle-mdicons A gradle plugin for Android to handle material design icons Google published.
47 @gfx/android-power-assert-plugin Power Assert for Android
43 @ksoichiro/gradle-console-reporter Gradle plugin to report various kinds of summaries to console.
43 @tkruse/gradle-groovysh-plugin gradle plugin allowing to start a command-line shell
32 @int128/gradle-plugin-starter Gradle plugin template project
31 @nobeans/gexcelapi GExcelAPI is a thin Groovy-ish wrapper library of not JExcelAPI but Apache POI.
30 @ksoichiro/gradle-build-info-plugin Gradle plugin to include build information such as Git commit ID to your JAR. It can be used to show Git commit information with Spring Boot Actuator.
25 @int128/spock-spring-boot-example An example of testing Spring Boot application with Spock framework
23 @int128/feign-oauth2-example Example of Spring Cloud Feign and Spring Security OAuth2
23 @ksoichiro/gradle-web-resource-plugin Gradle plugin to use CoffeeScript, LESS and Bower libraries without Node.js/npm.
22 @tomorrowkey/notifier-plugin This plugin provide a ability of notifying you that gradle task is finished.
21 @ksoichiro/gradle-android-git Gradle plugin for Android apps to manage Git dependency (gag)
19 @uPhyca/gradle-android-apt-plugin A Gradle plugin which enables annotations processing for Android builds.
15 @sys1yagi/rxandroid-usecase
15 @uehaj/groovy-comprehension
14 @takahirom/fire-annotation Simple tool which help you to implement Firebase Analytics
14 @uehaj/groovyz POC of Type Class for Groovy
13 @gfx/gradle-plugin-template A template project for Gradle plugins
13 @kiy0taka/spock-shell
12 @taichi/yuzen static contents generator ↗️
11 @mariotaku/imgenie-plugin
11 @tkruse/gpi grape package installer
11 @yamkazu/jggug-grails-bootcamp
10 @sys1yagi/faucet Super casual memory leak checker for Android.
9 @tyama/ratpack-gorm-mongo-example
8 @kazurayam/VisualTestingInKatalonStudio This Katalon Studio project performs 2 ways of screenshot-comparison testing of WebUI in full automation. Twins: comparing 2 hostnames at a time. Chronos: comparing current view of a URL of AUT to previous view of the same. You can make your own Katalon Studio project capable of the same screenshot-comparison; the instruction is provided. ↗️
7 @int128/gradle-starter Hello World application with Gradle
7 @mike-neck/slim3-gradle gradle build file and slim3 sample
6 @PoohSunny/geb-study
6 @int128/spring-cloud-api-gateway-example Example Implementation of API Gateway Pattern using Spring Cloud Netflix
6 @kimukou/griffontest groovy griffon
6 @kiy0taka/groovy-consoles ↗️
6 @ksoichiro/gradle-plugin-template Template project for Gradle plugin.
6 @making/spring-boot-demo-jvm-languages Spring Boot Hello World project using some JVM languages
6 @operando/gradle-zundokokiyoshi-plugin gradle zundokokiyoshi plugin
6 @uehaj/groovy-optional Extension module which enhances handilng of Java8's Optional Class in Groovy
5 @kazurayam/EntirePageScreenshotByAShotInKatalonStudio
5 @nobeans/groovy-osgi-sample Sample of OSGi powered by Groovy and Gradle
4 @YukiMatsumura/MaterialDesignResources MaterialDesign Android Resources
4 @dai0304/aws-lambda-single-command-deploy-example
4 @kazurayam/KatalonPropertiesDemo file enhances usability of Katalon Studio ↗️
4 @mike-neck/idea-gradle-javaee-template template project of JavaEE-Glassfish application for IntelliJ IDEA and Gradle
4 @nicolas-raoul/OxygenPump Downloads the wikicode of articles (which are Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0) ↗️
4 @nobeans/javaone-tokyo-2012-jvm-bof
4 @sorah/jenkinsfile-slack
4 @uehaj/LispBuilder a DSL for lisp like expression, implemented as a Groovy Builder(with interpreter)
4 @wadahiro/gradle-samples
4 @yamkazu/jggug-nov-2013-grails23
3 @emanon001/tddbc-vending-machine TDDBC Osaka 2.0
3 @fumokmm/groovy-gdkpp Groovy GDK++ is extends Java & Groovy default libraries using Category class. ↗️
3 @fumokmm/groovy-logo-adder Add groovy's logo to your icon file. ↗️
3 @gfx/Android-JavassistExample
3 @grimrose/gadvent2014 sample Ratpack app ↗️
3 @inokappa/rundeck-datadog_event-notification-plugin
3 @inokappa/rundeck-fluentd-plugin
3 @ksoichiro/gradle-replacer Gradle plugin that provides a minimalistic template engine feature.
3 @nobeans/grails-request-tracelog Grails 3 plugin to get info logs of request
3 @nobeans/irclog-viewer A simple viewer of IRC log archives powered by Grails
3 @nobeans/tddbc-yokohama-201111
3 @tsuyo/grails-captcha-sample grails sample to login with captcha
3 @uehaj/grails-react-boilerplate
3 @uehaj/groovy-bootcamp2015 JGGUG Groovyブートキャンプのハンズオンマテリアル