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Discover never-before-seen expanses of the world with Viz. Wizz is a magic mod for Minecraft that changes the enchanting mechanics, adding the mechanics of reassessment and alchemy.

Current plans:

  • Mechanics for adjusting the cauldron (Alchemt Cauldron) temperature, interaction of the daytime with the cauldron, other minor updates for the cauldron.
  • Rework Exaltations and bring them back.
  • Rework the Enchanted Guardian and return it.
  • Add direct interaction with Wizz.
  • Port to 1.20.4 Neoforge. Highest priority.

Version for 1.16.5

Enhanced Enchanting, a mod that was originally supposed to change only the enchanting system, has strayed too far from its original concept. Therefore, a rebranding was carried out.