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An R package for RNAseq differential expression analysis and visualization, in an easy and reproducible way.

This package is for the downstream analysis after running PipeRNAseq. Please download PipeRNAseq output files to the local computer and perform these analyses.

This package was published with the following paper, and please consider citing it:

  1. Zhu, J., Chen K., Sun, Y.H., ..., 2023. LSM1-mediated Major Satellite RNA decay is required for nonequilibrium histone H3. 3 incorporation into parental pronuclei. Nat Commun, 14, 957

Some example figures generated by this package:

Software prerequisites

This R package is designed to analyze RNAseq raw counts (produced by featureCounts from Subread) or TPM values from Salmon software.

The following R (>= 3.5.0) packages are required:


If you would like to perform GO, KEGG, and GSEA analysis, the database related to the data species is also required, for example, for mouse, and for human.




Quick start

The easyRNAseqDE package contains the following six functions:

  • Two functions merge raw data from PipeRNAseq salmon or featureCounts output to a result table: MergeFeatureCounts and MergeSalmon.

  • Two functions perform the full DE analysis using salmon or featureCounts results: easyDE_FromRawCounts and easyDE_FromSalmon.

  • Two functions perform GO, GSEA and KEGG analysis: easyEnrich_GO_GSEA and easyEnrich_KEGG.

Here is an example using the salmon test data to perform DE analysis within a minute:


# Set your working directory
# All results will be generated here
# This is an example:

# Copy the raw data to the working directory
SalmonDataPath <- system.file("extdata", "data_DE_FromSalmon/", package="easyRNAseqDE")
SalmonFilesPath <- list.files(path = SalmonDataPath, pattern = ".sf")
file.copy(from=paste0(SalmonDataPath,SalmonFilesPath), to=CurrPath, 
            overwrite = TRUE, recursive = FALSE, 
            copy.mode = TRUE)

# Retrieve data and file paths
SampleInfo_path <- system.file("extdata", "data_DE_FromSalmon/SalmonData.txt", package="easyRNAseqDE")
ComparisonFile_path <- system.file("extdata", "data_DE_FromSalmon/Comparisons.txt", package="easyRNAseqDE")
uniqueMatchingFile_path <- system.file("extdata", "data_DE_FromSalmon/mm10.uniqMatching.txt", package="easyRNAseqDE")

# DE analysis
easyDE_FromSalmon(SampleInfo = SampleInfo_path,
                  uniqueMatchingFile = uniqueMatchingFile_path,
                  ComparisonFile = ComparisonFile_path, 
                  createQuickomicsFiles=T, QuickomicsPrefix="Immunity2018")
# GO and GSEA analysis
easyEnrich_GO_GSEA(ComparisonFile = ComparisonFile_path, 
                  OrganDatabase = "", 
                  GOpajd_cutoff = 0.01, 
                  GOlog2FC_cutoff = 2.5)

# KEGG analysis
KEGGPathway_file <- system.file("extdata", "data_DE_FromSalmon/PathwayID.txt", package="easyRNAseqDE")
easyEnrich_KEGG(ComparisonFile = ComparisonFile_path, 
                  OrganDatabase = "",
                  KEGGSpeciesName = "mmu",
                  KEGGPathwayFile = KEGGPathway_file)

Then we can upload the four csv files and visualize the results in Quickomics.

This pipeline also generates the plots shown at the beginning of this README, including Distance plot, Heatmap, MA plot, PCA, KEGG and GSEA plots.

Here is another example using the featureCounts test data to perform DE analysis within a minute:


# Set working directory

# Retrieve data and file paths
SampleInfo_path <- system.file("extdata", "data_DE_FromRawCounts/SampleInfo.txt", package="easyRNAseqDE")
ComparisonFile_path <- system.file("extdata", "data_DE_FromRawCounts/Comparisons.txt", package="easyRNAseqDE")

# DE analysis
easyDE_FromRawCounts(count_matrix = featureCounts_count_matrix, 
                     LabelFile = SampleInfo_path, 
                     ComparisonFile = ComparisonFile_path, 
# GO and GSEA analysis
easyEnrich_GO_GSEA(ComparisonFile = ComparisonFile_path, 
                  OrganDatabase = "", 
                  GOpajd_cutoff = 0.01, 
                  GOlog2FC_cutoff = 2.5)

# KEGG analysis
KEGGPathway_file <- system.file("extdata", "data_DE_FromRawCounts/PathwayID.txt", package="easyRNAseqDE")
easyEnrich_KEGG(ComparisonFile = ComparisonFile_path, 
                  OrganDatabase = "",
                  KEGGSpeciesName = "mmu",
                  KEGGPathwayFile = KEGGPathway_file)

Full tutorial

1, Merge featureCounts results into a table/matrix

This function is compatible with the featureCounts output files from PipeRNAseq, with *.featureCounts.gene.txt suffix.

# Prepare the featureCounts output files after running PipeRNAseq

# Prepare the sample information file, with contains 3 columns: SampleFile, ShortName, Condition
# The SampleFile should be exactly same as the file names above
# The ShortName indicates the name in the final merged table, to make the names simplified
# The Condition column is for future DE analysis, but won't be used in this function

$ cat SampleInfo.txt
Control.rep1.featureCounts.gene.txt Control.rep1 Control
Control.rep2.featureCounts.gene.txt Control.rep2 Control
Treated.rep1.featureCounts.gene.txt Treated.rep1 Treated
Treated.rep2.featureCounts.gene.txt Treated.rep2 Treated

# Then we can run the following function:
# Please use setwd() to navigate to the working directory containing featureCounts output and SampleInfoFile.txt
MergeFeatureCounts(SampleInfoFile, OutputPrefix="default", write_to_file=F)

# Example 1: return a merged table as data.frame
MergedCounts <- MergeFeatureCounts(SampleInfoFile = "SampleInfo.txt")

# Example 2, return a merged table as data.frame, and write to a file
MergedCounts <- MergeFeatureCounts(SampleInfoFile = "SampleInfo.txt", 
                   OutputPrefix = "Merged.featureCounts.txt",
                   write_to_file = F)

This MergedCounts table can be directly used in the DE analysis, as the input data for easyDE_FromRawCounts.

2, Merge salmon results into a table/matrix

This function is compatible with the salmon output files from PipeRNAseq, with *.salmon.sf suffix.

# Prepare the featureCounts output files after running PipeRNAseq

# Copy the uniqueMatchingFile file from PipeRNAseq pipeline
mm10.uniqueMatching.txt  #For mouse
hg38.uniqueMatching.txt  #For human

# Prepare the sample information file, with contains 3 columns: SampleFile, ShortName, Condition
# The SampleFile should be exactly the same as the file names above
# The ShortName indicates the name in the final merged table, to make the names simplified
# The Condition column is for future DE analysis, but won't be used in this function

$ cat SampleInfo.txt
Control.rep1.quant.sf Control.rep1 Control
Control.rep2.quant.sf Control.rep2 Control
Treated.rep1.quant.sf Treated.rep1 Treated
Treated.rep2.quant.sf Treated.rep2 Treated

# Then we can run the following function:
# Please use setwd() to navigate to the working directory containing featureCounts output and SampleInfoFile.txt
MergeSalmon(SampleInfoFile, uniqueMatchingFile, OutputPrefix="default", write_to_file=F)

# Example 1: return a merged Counts and TPM table as data.frame
MergedCountsTPM <- MergeSalmon(SampleInfoFile = "SampleInfo.txt", 
                   uniqueMatchingFile = "mm10.uniqueMatching.txt")

# Example 2, return a merged Counts and TPM table as data.frame, and write to a file
MergedCountsTPM <- MergeSalmon(SampleInfoFile = "SampleInfo.txt", 
                   uniqueMatchingFile = "mm10.uniqueMatching.txt",
                   OutputPrefix = "Merged.salmon.CountsAndTPM.txt",
                   write_to_file = T)

This merged salmon table can be used to examine the TPM values, but won't be compatible with the DE analysis. To perform DE analysis using salmon outputs, please refer to section 4 and use easyDE_FromSalmon function.

3, Run differential expression (DE) analysis from merged featureCounts table

We can use any merged raw counts table (either from MergeFeatureCounts, or read from an external file) and perform DE analysis using one of the main functions in this package: easyDE_FromRawCounts.

# Prepare the sample information/Label file, with contains 3 columns: SampleFile, ShortName, Condition
# The SampleFile should be exactly the same as the file names above
# The ShortName indicates the name in the final merged table, to make the names simplified
# The Condition column is for future DE analysis, but won't be used in this function

$ cat SampleInfo.txt
PS.rep1.featureCounts.gene.txt PS.rep1 PS
PS.rep2.featureCounts.gene.txt PS.rep2 PS
RS.rep1.featureCounts.gene.txt RS.rep1 RS
RS.rep2.featureCounts.gene.txt RS.rep2 RS
ART.rep1.featureCounts.gene.txt ART.rep1 ART
ART.rep2.featureCounts.gene.txt ART.rep2 ART

# Prepare the comparison file, with 3 columns: Condition1, Condition2, ComparisonName/Output Prefix
# The direction of the comparison: Condition2_vs_Condition1:

$ cat Comparisons.txt
PS RS Output.Human.RSvsPS
PS ART Output.Human.ARTvsPS

# Prepare the raw counts using MergeFeatureCounts function mentioned above
MergedCounts <- MergeFeatureCounts(SampleInfoFile = "SampleInfo.txt")

# Turn on the createQuickomicsFiles=T and provide an output prefix for Quickomics file generation

# Run the full DE analysis
easyDE_FromRawCounts(count_matrix = MergedCounts, 
                     LabelFile = "SampleInfo.txt", 
                     ComparisonFile = "Comparisons.txt", 

For each comparison, the following files will be generated. Here, the Prefix = "Output.Human.RSvsPS" or "Output.Human.ARTvsPS":


Quickomics files for the whole project:

Two_DE_Analysis_Exp_Log2Data.csv             #Choose one from Log2Data and RawData to upload to Quickomics

4, Run differential expression (DE) analysis from the salmon output

This function is compatible with the salmon output files from PipeRNAseq, with *.salmon.sf suffix. Different from MergeSalmon function, easyDE_FromSalmon runs the full DE analysis.

# Prepare the featureCounts output files after running PipeRNAseq

# Copy the uniqueMatchingFile file from PipeRNAseq pipeline
mm10.uniqueMatching.txt  #For mouse
hg38.uniqueMatching.txt  #For human

# Prepare the sample information file, with contains 3 columns: SampleFile, ShortName, Condition
# The SampleFile should be exactly the same as the file names above
# The ShortName indicates the name in the final merged table, to make the names simplified
# The Condition column is for future DE analysis, but won't be used in this function

$ cat SampleInfoFile.txt
Control.rep1.quant.sf Control.rep1 Control
Control.rep2.quant.sf Control.rep2 Control
Treated.rep1.quant.sf Treated.rep1 Treated
Treated.rep2.quant.sf Treated.rep2 Treated

# Prepare the comparison file, with 3 columns: Condition1, Condition2, ComparisonName/Output Prefix
# The direction of the comparison: Condition2_vs_Condition1:
# You can include multiple lines of comparisons here. For each comparison, no need to cover all data.
# The pipeline will subset data included in the comparison and run the analysis with those data only.

$ cat Comparisons.txt
Control Treated Output.Control_vs_Treated

# Then we can run the following function:
# Please use setwd() to navigate to the working directory containing featureCounts output and SampleInfoFile.txt

# Example 1: return a merged Counts and TPM table as data.frame
easyDE_FromSalmon(SampleInfo = "SampleInfoFile.txt",
                  uniqueMatchingFile = "mm10.uniqueMatching.txt",
                  ComparisonFile = "Comparisons.txt", 
                  createQuickomicsFiles=T, QuickomicsPrefix="DEAnalysis")

For each comparison, the following files will be generated. Here, the Prefix = "Output.Control_vs_Treated":


Quickomics files for the whole project:

DEAnalysis_Exp_Log2TPMData.csv             #Choose one from Log2Data and RawData to upload to Quickomics
                                           #log2(TPM+1) is good for plotting heatmap/PCA plots, without any other adjustments.
DEAnalysis_Exp_RawTPMData.csv              #Raw TPM is suggested if you woule like to plot the expression values.
DEAnalysis_Exp_rlogData.csv                #rlog is better at plotting heatmap/PCA plots, and it is adjusted for variance stabilization

5, Run GO and GSEA analysis based on the DE results

Please make sure DE analysis has been run before running this easyEnrich_GO_GSEA function. This function takes the comparison file as input, and looks for DE analysis output files: ComparisonName.salmon.All.DEseq2GeneCountsTPMrlogNormcounts.txt for salmon, and ComparisonName.RawCounts.All.DEseq2GeneCountsNormcounts.txt for featureCounts results. If you have your own DESeq2 results, you can directly use them by renaming to the above two types of names. It recognizes the first few columns of the DESeq2 results.

Please choose the correct species GO annotation package and install it, for example, for mouse, and for human. If less than 10 genes are in the comparison, it will skip; otherwise, use forcerun = T to force the pipeline to run it.

# See full manual page:

easyEnrich_GO_GSEA(ComparisonFile = "Comparisons.txt", 
                  OrganDatabase = "",
                  GOpajd_cutoff = 0.05, 
                  GOlog2FC_cutoff = 1.5,
                  ShowTermNum = 20,
                  forcerun = F)

6, Run KEGG analysis based on the DE results

Please make sure the DE analysis has been run before running this easyEnrich_KEGG function. Similar to easyEnrich_GO_GSEA, it also looks for DE output files and runs KEGG enrichment analysis. The user can also provide a list of KEGG pathways and pass it to KEGGPathwayFile to plot. This KEGGPathwayFile is a two-column, tab-delimited text file with: KEGG_id KEGG_full_name. If less than 10 genes are in the comparison, it will skip; otherwise, use forcerun = T to force the pipeline to run it.

# See full manual page:

  ComparisonFile = "Comparisons.txt",
  OrganDatabase = "",
  KEGGSpeciesName = "mmu",
  KEGGPathwayFile = "PathwayID.txt",
  GOpajd_cutoff = 0.05,
  GOlog2FC_cutoff = 1.5,
  forcerun = F


An R package for RNAseq differential expression analysis and visualization, in an easy and reproducible way.







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