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All code must be documented. Undocumented code will not be accepted into SunPy. Documentation should follow the guidelines in PEP 8 and PEP 257 (Docstring conventions). Documentation for modules, classes, and functions should follow the NumPy/SciPy documentation style guide. We provide an example of good documentation below or you can just browse some of SunPy code itself for examples. All of the SunPy documentation (like this page!) is built by Sphinx and must therefore adhere to Sphinx guidelines.


Sphinx is a tool for generating high-quality documentation in various formats (HTML, pdf, etc) and is especially well-suited for documenting Python projects. Sphinx works by parsing files written using a a Mediawiki-like syntax called reStructuredText. In addition to parsing static files of reStructuredText, Sphinx can also be told to parse code comments. In fact, in addition to what you are reading right now, the Python documentation was also created using Sphinx.


All of the SunPy documentation is contained in the docs folder and code comments. The examples from the example gallery can be found in examples. To build the documentation locally you must have Sphinx (as well as Numpydoc, astropy-helpers, and sphinx-gallery) installed on your computer. In the root directory run :

python build_docs

This will generate HTML documentation for SunPy in the docs/_build/html directory. The gallery examples are located under docs/_build/html/generated/gallery Sphinx builds documentation iteratively only adding things that have changed. If you'd like to start from scratch then just delete the build directory.

For more information on how to use Sphinx, consult the Sphinx documentation.

The rest of this section will describe how to document the SunPy code in order to guarantee well-formatted documentation.


The example codes in the Guide section of the docs are configured with the Sphinx doctest extension. This will test the example code to make sure it runs correctly, it can be executed using: :

sphinx-build -t doctest -b doctest ./ ../build

from inside the doc/source folder.

Use of quantities and units

Much code perform calculations using physical quantities. SunPy uses astropy's quantities and units implementation to store, express and convert physical quantities. New classes and functions should adhere to SunPy's quantity and unit usage guidelines. This document sets out SunPy's reasons and requirements for the usage of quantities and units. Briefly, SunPy's policy is that all user-facing function/object arguments which accept physical quantities as inputMUST* accept astropy quantities, and ONLY astropy quantities*.

Developers should consult the Astropy Quantities and Units page for the latest updates on using quantities and units. The astropy tutorial on quantities and units also provides useful examples on their capabilities.

Astropy provides the decorator ~astropy.units.quantity_input that checks the units of the input arguments to a function against the expected units of the argument. We recommend using this decorator to perform function argument unit checks. The decorator ensures that the units of the input to the function are convertible to that specified by the decorator, for example :

>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> @u.quantity_input(myangle=u.arcsec)
... def myfunction(myangle):
...     return myangle**2

This function only accepts arguments that are convertible to arcseconds. Therefore, :

>>> myfunction(20 *
<Quantity 400. deg2>

returns the expected answer but :

>>> myfunction(20 *
Traceback (most recent call last):
astropy.units.core.UnitsError: Argument 'myangle' to function 'myfunction' must be in units convertible to 'arcsec'.

raises an error.

The following is an example of a use-facing function that returns the area of a square, in units that are the square of the input length unit:

>>> @u.quantity_input(side_length=u.m)
... def get_area_of_square(side_length):
...     """
...     Compute the area of a square.
...     Parameters
...     ----------
...     side_length : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`
...         Side length of the square
...     Returns
...     -------
...     area : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`
...         Area of the square.
...     """
...     return (side_length ** 2)

This more advanced example shows how a private function that does not accept quantities can be wrapped by a function that does:

>>> @u.quantity_input(side_length=u.m)
... def some_function(length):
...     """
...     Does something useful.
...     Parameters
...     ----------
...     length : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`
...         A length.
...     Returns
...     -------
...     length : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`
...         Another length
...     """
...     # the following function either
...     # a] does not accept Quantities
...     # b] is slow if using Quantities
...     result = _private_wrapper_function(length.convert('meters').value)
...     # now convert back to a quantity
...     result = Quantity(result_meters, units_of_the_private_wrapper_function)
...     return result

In this example, the non-user facing function _private_wrapper_function requires a numerical input in units of meters, and returns a numerical output. The developer knows that the result of _private_wrapper_function is in the units units_of_the_private_wrapper_function, and sets the result of some_function to return the answer in those units.



Each module or package should begin with a docstring describing its overall purpose and functioning. Below that meta-tags containing author, license, email and credits information may also be listed.

Example: :

"""This is an example module comment.

An explanation of the purpose of the module would go here and will appear
in the generated documentation
#  Developer notes and todo items can be listed here and will not be
#  included in the documentation.
__authors__ = ["Keith Hughitt", "Steven Christe", "Jack Ireland", "Alex Young"]
__email__ = ""
__license__ = "xxx"

For details about what sections can be included, see the section on documenting modules in the NumPy/SciPy style guide.


Class docstrings should include a clear and concise docstring explaining the overall purpose of the class, required and optional input parameters, and the return value. Additionally, notes, references and examples are encouraged.

Example ( :

Map(data, header)

A spatially-aware data array based on the SolarSoft Map object

data : numpy.ndarray, list
    A 2d list or ndarray containing the map data
header : dict
    A dictionary of the original image header tags

header : dict
    A dictionary representation of the image header
date : `astropy.time.Time`
    Image observation time
det : str
    Detector name
inst : str
    Instrument name
meas : str, int
    Measurement name. For AIA this is the wavelength of image
obs : str
    Observatory name
r_sun : float
    Radius of the sun
name : str
    Nickname for the image type (e.g. "AIA 171")
center : dict
    X and Y coordinate for the center of the sun in arcseconds
scale: dict
    Image scale along the x and y axes in arcseconds/pixel

>>> aia =   # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
>>> aia.T   # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
Map([[ 0.3125,  1.    , -1.1875, ..., -0.625 ,  0.5625,  0.5   ],
[-0.0625,  0.1875,  0.375 , ...,  0.0625,  0.0625, -0.125 ],
[-0.125 , -0.8125, -0.5   , ..., -0.3125,  0.5625,  0.4375],
[ 0.625 ,  0.625 , -0.125 , ...,  0.125 , -0.0625,  0.6875],
[-0.625 , -0.625 , -0.625 , ...,  0.125 , -0.0625,  0.6875],
[ 0.    ,  0.    , -1.1875, ...,  0.125 ,  0.    ,  0.6875]])
>>> aia.header['cunit1']   # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
>>>  # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
>>> import as cm  # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
>>> import matplotlib.colors as colors  # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
>>> aia.peek(, norm=colors.Normalize(1, 2048))  # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA

See Also
numpy.ndarray Parent class for the Map object




Functions should include a clear and concise docstring explaining the overall purpose of the function, required and optional input parameters, and the return value. Additionally, notes, references and examples are encouraged.

Example (numpy.matlib.ones): :

def ones(shape, dtype=None, order='C'):
    Matrix of ones.

    Return a matrix of given shape and type, filled with ones.

    shape : {sequence of ints, int}
        Shape of the matrix
    dtype : data-type, optional
        The desired data-type for the matrix, default is np.float64.
    order : {'C', 'F'}, optional
        Whether to store matrix in C- or Fortran-contiguous order,
        default is 'C'.

    out : matrix
        Matrix of ones of given shape, dtype, and order.

    See Also
    ones : Array of ones.
    matlib.zeros : Zero matrix.

    If `shape` has length one i.e. ``(N,)``, or is a scalar ``N``,
    `out` becomes a single row matrix of shape ``(1,N)``.

    >>> np.matlib.ones((2,3))
    matrix([[ 1.,  1.,  1.],
            [ 1.,  1.,  1.]])

    >>> np.matlib.ones(2)
    matrix([[ 1.,  1.]])

    a = ndarray.__new__(matrix, shape, dtype, order=order)
    return a

For details about what sections can be included, see the section on documenting functions in the NumPy/SciPy style guide.


Sphinx can be very particular about formatting, and the warnings and errors outputted aren't always obvious.

Below are some commonly-encountered warning/error messages along with a human-readable translation:

WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "xxx".

If you reference the same URL, etc more than once in the same document sphinx will complain. To avoid, use double-underscores instead of single ones after the URL.

ERROR: Malformed table. Column span alignment problem at line offset n

Make sure there is a space before and after each colon in your class and function docs (e.g. attribute : type, instead of attribute: type). Also, for some sections (e.g. Attributes) numpydoc seems to complain when a description spans more than one line, particularly if it is the first attribute listed.

WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

Lists should be indented one level from their parents.

ERROR: Unkown target name: "xxx"

In addition to legitimate errors of this type, this error will also occur when variables have a trailing underscore, e.g., xxx_.

WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

This usually occurs when the text following a directive is wrapped to the next line without properly indenting a multi-line text block.

WARNING: toctree references unknown document '...' / WARNING: toctree contains reference to nonexisting document

This pair of errors is due to the way numpydoc scrapes class members.