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rebuilding with fresh dependencies, startingfrom PureSuperToken
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d10r committed Jan 23, 2024
1 parent a2421be commit ea9c49a
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Showing 31 changed files with 1,145 additions and 2,751 deletions.
29 changes: 11 additions & 18 deletions .env.template
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,21 +1,14 @@
# mnemonics for deployer accounts and RPC endpoints




# mnemonic for the deployer account
# RPC pointing to the chain to deploy to

# API keys for etherscan-like explorers for contract verification

148 changes: 10 additions & 138 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,37 +1,19 @@
# Custom Super Tokens

This repository contains various implementations of custom Super Tokens, some of them experimental.
This repository shows how to implement custom SuperTokens.

A _custom_ Super Token is a Super Token which was not deployed by the SuperTokenFactory contract.
This allows for the addition of token specific functionality which goes beyond ERC20 + Superfluid functionality.

It's recommended to implement custom Super Tokens as hybrid proxies which contain immutable custom logic and
delegate other calls to the SuperToken logic of a canonical Superfluid framework deployment, instead of duplicating that logic.
This is also how the example contracts in this repository are implemented.

Note that all of the contained examples implement _pure_ (see [classification]( Super Tokens, meaning they don't wrap any underlying ERC-20 token.
While it is also possible to implement custom Super Tokens wrapping underlying ERC20 tokens, no such example is currently included.

More examples coming soon.

## Setup

To set up the repo for development, clone this repo and install dependencies:

git clone
git clone
cd custom-supertokens
yarn install

In order to run all **tests**:

yarn test

In order to run a specific test, you can run `npx truffle test <testfile>`, for example `npx truffle test test/MaticBridgedSuperToken.test.js`.

## Deployment

First, make sure to have up to date binaries:
Expand All @@ -48,17 +30,16 @@ CONTRACT=<contract_name> CTOR_ARGS=<args...> INIT_ARGS=<args...> npx truffle exe

where `CTOR_ARGS` are the arguments provided to the constructor of the proxy contract (empty / not needed in most cases) and `INIT_ARGS` are the arguments provided to the `initialize` method (excluding the first argument `factory` which is added by the script).

Example invocation for deploying an instance of `MintableSuperToken` with name "my token" and symbol "MTK" on goerli testnet:
Example invocation for deploying an instance of `PureSuperToken` with the name "my token", symbol "MTK"
and a total supply of 10 tokens (value provided in wei) minted to the receiver 0x736e4ed1d4467de872fc08d024fbbb71ed470970

CONTRACT=MintableSuperToken INIT_ARGS="my token","MTK" npx truffle exec --network goerli scripts/deploy.js
RPC=... MNEMONIC=... CONTRACT=PureSuperTokenProxy INIT_ARGS="my token","MTK","0x736e4ed1d4467de872fc08d024fbbb71ed470970",10000000000000000000 npx truffle exec --network any scripts/deploy.js

In order to figure out which `INIT_ARGS` are needed, check the contract source.

In order to deploy to any network other than "development" (the default if none is specified), you need to provide a mnemonic and RPC provider URL via ENV vars (can be via `.env` file or cmdline).
E.g. for deployment to goerli, the ENV vars `GOERLI_MNEMONIC` and `GOERLI_PROVIDER_URL` need to be set and the account derived from that mnemonic needs to be funded with native coins.
Check `truffle-config.js` for pre-configured networks. If what you need is missing, you can add it or use the wildcard network `any`.
env vars can also be provided via an env file `.env`.

### Verification

Expand All @@ -69,125 +50,16 @@ First, you have to provide an API key for the explorer to verify with. See `.env
With the API key set, you can trigger verification like this:

npx truffle run --network <network> verify <contract_name>@<address> --custom-proxy <contract_name>
RPC=... npx truffle run --network <network> verify <contract_name>@<address> --custom-proxy <contract_name>

Example invocation for verifying an instance of `MintableSuperToken` deployed at `0x5A54F0a964AbBbD68f395E8Cc1Ba50f433d443e2` on mumbai testnet:
Example invocation for verifying an instance of `PureSuperTokenProxy` deployed at `0x5A54F0a964AbBbD68f395E8Cc1Ba50f433d443e2`:

npx truffle run --network mumbai verify MintableSuperToken@0x5A54F0a964AbBbD68f395E8Cc1Ba50f433d443e2 --custom-proxy MintableSuperToken
RPC=... npx truffle run --network any verify PureSuperTokenProxy@0x5A54F0a964AbBbD68f395E8Cc1Ba50f433d443e2

Note that this may sometimes appear to fail according to the console log, despite having succeeded.
In order to check that, head over to the explorer you verified on and navigate to the contract you're verifying. For the example provided, that would be:

If verification succeeded (contract source code visible on that page), you may still need to manually trigger the proxy detection in order to enable the full SuperToken interface in the Explorer (and not just the proxy interface). In order to achieve that, click "More options", then "Is this a proxy?", in the next page "Verify", in the next popup "Save".

After doing that and heading back to the contract page, you should get additional tabs "Read as Proxy" and "Write as Proxy" providing the full SuperToken interface.


## Important Notes

**These contracts, while being tested internally, HAVE NOT been audited or
externally reviewed. Please use at your own risk.**

`SuperTokenBase` (alternatively the more minimal `SuperTokenStorage`) MUST be inherited FIRST in the final
contract, this is to ensure proper storage layout in accordance with Soldity contract inheritance rules.
Failure to do so will likely result in corrupted storage with potentially catastrophic consequences.

Since this example contracts are implemented as hybrid proxy contracts containing only the custom functionality,
they must be _initialized_ in order to become fully functional (meaning: implement all of `ISuperToken.sol`).
The `_initialize` function of `SuperTokenBase` takes care of that if invoked by the inheriting contract with a valid `factory` address set.
For deployments to public networks, this address can be found in the [Superfluid console](

After (!) this initialization, you can invoke functions delegated to the canonical implementation via the proxy (e.g. `ISuperToken.selfMint`)
in one of 2 ways:
a) use the `.call` function on the custom super token's address
b) cast the custom super token's address to the`ISuperToken` interface.
For better readability, the contracts in this repo use the second option.
Here is an example of both methods calling `selfMint`:

// using option a:
// using option b: ISuperToken casting
ISuperToken(address(this)).selfMint(account, amount, userData);


## Base Contracts

The `./contracts/base` directory provides a few base smart contracts to help
with development of custom functions.

### SuperTokenBase.sol

This is the base contract with nothing more than super token storage paddings, a
UUPS Proxy implementation, and a minimal `_initialize` function. Inheriting
contracts should implement their own external `initialize` function, which should
call this internal function before executing any other logic.

### SuperTokenStorage.sol

This is functionally identical to Superfluid's `CustomSuperTokenBase.sol`
abstract contract, it prevents storage slot collisions by padding slots
used/reserved by the canonical SuperToken implementation.

### UUPSProxy.sol

This is functionally similar to Superfluid's `UUPSProxy.sol` contract, with a
few minor gas optimizations.
For more details, see [EIP-1822](

## Custom Token Contracts

These are some example custom super tokens, both to demonstrate usage of the
abstract contracts, and to test out unique super token functionality.

Reminder: This contracts are compositions of UUPSProxy with some additional logic
and become fully functional Super Tokens only if properly initialized.

### PureSuperToken.sol

_PureSuperToken_ is the most basic example for a custom Super Token.
Its supply is immutably defined at deploy time and it contains no custom functionality.

### BurnableSuperToken.sol

The BurnableSuperToken is a burnable pure super token with the supply minted on

### CappedSuperToken.sol

The CappedSuperToken is a mintable pure super token with an immutable maximum supply.
No tokens are minted on initialization.

### BurnMintSuperToken.sol

The BurnMintSuperToken is a burnable and mintable pure super token with role-based
permissions from Open Zeppelin's AccessControl contract. An initial supply is
minted on initialization.

### MintableSuperToken.sol

The MintableSuperToken is a mintable pure super token with owner-based permissions
from Open Zeppelin's Ownable contract. No tokens are minted on initialization.

### PureSuperTokenDeployer

The PureSuperTokenDeployer is a _factory_ contract that deploys, upgrades, and
initializes the PureSuperToken in a single transaction. This makes it easy to deploy super tokens from a UI.

61 changes: 0 additions & 61 deletions contracts/BurnMintSuperToken.sol

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36 changes: 0 additions & 36 deletions contracts/BurnableSuperToken.sol

This file was deleted.

49 changes: 0 additions & 49 deletions contracts/CappedSuperToken.sol

This file was deleted.


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