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This is my capstone project (6/15/2015~7/1/2015) at Galvanize DSI.

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Exploring Recommenders with Networks


With the big growth in online commerce in recent years, recommendation systems (recommenders) have become very popular. Recommenders try to match certain items to specific users, based on existing information, and usually show recommended items to users in their web interfaces.

If user attributes and item attributes exist, those information can be arranged in a shared space, so that user-item distances can be used to find out how well they match (content-based methods).

If ratings, given by users for items, exist (usually, in values of 1 to 5), recommenders try to predict unknown ratings using past ratings. One simple method is to use average ratings for predictions (biases of users and/or items can be considered, in addition). But that might not be good enough, because we know that users are not the same; rather we users are quite diverse with many unique characteristics. Then one thing we can do is using the user attributes for grouping users, and then use members of the same group for predictions (demographic filtering).

We can compare users (or items) by looking at similarities between their past ratings to find out similar users (or items) for predictions. Or, we can find latent factors using matrix factorization techniques (collaborative filtering) [1,2].

This type of filtering methods will give us better predictions compared to models using averages, because we are now considering diverse characteristics of users. Each method mentioned above has its own drawbacks, which we will not go into detail here, and most recommendation systems combine some existing methods to find better predictions (hybrid models).

Another recent big trend is the growth and availability of huge social networks that have the information of how users are connected with each other. Then one can ask a question: if we use social networks in recommenders in addition to methods described above, will the performance of recommenders be enhanced? We already know the answer. The answer is yes; because we tend to become friends with similar people, or we become similar with friedns by interacting with them, and sharing information with them [3-5].

Then the next question is: how do we incorporate network information into recommenders? Here I implement and analyze the simplest approach of using past ratings of friends for predictions. (we may call it network filtering, or NF, for convenience).

Fig.1 The above figure describes the method. If a user, named Suhan, has two friends, Jef and Vik, who rated a business, named Ovo Cafe, we assume that Suhan's rating is more likely to be closer to their ratings than the average rating. To test this simple model, we will use the data from Yelp Dataset Challenge.


The data consist of five json files, and each file has information on users, businesses, reviews (with ratings), tips, and check-ins. The data is composed by Yelp to represent 10 cities: Phoenix, Las Vegas, Charlotte, Montreal, Edinburgh, Pittsburgh, Madison, Karlsruhe, Urbana-Champaign, and Waterloo (ordered by the number of businesses). Even though there was no need for data cleaning, some preprocessing had to be performed (see Appendix for technical details). If I briefly describe the preprocessing:

  1. We only need users, bussinesses, and ratings (from the file of reviews). We'd like to do some city-by-city analysis, so we will separate data into 10 subsets, one for each city.
  2. First, each businsess was assigned a city by their location information. Due to the nature of the dataset, every business was classified cleanly.
  3. Second, by going through every rating with (user, business) information, we were able to assign users to each city. One problem arises when there are users who left ratings on multiple cities (about 5% of users). In those cases, we looked at friends of these users, and found cities where the majority of friends reside. If there is no majority or there is not enough friends to determine, a city was assigned randomly.
  4. Since we are only concerned with users who are in social network (with friends), we dropped users without any friend and their ratings from the dataset. The number of users is reduced from 366,715 to 174,094 here.
  5. If we ignore network edges between users in different cities (about 22% of edges are dropped here), we now have 10 separate subsets of network data. Finally, here we further drop users by only keeping the biggest component of the network for each city. The number of users now has become 147,114. For example, the network (the biggest component) of Montreal with 3,071 users and 9,121 edges looks like below (using sfdp layout in graph_tool library [6]). Fig.2

Now we will briefly examine the city-by-city data (for more detailed analysis, look at EDA.ipynb, done in ipython notebook format). If we compare cities by sizes in our data, the figure below shows ratios for numbers of users, businesses, and reviews (before we drop users based on the structure of social network). For each city, the number of users (or businesses/reviews) is divided by the total number of users (or businesses/reviews) in all 10 cities. There are two big cities, Phoenix and Las Vegas, and five medium cities, and three small cities. Fig.3 One thing that catches our eyes is that the number of users is the highest for Las Vegas, even though the number of businesses is second to Phoenix. The numbers of users per business for each city and average degrees are as below.

Phoenix Las Vegas Charlotte Montreal Edinburgh Pittsburgh Madison Karlsruhe Urbana-Champaign Waterloo
users per business 5.09 11.03 4.79 3.54 1.07 5.85 5.07 0.81 6.25 3.18
average degree 8.6 17.2 6.0 5.4 9.4 5.2 4.6 2.4 2.7 2.3

It also appears that the average degree for Las Vegas (around 17) is more than twice as much as average degrees for other cities. Having more tourists alone cannot explain this phenomenon, and I can only conclude that there are just more active users in Las Vegas, based on this data. There may exist other outside factors I am not aware of.

Another interesting thing is that distributions of ratings are different for some cities. Overall ratings are skewed toward 5 with the mean at 3.75. But if we look at ratings distributions city by city, we can see a clear difference. Fig.4 In Phoenix and Las Vegas, 5 is given the most, but in Charlotte and Montreal, 4 is the most given rating. Are people in big cities more generous? Maybe.

Now we turn our attention to the main focus of this project: a recommender with a social network.


How we compare models

Models will be compared using the average RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error) from the K-fold cross-validation (K=10). First, train and test sets are chosen randomly out of all given ratings, and next, the train set is divided into K folds randomly again. Then, each fold is used as a validation set to find an RMSE, and the averaged RMSE is obtained for the given model.

Model implemented

The network model implemented here is the simplest one: predicting ratings based on past ratings done by friends. (A similar model based on the same idea has been already studied thoroughly in Ref.3.) It makes sense because of the homophily. Also friends tend to spend time together, so they are more likely to visit/use the same businesses and to get influenced with each other. If that is true, predictions based on ratings by friends will be more accurate on average. The figure below seems to show that our assumption might be true. Fig.5 For the city of Montreal, if we use the business average as the prediction, the RMSE is 1.065, and this value is a good baseline to compare to. Now we look at predictions with the certain numbers of friend ratings, and find RMSE's for these subsets of data as we increase this number. And do the same with only friends of friends (excluding friends). As expected, as this number increases, RMSE's tend to go down, and friends of friends tend to give less accurate predictions.

Because the accuracy is not as good if there is only one friend rating, our model has the lower limit (also the upper limit, which is not as important) of the number of friend ratings. If the number of friend ratings is less than the lower limit, there will be no prediction; while if it exceeds the upper limit, the model will choose friend ratings randomly for predictions. The figure below shows how RMSE changes as this lower limit increases for Montreal data. Also the coverage, the term used in Ref.3 to express the ratio of ratings that were predicted, decreases, too. Fig.6 The coverage is around 0.2 at the lower limit at 2, but it decreases significantly as the limit increases. Other cities show almost the same behavior (not shown here). Due to this property, we set the lower limit at 2, and the model has to be combined with other models to get predictions for all possible cases.


Now we compare our network model (NF) with other models. We consider four models: (1) model that uses business average ratings (baseline model); (2) model using collaborative filtering with the matrix factorization (SVD), and business biases (CF); (3) model with friend ratings, where the business average ratings are used when the method is not applicable (NF + average); (4) model with friend ratings, where only subsets satisfying our condition are considered. The figure below shows RMSE's for 7 cities (other 3 cities are too small to show any meaningful results). Fig.7

The baseline RMSE for each city were obtained by predicting the average rating for each business. There are some discrepancies between cities. It is very low for Edinburgh, but it is too small to have any significant meaning. Charlotte and Montreal showed relatively low baseline RMSE's, which may be related to the ratings distribution we observed earlier (ratings were centered around 4, while ratings for other big cities were different).

For CF, the grid search was performed to find the right parameter set. The parameters are the number of latent features (n_features), the learning rate for the stochastic gradient descent (l_rate), and the regularization parameter (r_param). A parameter set that seems to give the best RMSE was {n_features=2, l_rate=0.011, r_param=0.12}. This CF model has features that can add user- or business-biases, business-biases made RMSE's lower, while user-biases didn't. So only business-biases were considered when computing RMSE's. Somehow CF didn't give us significantly better RMSE's compared to the baseline model. For Montreal, CF was a little worse than the baseline model.

For the network model (NF), RMSE's for subsets are significantly lower for all cities when we only consider predictions done by this method ignoring cases without prediction (they are not comparable because RMSE's are not from the same set of data). But if we combine two models, NF and average, we can compare RMSE's with other models. RMSE's are not significantly lower as subset RMSE's are, but RMSE's are lower than those from CF in all cities shown.


  • We can now answer the question I asked in the beginning, based on our results from the simplest possible network model: networks can help improve recommenders.

  • More elaborate models with networks are also possible; and one model I planned to do, but couldn't due to the time constraint, was using communities of the given network.

  • We also learned that hybrid models are needed for this model, because it cannot be applied to every case.

  • We used only ratings here because the main focus of this work is to study and compare models, but in reality, other information should be considered for better predictions.

  • I believe many computer scientists and data scientists have been tackling this kind of friend-based recommenders in academia and industry for many years now, when social networks are available [3-5,7].

  • There are many possible applications: personalized marketing, delivery of contents, and so on.

  • In a big picture, many machine-learning algorithms with social networks have been used already in many areas like in fraud detection [8] and finding terrorists.


  1. Mining of Massive Datasets, by Jure Leskovec, Anand Rajaraman, and Jeffrey D. Ullman, (2014).

  2. Recommender Systems: Types of Filtering Techniques, by I. Ryngksai and L. Chameikho, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol. 3, Issue 11 (2014).

  3. A social network-based recommender system, by Wesley W. Chu and Jianming He, Doctoral Dissertation, published by University of California at Los Angeles (2010).

  4. Use of social network information to enhance collaborative filtering performance, by Fengkun Liu and Hong Joo Lee, Expert Systems with Applications, 37, 4772-8 (2010).

  5. Social Recommender Systems: An Influence on Public Media, by Bornali Borah, Priyanka Konwar, and Gypsy Nandi, I3CS15 (Internaional Conference on Computing and Communication Systems) (2015).

  6. “The graph-tool python library”, by Tiago P. Peixoto, figshare. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.1164194 (2014).

  7. Systems and methods to facilitate searches based on social graphs and affinity groups, by David Yoo, US Patent App. 14/516,875,, (2015).

  8. The Cutting Edge: Network Analytics for Financial Fraud Detection and Mitigation, by Scott Mongeau, [] ( (2014).

  9. I thank mentors and instructors who helped finish this project: Tammy, Robert, Karthik, Dominique, and Tom.

Appendix: technical details.

Here I present some technical details for this project. First, a diagram representing data flow is given below. Fig.8 The original data are given by three json files at the top (not stored in this repo due to the sizes), and three python codes (,, and process these files to produce separate network files and ratings information, one for each city. During the process, intermediate results of pandas dataframes and ID mapping information are stored in pickled files for future usages.

After preprocessing, models can be run. I have implemented two methods. One for the collaborative filtering (CF;, implemented using SVD with stochastic gradient descent. The other for the friend-based network model (NF;, implemented using python for this project. In addition, Validator class ( was implemented to read input files, and perform K-fold cross-validation.

To run the models (CF and NF), two codes are used: and, respectively. Model parameters can be given to the model using a text file.

For example, for the CF model, if you have a file, called input_params_cf, with 4 lines like this,

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

and if you run the code as below,

$ python input_params_cf 0 1

it will run the CF model for all cities (0~9) with n_features=2, l_rate=0.011, and r_param=0.12`. In the command line, 0 and 1 means it will not include user bias (0) and that it will consider item biases (1).

To run the NF model, we also need a file, called input_params_nf, with 3 lines like this,

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

and run the code as below.

$ python input_params_nf 1

Then, it will run the NF model for all cities (0~9) with the lower and upper limits of the number of ratings by friends as 2 and 20. In the command line, 1 means it will use the business average rating if there is not enough ratings by friends. If this value is 0, it will predict only when ratings by friends are available, and find an RMSE based on only those cases.


This is my capstone project (6/15/2015~7/1/2015) at Galvanize DSI.






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