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Deep learning methods for sentiment analysis classification of covid-19 vaccination tweets


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Project in Natural Language Processing


In this project, we develop deep learning models for sentiment analysis classification of covid-19 vaccination tweets in to 3 categories:

  • pro-vax
  • neutral
  • anti-vax

We develop and compare four different classifiers on the same datasets using real twitter data:

  • Vaccine sentiment classifier using softmax regression
  • Vaccine sentiment classifier using feed forward neural networks
  • Vaccine sentiment classifier using recurrent neural networks
  • Vaccine sentiment classifier by fine-tuning the pretrained BERT-base model

Softmax Regression Classifier

We experimented with :

  • data cleaning / noise removal to prevent model from learning useless information / features than hinder the sentiment analysis from generalizing to unseen data
  • different vectorizers (TF-IDF vectorizer, count vectorizer, Bag Of Words Vectorizing)
  • max-df / min-df parameters to remove features with very low/high frequency
  • regularization parameter to reduce overfitting
  • Performance evaluated based on precision / recall / f1 score

Model / experiments in : /SoftmaxRegression_classifier/softmax_regression_model.ipynb

Feed Forward Neural Network Classifier

We experimented with :

  • data cleaning / noise removal to prevent model from learning useless information / features than hinder the sentiment analysis from generalizing to unseen data
  • pre trained GloVe word embeddings
  • different number of layers, different learning rates
  • linear activation functions, non-linear activation functions (ReLU)
  • dropout layers to reduce overfitting
  • different optimizers (Stochastic gradient descent, Adam, RMSprop)
  • Cross entropy loss function since we have multiclass unbalanced classification
  • Performance evaluated based on precision / recall / f1 score / ROC curves

Model / experiments in : /FFNN_classifier/feed_forward_nn_model.ipynb

Recurrent Neural Network Classifier

We experimented with :

  • Bidirectional stacked RNN's with LSTM/GRU cells
  • Gradient Clipping to tackle the exploding gradients problem of RNN's
  • Early stopping regularization to avoid overfitting (LSTM/GRU models learn much faster than previous models)
  • Skip connections to train deeper RNN's and tackle the vanishing gradients problem
  • Added attention to our best model to further improve performance
  • Performance evaluated based on precision / recall / f1 score / ROC curves

Model / experiments in : /RNN_classifier/recurrent_nn_model.ipynb

Classifier by fine-tuning pre-trained BERT-base model

  • BertForSequenceClassification model was used
  • Experimented with the hyperparameters suggested in BERT's paper

Model / experiments in : /BERT_classifier/bert_model.ipynb