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  1. What are the 3 most common ratings (1-10) for movies in the list? Round each rating up or down to the nearest whole number. Three most common ratings are –

  2. 6.0 - 17233

  3. 7.0 - 12506

  4. 5.0 - 9509

  5. Are there more R Rated movies or PG13 movies in this list? R rated (3377) movies are more than PG13(1003).

  6. Are there more Drama, Comedy, or Romance films in this list? Drama movies more.

  7. How many movies are described as both Action and Comedy (but no other genre)? Total 533 movies are described as only Action and Comedy type.

  8. What is the average, median, 25th percentile and 75th percentile of ratings? Average – 5.93 Median – 6.00 25th percentile – 5.00 75th percentile – 7.00

  9. Which of the following has the strongest correlation coefficient (r)? Rating vs. Votes, Length vs. Rating, or Year vs. Rating. What is that correlation? Rating vs Votes has the strongest correlation when compared to others. Correlations - Rating vs Votes 0.10131129802337543 Rating vs Length -0.030017985145439994 Rating vs Year -0.0682678828022892

    1. If you plot Length vs. Rating, and you look for the most obvious outlier, what is the name of that movie? The first column in the dataset represents the index no. and it has not been and title so I have marked it as MovieID. Based on this number we can identify the outliers from the below plot. Based on the below plot The Cure for Insomnia (11937) and The Longest Most Meaningless Movie in the World (30574) are the most obvious outliers.
  10. Imagine you are an executive producer today and you are tasked with picking the genre start-up Studios’ next movie. Using the data in this file, which genre would you recommend? Why? Based on the below inferences I will select Drama genre movie – • Consistent - Based on the below dashboard (fig.2) average ratings of Drama genre has been consistent receiving positive ratings even for 1800 – 2005 and 2000 – 05 timelines. Even the trend line shows constancy with higher positive rating. • Popular - Drama has always been one of the most popular genre among the population. • Top - Drama has been one of the most used genre, drama movies have the highest production (4400) and second being comedy (3096). • Distribution Spread – Based on the distribution of votes (r1-r10) the distribution spread of Drama consisting of positive review (above 50 %) are more. • Since 2000, the ratio of positive rating to total rating of Drama genre is more better and stable compared to other genres.

  11. Please tell us something interesting about this data. You can present it in any way you like. Based on my analysis below are few interesting finding –

  12. Popular Genre over the years – During 1800’s Documentary movies were quite popular as they have the most number of votes for the period but in 1900’s there was a sudden drop in documentary movies and great spike total votes given to Drama and Comedy movies. But again, with the start of 2000’s Action movies seems to dominate over all other genres.

  13. The relationship between rating and number of votes has positive correlation, which means movies with higher rating, attract more number of votes.

  14. There also exits a positive correlation between Year with number of votes and length of the movie, which means that the length and votes vary with timelines.

  15. New Millennium Trend - Since 2003 there has been an exponential raise in the average rating received by the short films compared to any other genre. For the year 2005 short movies has achieved an average rating of 8.0.

  16. Approximately 21.7 percent of the movies are not categorised in any genre.

  17. Budget could have been one of the most important feature for analysis but almost 91 percent records have null values.

  18. Since 1990 there has been a continuous spike in the production of movies but there has been a sudden fall in production 2005 by almost 4 folds.

  19. Time Series Trend wrt. length – In early 2000’s the animation genre movies gradual fall in their length but since 2003 their length is increasing rapidly. Similarly, Romance movies length have also spike exponentially since 2003.

  20. The average movie length of Romance genre movie is the highest, Action being the second and drama being the third.

  21. The average viewer rating for movies by each MPAA category is highest for PG-13 (5.80)


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