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Projet X - Play video & upload video from your device to youtube channel

2. Run these command :

cd projetx-react-native

npm install

react-native link

rm ./node_modules/react-native/local-cli/core/fixtures/files/package.json

3. For running on iOS (only supported by Mac)

   * 3.1 In your root project run 'npm start' 
   * 3.2 In your folder/finder, go to the root of your project ios/ => click on ProjetX.xcodeproj OR run command 'react-native run-ios'
   * 3.3 Run with simulator or your iPhone from xcode

4. For running on Android

   * 4.1 In your root project run 'npm start'
   * 4.2 Connect your Android device to your computer (Android Studio or Android SDK is necessary)
   * 4.3 Open another terminal, go to your root project and run this command 'react-native run-android'

Error Solution

If you see this issue : (iOS and Android)

"Error: While resolving module react-native-vector-icons/MaterialIcons, the Haste package react-native-vector-icons was found"

Solution: From your root project, run this command :

rm ./node_modules/react-native/local-cli/core/__fixtures__/files/package.json

Now 'npm start' and run again from xcode