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Instagram Redesigned

This is an attempt to redesign Instagram app using mock data for learning purposes. (this is a work in progress project)

You can access the hosted app at

Things that are implemented

  • Configured with Travis, for auto-deployment to firebase hosting
  • A command-line utility to parse Instagram Response (saved as sample.json), and download all the images, thumbnails, etc and creates a JSON format (as data.json) to be used for the application.
  • All the data are stored in IndexedDB and all the operations are done assuming this as the data source
  • User can comment, only last 2 comments are shown with posts
  • User can like a post (increases the like counter)
  • User can like a comment (in the comment page)
  • Use can bookmark a post (on the posts page)
  • Loaders are displayed corresponding to each micro-actions
  • All the images are loaded in a responsive way (using srcset etc) and in lazy mode
  • All the comments/captions are parsed to support tagging and hashtags
  • X time ago, format for showing time elapsed
  • Skelton for all the pages
  • Hash Tags, User, and mentions are linked to actual accounts
  • For multiple images in a post, carousel is implemented, when seeing in the post view
  • In the post grid view in the profile page, white multi-image icon is used, to distinguish with the post with one entry
  • When you navigate from comment to post, the page is auto-scrolled to the given post
  • When you click on the thumbnail of a post in the profile page, you will be scrolled to the corresponding post in the post page.
  • For SEO, all the pages use the helmet library to update metadata.
  • Website is responsive and is blocked at max-width of 600px to keep the experience similar to that of mobile view
  • Additionally, images can be interlaced (using gm).

Starting local - For View

This will build it for local and then will start a local serve at port 500. You can then access it at localhost:5000

npm install
npm run build
npm run serve

Starting local - For development

npm install
npm start

Building to deploy

Auto deployment is set using travis. It will automatically deploy to firebase when pushed to master.

Privacy concerns

The project downloads data and images of actual users for generating mock data. This is only for demostration purposes. The images, names, usernames are planned to be anonymized.