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3D Object Tracking for Time-to-Collision estimation

This project is meant as an introduction to camera-based Sensor Fusion for Self-Driving Cars. The main points of it are:

  • Estimating velocity from LiDAR points and
  • Estimating velocity from camera keypoints.

This is achieved by

  • Using Deep Neural Networks to generate Regions of Interest,
  • Combining LiDAR measurements with camera images by projection between coordinate systems,
  • Clustering LiDAR points based on ROI in image space,
  • Generating keypoint correspondences between frames,
  • Tracking ROI over time by matching keypoints,
  • Determining velocities by observing distance ratio changes in image space.

In this follow-up project from SFND_2D_Feature_Tracking, the missing partsin the schematic are implemented. To do this, four major parts were adressed:

  1. A way to match 3D objects over time by using keypoint correspondences is implemented.
  2. TTC based on LiDAR measurements is computed.
  3. TTC based on camera data is computed, which requires associations between keypoint matches and regions of interest.
  4. And lastly, various tests are conductured with the framework. The goal here is to identify the most suitable detector/descriptor combination for TTC estimation and also to search for problems that can lead to faulty measurements by the camera or LiDAR sensor.

Basic Build Instructions

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Make a build directory in the top level project directory: mkdir build && cd build
  3. Compile: cmake .. && make
  4. Run it: ./3D_object_tracking.

Dependencies for Running Locally

  • cmake >= 2.8
  • make >= 4.1 (Linux, Mac), 3.81 (Windows)
    • Linux: make is installed by default on most Linux distros
  • Git LFS
    • Weight files are handled using LFS
  • OpenCV >= 4.1
    • This must be compiled from source using the -D OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE=ON cmake flag for testing the SIFT and SURF detectors.
    • The OpenCV 4.1.0 source code can be found here
  • gcc/g++ >= 5.4
    • Linux: gcc / g++ is installed by default on most Linux distros

Matching 3D Objects

First, regions of interests are obtained in detectObjects() using a YOLO v3 detector that was trained on the COCO ("Common Objects in Context") data set. The COCO dataset contains a couple of classes relevant to street scene understanding, such as

  • person,
  • bicycle,
  • car, motorbike, bus, truck,
  • traffic light, stop sign

and more. Since a pre-trained network was used, detections were trimmed after the fact to only provide car class instances, and all predictions with a confidence lower than 0.2 were discarded. This yielded the following result:

Next, a point cloud obtained in loadLidarFromFile() from a Velodyne HDL-64E sensor (data was given as part of the KITTI dataset) was cropped in cropLidarPoints() to contain only points that lie

  • within the ego lane,
  • about 2 m behind up to 20 m ahead of the car, and
  • roughly above road surface.

A planar road without lateral curvature was assumed for simplicity. After this, all LiDAR not lying within one of the previously detected rectangular regions of interest (ROI) were discarded in clusterLidarWithROI(). To counter rough ROI shapes and oversized boxes (and artifact of the neural network's output), each detected rectangle was reduced by approximately 20% along width and height. The bounding boxes were then shrinked to exactly contain all LiDAR points. Due to the previous cropping, only one box is obtained as a result:

During this process, each LiDAR point is also associated with the bounding box it is confined in.

In order to perform image feature detection, a mask was obtained in createKeypointMask() from the ROIs to focus only on relevant areas of the image (the cars, as far as this project is concerned):

Note that due to the limitation on the car class, the truck on the right side of the image is effectively invisible after this procedure. This is acceptable in the setup of this project.

A FAST feature detector using BRIEF keypoints was selected (note that this combination almost resembles ORB, which was however discarded as part of the conclusions of the 2D Feature Tracking project) and used to obtain keypoints in detectKeypointsModern() and provide descriptors in describeKeypoints().

Keypoints were then matched with the previous frame in matchDescriptors() ...

... in order to determine ROI / bounding box correspondences across frames in matchBoundingBoxes(). By this, tracking of a 2D object through time is implemented.

Since LiDAR points were already associated with bounding boxes as part of the initial steps, correspondence between 3D measurements from the LiDAR point cloud and linked 2D information obtained from the YOLO detector can be obtained, which effectively allows tracking 3D objects (the LiDAR points) over time:

Note that at this point of the project, a Time-to-Collision estimate was not yet generated, resulting in a reported 0.000000 s value in the referenced picture.

Computing LiDAR-based Time-to-Collision

Due to the availability of LiDAR-based measurements of physical distance of the car in front of the ego car we can now utilize changes in distance to approximate relative velocity and, by extension, time-to-collision.

Under the assumption of a constant velocity model as an approximation of the velocity during small time steps ΔT, and by making use of the clustered LiDAR points of the car in front of the ego car, we can utilize the change of the median X ("front") distances between frames to provide a TTC estimate in computeTTCLidar():

const auto dT = 1 / frameRate;
const auto TTC = dT * currX / (prevX - currX);

Note that the constant-velocity model should be avoided in real scenarios in favor of (at least) a constant-acceleration model. By using a ROI generator that is capable of recognizing license plates, we might also provide a more stable focus area for our computation that has

  • a lower chance of providing stray LiDAR points (due to reduced region size),
  • a higher signal strength due to high reflectivity of license plates in general,
  • less variance in the X coordinates.

As mentioned above, in order to determine the the previous and current X coordinates, the median X coordinate is selected for this calculation via getMedianPointByXCoordinate():

const auto medianPre = getMedianPointByXCoordinate(lidarPointsPrev);
const auto prevX = medianPre.x;

const auto medianCurr = getMedianPointByXCoordinate(lidarPointsCurr);
const auto currX = medianCurr.x;

This should be a reasonable estimate of the real distances, as it is robust against outliers (unlike e.g. the mean).

In practice, LiDAR points that lie within the same ROI may still belong to different physical objects, e.g. when the LiDAR "overshoots" the object in front of the ego car and measures a target further way. Using the median point may not be helpful in this situation and e.g. a quantile based approach could work better.

Computing Camera-based Time-to-Collision

In addition to the LiDAR-based time TTC estimation, a purely camera-based estimation was added as well. In here, the relative change in distances between (matched, meaningful) keypoints across frames is observed in order to determine an approximate change in scale in the image plane.

For this, we're clustering all keypoint matches that belong to the ROI of choice in clusterKptMatchesWithROI() and ensure that we only consider keypoints that did not jump more than a defined threshold, e.g. 25% of the average distance of keypoints. This ensures that no wildly mismatched keypoint will throw off the calculation:

const auto averageDistance = containedPointMeanDistance(boundingBox, kptMatches, kptsPrev, kptsCurr);
const auto tolerance = averageDistance * 1.25;

for (const auto &match : kptMatches) {
    // ...
    if (!boundingBox.roi.contains( continue;
    const auto d = cv::norm( -;
    if (d >= tolerance) continue;

We can now relate changes in the projected image with distances in the real world by utilizing the fact that focal length and physical distance cancel out.

Care needs to be taken, however, not to try to relate keypoints that are too close together (as this may result in a division by a very small number when trying to determine the distance ratio) and that the scales actually change.

const auto minDistPx = 100.0; // minimum required distance in pixels
const auto epsilon = 1e-4;    // smallest allowed divisor

for (auto it1 = kptMatches.begin(); it1 != kptMatches.end() - 1; ++it1) {
    const auto currKpToken, prevKpToken = // ...
    for (auto it2 = kptMatches.begin() + 1; it2 != kptMatches.end(); ++it2) {
        const auto currKp, prevKp = // ...

        const auto distCurr = cv::norm( -;
        const auto distPrev = cv::norm( -;

        // avoid division by zero
        if (distPrev <= epsilon || distCurr < minDistPx) continue;

        const auto distRatio = distCurr / distPrev;

This - in combination with the constant velocity equation - leaves us with the following rather cute approximation in computeTTCCamera():

const auto dT = 1 / frameRate;
TTC = -dT / (1 - distanceRatio);

Again, the median measured distance ratio is used to obtain a stable estimate:

std::sort(distanceRatios.begin(), distanceRatios.end());
const auto medianIndex = distanceRatios.size() / 2;
const auto distanceRatio = (distanceRatios.size() & 1U) == 1U
                           ? distanceRatios[medianIndex]
                           : (distanceRatios[medianIndex - 1] + distanceRatios[medianIndex]) / 2.0;

If no scale change occurs, the distance ratio will be one and yield a division by zero. Treating these situations as an "infinite" TTC is reasonable, as it does take an infinite amount of time for two equally fast moving objects to collide.

Performance Evaluation

When inspecting the LiDAR point cloud over time we can verify that the ego car is constantly approaching the car in front of it, thereby reducing distance. TTC estimates appear to be reasonably sane (supported by the median filtering), although in several frames the LiDAR TTC estimate jumps up a couple of seconds, then down again, spanning a range of about four seconds.

In a first occurrence, the TTC estimate jumps to 16.69 s, then drops back to 12.78s despite no drastic change in distance can be observed:

TTC = 16.69 s TTC 16.69 s

TTC = 12.78 seconds TTC 12.78 s

Note that the above frames do not follow each other immediately, but in close vicinity.

In another instance, the TTC estimate jumps up to 12.81 s, then drops down to 8.86 s in the next frame:

TTC = 12.81 seconds 12.81 s

TTC = 8.95 seconds 8.96s

Specifically the last example shows an interesting effect: Even though the car is closer to the ego car in the first frame (7.20 m) than it is in the second one (7.27 m), the estimate goes down - indicating closer proximity. While the TTC value for the second frame might be correct, it isn't entirely consistent with the value before.

There, we measured a (closest) distance of 7.39 m from the ego car, indicating that either party moved by 0.19 m between two video frames. We can see that in one of the frames (top right), a stray LiDAR point throws off the minimum distance estimate (even though this should not affect the velocity calculation due to the use of the median distance).

I am concluding that using a single model alone in combination with a constant velocity calculation just isn't good enough.

Keypoint vs. LiDAR Performance Evaluation

In 2D Feature Tracking, the following detector / descriptor combinations were suggested:

  • FAST with BRIEF descriptors,
  • FAST with ORB descriptors (or both), as well as
  • ORB with BRIEF descriptors

In addition, the Shi Thomasi + BRIEF option, as well as AKAZE/AKAZE were tested as well.

1 12.51 12.59 11.67 49.50 14.01 14.17
2 12.61 12.95 10.51 - 12.89 14.40
3 14.09 12.33 17.04 -6725.56 11.42 12.96
4 16.68 13.67 13.99 15.65 13.58 14.22
5 15.74 - 100.98 163.77 13.36 16.52
6 12.78 41.78 55.97 - 13.15 16.67
7 11.98 12.08 13.10 14.84 16.69 16.91
8 13.12 12.36 12.56 - 15.32 14.15
9 13.02 13.92 13.93 - 11.70 13.85
10 11.17 17.43 13.46 - 14.82 11.58
11 12.80 14.50 14.59 116.07 12.03 12.21
12 8.95 12.84 12.73 17.19 11.89 14.11
13 9.96 12.73 12.14 29.16 11.86 10.84
14 9.59 13.01 10.93 28.82 11.24 10.52
15 8.52 12.30 12.01 19.39 12.90 10.19
16 9.51 12.65 11.48 22.70 12.05 10.21
17 9.61 11.30 12.14 12.50 13.60 9.20
18 8.39 13.79 13.78 100.02 8.58 10.59

It as immediately obvious that an ORB detector (as was implied in the 2D Feature Tracking repo) is just not able to generate key points suited for the task at hand, at least given the default detector configuration.

Ruling out ORB as a detector (and using 2nd-order B-splines for plotting the values - I'm aware I shouldn't) here's how it unfolds. When squinting real hard we can observe a collective upwards trend at around t=4 to t=8, followed by a downward trend afterwards. Apart from AKAZE, which generally tends to follow the LiDAR estimates more closely than the other combinations, all the image-based estimates appear to be off by about two seconds.

Indeed, when observing the mean squared error (MSE) in relation to the LiDAR estimates, the AKAZE detector/descriptor combination performs best, with the Shi Thomasi + BRIEF combination following up:

1 0.08 0.84 1.5 1.66
2 0.34 2.1 0.28 1.79
3 1.76 2.95 2.67 1.13
4 3.01 2.69 3.1 2.46
5 85.24 2.38 0.77
6 29 43.19 0.37 3.89
7 0.1 1.12 4.71 4.93
8 0.76 0.55 2.2 1.03
9 0.9 0.91 1.32 0.83
10 6.26 2.29 3.65 0.41
11 1.7 1.79 0.77 0.59
12 3.89 3.78 2.94 5.16
13 2.77 2.18 1.9 0.87
14 3.42 1.34 1.65 0.93
15 3.78 3.49 4.38 1.67
16 3.14 1.97 2.54 0.70
17 1.69 2.53 3.99 0.41
18 5.4 5.39 0.19 2.2
MSE 4 9.13 2.25 1.74


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  • C++ 99.0%
  • CMake 1.0%