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YOLOv3 from scratch

This is the mid-term project for DATA130051 Computer Vision. 🐮🐮🐮

Full report <here>.

YOLOv3 🚀 is an open-source object detection architecture first proposed by Joseph Redmon[1]. I managed to reproduce the network from scratch with the help of Aladdin Persson[2] and his excellent video tutorials[3]. 🤳 Basically, I reimplemented YOLOv3 model as well as the utils and metrics for detections. Also, a detector class was written to provide a shortcut for video detections. Again, thanks a lot for those who contribute to this open-source society! 🤗

Quick Start 🌟

Install 😎

Python>=3.6.0 is required with all requirements.txt installed including PyTorch>=1.9.0:

git clone
cd yolov3
pip install -r requirements.txt

Download weights 🤪

Please follow the guide in ./pretrained directory.

Download dataset 🥵

Please follow the guide in ./PASCAL_VOC directory. Again credit to Aladdin Persson[2] for his excellent tutorial. 👍

Inference 👾

After downloading the weights, you can do detection for images, gifs, or mp4 using

usage: [-h] --weights WEIGHTS [--save SAVE] [--save_dir SAVE_DIR] [--conf_thres CONF_THRES] [--iou_thres IOU_THRES] [--max_det MAX_DET] [--target TARGET [TARGET ...]] [--camera CAMERA] [--samples SAMPLES [SAMPLES ...]]

Use YOLOv3

optional arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit

--weights WEIGHTS Weight directory

--save SAVE Save results

--save_dir SAVE_DIR Save directory

--conf_thres CONF_THRES Confidence threshold

--iou_thres IOU_THRES IOU threshold

--max_det MAX_DET Maximum detection per frame

--target TARGET [TARGET ...] Targets (i.e. person), * for all classes

--camera CAMERA Use your camera

--samples SAMPLES [SAMPLES ...] Sample images (ends with .jpg, .png, .gif, .mp4)

You might do a simple detection with the following bash command.

python --weights pretrained/yolov3.pth.tar --sample samples/video.mp4 samples/image_1.jpg samples/image_2.png samples/gif_1.gif --save True --save-dir outputs --target person car --conf_thres 0.7 --iou_thres 0.3 --max_det 10

Or activate your camera for detection.

python --weights pretrained/yolov3.pth.tar --camera True

Results 🙀

PASCAL VOC metrics (mAP at .5 IOU) 🌟

Class mAP
aeroplane 58.018
bicycle 60.933
bird 34.835
boat 32.412
bottle 17.423
bus 63.038
car 69.853
cat 57.547
chair 29.547
cow 44.667
diningtable 48.446
dog 48.934
horse 59.299
motorbike 63.281
person 52.751
pottedplant 19.121
sheep 48.951
sofa 51.492
train 56.918
tvmonitor 55.288
TOTAL mAP 48.638

Example Outputs 💩

CR7 Celebration
Maguire and Lingod
The dog
The cat


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