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Wenjuan Sun edited this page May 7, 2019 · 7 revisions

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MILP format of the MRCPSP

For a restoration project with a set img of restoration tasks, tasks 2 to img−1 represent actual restoration tasks. Task 1 and task n are dummy tasks, representing the start and the end of all restoration tasks. The precedence relationships between tasks are represented in the form of a finish-to-start project network. Each task img can be processed in one of several different modes img ∈ {1, 2, ..., img}. For every task img, there is a duration img and demand of img for the type r resource when executing at mode s for every time step. For the dummy start and end tasks, there is only a single mode s = 1. The duration is img, and img; the resource demands are img and img, ∀img. The set of renewable resource types is denoted by img and the set of non-renewable resource types is denoted by img. The resource availability of type img is represented by img at time step ∀img = 1, ..., img, and img can be either constant values or nonuniform values over time.

The mixed integer linear programming (MILP) for the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP) is presented as follows, based on (Klein 2000; Cheng et al. 2015).


img, img, img, img, img

so that the completion time (CT) of all restoration tasks is minimal.


subjected to

img, img

img, img, img

img, img, img

img, img

where img is the binary decision variable to determine whether task img finishes with mode img at time step img; img is the set of restoration tasks img; img is the total number of tasks; img is an upper bound for the total restoration duration, which can be determined from pre-processing; img represents the set of tasks which precedes task img; img,2,...,img; img and img are the earliest finishing time and the latest finishing time of task img, respectively.

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