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Security: sumithemmadi/json-to-plain-text

Supported Versions

This section outlines the versions of the "json-to-plain-text" package that are currently eligible for receiving security updates and maintenance. It's essential to keep your software up to date to ensure the security and stability of your applications.

Version Supported Notes
1.1.x Latest and actively maintained version. Security updates and bug fixes will be provided. It's recommended to upgrade to this version.
1.0.x This version is no longer receiving security updates. Users are advised to upgrade to the latest 1.1.x release for continued support.
< 1.0 Versions prior to 1.0 are not supported and may contain known security vulnerabilities. Users should upgrade to a supported version.

It's our priority to provide a secure and reliable package for our users. We strongly encourage all users to stay up to date with the latest supported version to benefit from the latest security enhancements and bug fixes.

Reporting a Vulnerability

I take security vulnerabilities seriously and appreciate the help of the community in identifying and addressing them. If you discover a security vulnerability in the "json-to-plain-text" package, please report it:

Contact Information: You can report the vulnerability by raiseing issue json-to-plain-text. Please provide a detailed description of the vulnerability and steps to reproduce it, if possible.

Thank you for your dedication to the security of the "json-to-plain-text" package. Your responsible disclosure helps us provide a safer experience for all our users.

There aren’t any published security advisories